Showing posts with label dispatches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dispatches. Show all posts

2 October 2007

Documentary Makers - Where are you?

Pakistani Moslem slave masters & English child sex slaves

I personally was 'reviled' to have read the in-depth article about the British children in the North of England being targeted by organised gangs of Pakistani Moslem men so that they can be trafficked as human sex slaves that is why I have written about it again.

This is children below the age of 16 duped into the clutches of these modern Pakistani Moslem slave masters in our British homeland and then systematically raped, drugged, abused and beaten by their new Moslem masters, then sold to their network of Pakistani Moslem contacts who want to abuse young white children.

Is it me that just cant get me head around this but there are shopping centres controlled by these organised Pakistani Moslem child sex gangs, where they are all playing their part within the organised criminal operation to target our innocent and vulnerable children so as to turn them into child sex slaves.

Pakistani Moslem security guards, shop owners, taxi drivers and runners, each playing their part in their capturing of our children so that they can be raped and sold on as dirty kaffir meat - War booty in the Jihad (Holy War)

The Police who knew about this and took no action, and 70 letters is no action its a cop out, should be ashamed and they should be sacked because they are as responsible as the evil perpetrators of this unimaginable horror by sitting back and allowing it to continue.

There was a major police inquiry into the death of the teenager Steven Lawrence because of the police failings, any death for any family is a sad loss and the family petitioned to get to the bottom of their sons death as any would. There must be a police
inquiry into this despicable horrendous trade in our children for the sake of the families whose lives have been destroyed and because of the Polices inability and downright unwillingness to stop this organised criminal operation in the exploitation of our children, the most innocent and vulnerable in our society considering it is their job which they are employed to do.

If there is a failing and a weak link in the chain, is it not best to discover where that is so that the problem can be fixed rather than brushing it under the carpet and ignoring it until the next time there is a problem because of the weak link in the chain?

Those who did nothing know who you are and we the people who pay your wages want to know the truth so that this can be stopped so other families do not have to go through what the families who are already caught up in this have had to go through.

If it was not for the brave mothers who have stood up and defended their innocent children then the 'powers that be' who are employed to protect us within society would have just brushed this under the carpet as if it was not there.

Is that how you expect your 21st Century English police force to act?

For the police to have sent out 70 pieces of paper while children were being raped, kidnapped, drugged and beaten, to local Pakistani Moslem men who were hanging about with these children shows you the size of the problem, yet it was left to continue and is almost certainly still continuing now. These Pakistani Moslem men do not care about our society and its ways because they are Islamic and they are allowed to do this type of stuff to the 'infidel', they bring their barbery and savagery into Great Britain and we and our children have to put up with this warmongering attitude towards us under the banner 'community cohesion'.

Where were these childrens human rights?

Discarded by those who should have been there to protect them!

Look at the case of Charlene Downes who was used in a similar manner in a child sex ring by Moslem men and then chopped up and sold as kebab meat: Charlene Downes

I have watched many documentaries recently about some of the issues facing our 21st Century society and this issue faced by the mothers and daughters in CROP has got to be one of the most important in many respects.

Where are the Dispatches documentary makers for Channel 4 to report on this for the general public to watch the mothers of this heinous crimes side of the story so that we can all be aware of what is happening in our midst.

I personally would be more than willing to go to the North of England and do what needs to be done for the mothers and children caught up in this Moslem savagery that needs to be eradicated and I know I am not alone in that respect - These are our children!

Post: 21st Century child sex slaves

Website: CROP

further reading: The British peoples justification


23 September 2007

Gordon Brown's legal fraudsters

"Arrest them and lock them up the people cry"

The legal fraudsters

While this Labour Government that has been in power for far too long allows our Country to be invaded be all an sundry in their 'conquest' to destroy our British homeland and ultimately our Western Civilization. Those in positions of power who are allowing this to happen to the innocent and stupid peasant people are abusing their role's and positions as elected governors over the reigns of power in England by committing fraud which is made legal by those committing the fraud because they are the ones who create the laws of our land to rule over us the peasants in the first place, so one rule for the peasants and another for those sitting high and dry in positions of power and influence over us.

The good hard working peasant of England goes out to work each day 40+ hours a week and at the end of it pays their 'Government enforced' taxes from what they have earned into the Governments tax paying pot so as to pay for the running and up keep of their British homeland.

Look at what these legal managers of that tax money are doing with those hard earned taxes - Screwing the peasants of their taxes for their own personal gain.

These 'legal fraudsters' earn so much money from their jobs that they do not want to lose their positions of influence and power over this land, because they have a blank cheque in life paid for by you the innocent and stupid peasant with your hard earned taxes to pay for all of their hearts desires.

Wouldn't you just love to have a blank cheque for you and your families hearts desires like these people?

Is it any wonder that these treasonous traitors to the British people are allowing our homeland to be Islamified by the Islamic Kingdom in our midst so that they can be guaranteed their votes so they can be assured to stay in power for another term and receive their modern luxurious lifestyle paid for by you the innocent peasant of England.

So while these elected governors allow Islam to destroy our British society and homeland, allow all of Europe to invade and take our jobs from the British people so that the taxes continue rolling into the pot without any dissent from the British people, and allow Great Britain to become a lawless third world land covered with murder and anarchy, those who are sitting at the top allowing this to unfold are sitting back laughing, fat from the wealth of the land at our expense, the innocent peasant whose country this is.

How much longer before the bubble bursts and these people are held accountable by the British justice system that is in place to protect the people of this land and not the corrupt, lying thieves at the top who are using the management of the affairs of England for their own personal and political gains?

Cabinet husband and wife cash in on two homes loophole

Cabinet husband-and-wife team Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper have been accused of exploiting Commons expenses rules to buy a £655,000 home and get their children into a top state school.

The pair, who were both promoted by Gordon Brown, have registered their four-bedroom North London house as a 'second home' under parliamentary rules, which entitles them to allowances of up to £44,000 a year to subsidise their £438,000 mortgage.

They also have a 'weekend' property in Yorkshire, which they used to call their second home. But by instead declaring their more expensive London house to be their secondary residence, they can claim more money from taxpayers.

Continue reading: The Daily Mail

8 August 2007

Britain Under-Attack

Channel 4’s Dispatches programme.

Watch a clip of the video here: Britain Under-Attack

Any sane civilized British citizen should question themselves as to why we have to watch a public debate on our T.V screens between different Moslem voices over the position that those within the Islamic Kingdom hold towards the innocent non-Moslem population of this country – why are we even tolerating this kind of talk towards us?

Firmly established on the ground within Great Britain we now have this foreign Islamic Kingdom built upon our British soil that has a population of anything from between 1.44 million to 3 million residents. Those within this alien Kingdom live a completely different way of life to the British people. We live in our free modern 21st century secular democratic society and they live the Islamic way of life which is ruled by the teachings of the Koran - Sharia Law - within the confines of their Islamic communities.

Those of us who are watching the Jihad and Islamification of our Nation unfold by this alien force know all too well that this alien foreign Islamic Kingdom that has been firmly established upon our soil is actively seeking to assert its Islamic dominance and authority over our free democratic British society at the expense of our innocent way of life. Where ever we look in our society we see Moslems actively forcing the Islamic way of life upon us, our children and our British culture so that we will all fall in line with Islam and its Islamic ways.

This is the purpose of ‘Jihad’ that Mohamed lived and preached during his lifetime, and that he laid down in the Koran for his Moslem followers to carry out and conduct against the infidels (non-believers) in the process of converting them and their lands into Islamic ruled Nations and peoples.

Once Islam achieves its aim of total Islamification of the host Nation and people they are then ruled by Islam from a position of Dhimmitude (subservience, second class status). The koran teaches that Islam is Allah’s way for mankind, so it is the supreme way of life above all other ways of life, and it is obligatory for all Moslems to work towards implementing Allah’s supreme rule over people through Jihad, and converting them into Dhimmi’s. This is the daily religious duty of all Moslems to carry out whilst they are alive on planet Earth, the same as it is a Christians duty to share Christ’s Love for mankind.

Within this foreign Islamic Kingdom that has now been established upon our British soil there are several other worrying aspects to their Islamic way and view of life that people should take note of.

How they view the land upon where they are living and how they are to view the Kaffir (non-believers) living next to them. So those within this alien Kingdom who are guests upon our land have religious views that are being taught to it’s upwards of 3 million residents. They are being taught what Allah expects of them as Moslems based on the teachings of the ‘koranic’ view of life, which is the basis of their Islamic faith and way of life.

The Koran teaches that Moslems must conduct Jihad until Islam becomes the ruling power over the land and until they achieve this ultimate aim the land in which they live is classed as Dar al-Harb (The House of War). This means that those within the Islamic Kingdom are in a state of perpetual war with their neighbours the non-Islamic Kingdom which is us and our British society, until they achieve Islam’s ultimate aim through Jihad which is to convert the whole land into Islamic rule. Once they achieve this aim the land they have conquered then becomes Dar al-Islam (The House of Islam) and ruled by Sharia law. This is the Islamic view and way of life from the teachings of the Koran which is the 'rule of law' of the Islamic Kingdom that is now built and growing upon our soil, of how they should view our homeland on which they now live.

There is also a teaching in the Koran where Moslems from within the Islamic Kingdom can be at peace with their non-Moslem neighbours, this is called ‘the covenant of peace’. This means that it is forbidden for Moslems to go to war with the non-Islamic Kingdom that is living side by side of them.

So we have this foreign Kingdom built upon our land that is teaching its residents how they should view and act towards us and our non-Islamic Kingdom, the British Kingdom. That we are a war zone for them to ultimately conquer and that there are covenants where they have to refrain from going to war against us.

If this is not an invading army that is intent on the ultimate take over and rule of this Nation based upon the religious teachings of its way of life then I would like to know what people class it as.

Do we hear the Sikh, Jewish, Hindu of Buddhist communities teaching its people how they are to view us and our British Kingdom, talking about war and covenants of peace?

Of course not because we live side by side with each other peacefully enjoying the fruits of our civilized 21st Century democracy that we have worked together building.

Islam is completely different and teaches its followers that they and their way of life are supreme so everyone outside of their kingdom – the Kaffir’s must submit to them and their way of life, so they actively engage in Jihad within ever sphere of life to assert Islamic dominance and rule, thus breaking down the non-Islamic way of life so that it falls in line with their Islamic way of life and dominance.

On the Dispatches programme it showed the view of those who are conducting Jihad against our British society and the view of the so-called moderates. The only valid view that is based upon Islamic teaching is the view from the Moslem who is teaching and preaching Jihad because it was based directly on Islamic scriptures, no other view presented was based on the Koran. Each Moslem interviewed in the programme except for those working for the British government said exactly the same thing, that Jihad against the infidel was a duty based on the Koran.

The British government are trying to create a British Islam which was laughed at on the programme, how can you take things out of religious teachings to fit in line with you and your way of life? You cannot. So to expect the Islamic Kingdom to change their scriptures and become British Islam is a joke and a dangerous path that our government are taking us and our non-Islamic Kingdom down as they pander to Islamic dominance from a position of Dhimmitude.

It is an 'established' fact that there is now an Islamic Kingdom built upon our Great British homeland consisting of between 1.44 million to 3 million residents. It is also a fact that this Kingdom has certain views towards us and about how its residents should conduct themselves towards us based on the teachings of their religion.

Jihad (Holy War) against the infidel is an obligatory duty for all Moslems to conduct and follow towards the fulfillment of the aims of Islam.

On the programme a Moslem leader said that the number of Moslems who would be willing to conduct violent Jihad like supporting or carrying out suicide bombings against Great Britain could be upwards of 20% of the population of the Islamic Kingdom within the country, and that for some it takes as little as 1 ½ weeks to go from supporter of violent Jihad to actual perpetrator of mass murder.

With these figures based upon say 2 million Moslems living within our country there are upwards of 400,000 active supporters of violent Jihad within the Islamic Kingdom and that it would take as little as 1 ½ weeks for them to act upon their violent tendencies to please their god Allah.

You have to ask yourself what is the future for the life of our homeland Great Britain now that we have this Islamic Kingdom built upon our land that is at enmity with us and our free democratic secular way of life?

The covenant of peace that they have with non-Moslems only lasts until they feel that they are strong enough to take over, these are all basic teachings of this alien Kingdoms way of life that we now have here upon our land conducting Jihad against us and our way of life for Allah.

Our democratically elected leaders are handing our country over bit by bit, as Islam infiltrates into the fabric of our society in its quest towards the ultimate Islamification of Great Britain.

Dispatches once again gives us a glimpse into the world of our hostile Moslem neighbours who are threatening the life of our Nation.

God bless you


4 August 2007

Dispatches - Monday 6th 8pm - Britain under attack

If you have been following my blog then you will know that I have written extensively about the Jihad that is being conducted against Great Britain from within the confines of Fortress Bury Park which is the Islamic Kingdoms quarter of Luton.

Al Qaeda declared War on Great Britain from here on 7/7 and planned and plotted more acts of horrendous mass murder, carnage and chaos from within the confines of this their modern day Fortress.

On the day of 7/7 when Al Qaeda openly declared war against the innocent people of Great Britain, the mass murdering suicidal Moslem mainiacs who carried out their demonic leaders requests visited their Moslem brothers secretly within houses in Fortress Bury Park before boarding their trains to hell.

Within the secret confines of Fortress Bury Park there are now groups of young Moslem men who spent time with these Al Qaeda trained bombers on the morning of 7/7 who are walking our streets. This documentary discovered that a fanatical preacher from Europe visited homes within Fortress Bury Park to give lectures to young Moslems.

More proof to everything I have been stating with regards to Islam and Al Qaeda's Jihad ( Civil War) against my innocent Christian community and wider British society.

We are sleep walking our children's futures into oblivion because of this generations cowardice.

Dispatches - Britain under attack
The documentary reveals that fanatics are continuing to peddle a message of hatred in the UK.

This centres on persuading Muslims that the covenant of security that in return for safety and freedom, Muslims do not attack the nation that is their home - has been broken by draconian anti-terror laws and the war in Iraq.

Dispatches discovered that Abu Mohammed, a fanatical preacher based in Europe, managed to make a series of visits to Britain, lecturing to young Muslims in houses in Luton, before being banned by the Home Office in March this year.

Full article: The Daily Mail

Your Future if you ignore the Warnings
