This is children below the age of 16 duped into the clutches of these modern Pakistani Moslem slave masters in our British homeland and then systematically raped, drugged, abused and beaten by their new Moslem masters, then sold to their network of Pakistani Moslem contacts who want to abuse young white children.
Is it me that just cant get me head around this but there are shopping centres controlled by these organised Pakistani Moslem child sex gangs, where they are all playing their part within the organised criminal operation to target our innocent and vulnerable children so as to turn them into child sex slaves.
Pakistani Moslem security guards, shop owners, taxi drivers and runners, each playing their part in their capturing of our children so that they can be raped and sold on as dirty kaffir meat - War booty in the Jihad (Holy War)
The Police who knew about this and took no action, and 70 letters is no action its a cop out, should be ashamed and they should be sacked because they are as responsible as the evil perpetrators of this unimaginable horror by sitting back and allowing it to continue.
There was a major police inquiry into the death of the teenager Steven Lawrence because of the police failings, any death for any family is a sad loss and the family petitioned to get to the bottom of their sons death as any would. There must be a police inquiry into this despicable horrendous trade in our children for the sake of the families whose lives have been destroyed and because of the Polices inability and downright unwillingness to stop this organised criminal operation in the exploitation of our children, the most innocent and vulnerable in our society considering it is their job which they are employed to do.
If there is a failing and a weak link in the chain, is it not best to discover where that is so that the problem can be fixed rather than brushing it under the carpet and ignoring it until the next time there is a problem because of the weak link in the chain?
Those who did nothing know who you are and we the people who pay your wages want to know the truth so that this can be stopped so other families do not have to go through what the families who are already caught up in this have had to go through.
If it was not for the brave mothers who have stood up and defended their innocent children then the 'powers that be' who are employed to protect us within society would have just brushed this under the carpet as if it was not there.
Is that how you expect your 21st Century English police force to act?
For the police to have sent out 70 pieces of paper while children were being raped, kidnapped, drugged and beaten, to local Pakistani Moslem men who were hanging about with these children shows you the size of the problem, yet it was left to continue and is almost certainly still continuing now. These Pakistani Moslem men do not care about our society and its ways because they are Islamic and they are allowed to do this type of stuff to the 'infidel', they bring their barbery and savagery into Great Britain and we and our children have to put up with this warmongering attitude towards us under the banner 'community cohesion'.
Where were these childrens human rights?
Discarded by those who should have been there to protect them!
Look at the case of Charlene Downes who was used in a similar manner in a child sex ring by Moslem men and then chopped up and sold as kebab meat: Charlene Downes
I have watched many documentaries recently about some of the issues facing our 21st Century society and this issue faced by the mothers and daughters in CROP has got to be one of the most important in many respects.
Where are the Dispatches documentary makers for Channel 4 to report on this for the general public to watch the mothers of this heinous crimes side of the story so that we can all be aware of what is happening in our midst.
I personally would be more than willing to go to the North of England and do what needs to be done for the mothers and children caught up in this Moslem savagery that needs to be eradicated and I know I am not alone in that respect - These are our children!
Post: 21st Century child sex slaves
Website: CROP
further reading: The British peoples justification