'Pallywood' is the term used for the propaganda media wing of Hamas in Gaza, where they doctor and create fake video footage, in an attempt to damage Israel's image in peoples eyes.
Video: Pallywood
It seems that the same approach is now being used on the streets of Britain, to fool the infidels, and lull them into a false sense of security until they are strong enough to take over and implement Sharia law upon the populace.
That is the religious mandate of Islam after all.
To me, it seemed the perfect media creation to fool the gullible masses. You have to ask the question; how did the cameraman who took the pictures, know to be there to take the photos in the first place? Did he know something was going to happen?
The Daily Mail were on the phone to the leadership of the Mosque all week, telling them about their story on the anti-Islamic extremist protest in Luton after all, so it was the perfect opportunity for them to use the British media as an Islamic propoganda machine.
Further reading: Islam - Moderates V Militants in Luton
I then posted: Luton moderates aren't so moderate after all
The links to the extremist preaching in their Mosque were removed after they realised people had linked to them. However, thankfully, a reader of this blog had downloaded them before they were removed, and uploaded them to a file dowloading site with the links in the comments section for anyone to download and listen to.
I then received a comment from another reader who was present on the day this staged media event took place, which was the day before the Daily Mail article was published trying to link me to the firebombing might I add, and has given another slant on what really went on that day.
Video: Lying to the infidel
People choose to ignore the truth and believe the lies which is exactly what propaganda is about!
Comment taken from Al Qaeda & Hostages
Thank you Anonymous for posting this comment
When walking through Luton on Friday last week, I noticed some English people talking to two policemen, asking why there was a huge police presence there.
I discreetly listened to the exchange for a few minutes, which went along these lines, although not word-for-word of course.
English member of public: "How do you justify the cost of putting about 50 police around the streets in Bury Park today? Why are you here in such numbers when none of you came when I had my house broken into?"
Policeman: "We are here to keep the peace, and provide reassurance to the local community"
Other person, "You are here because all this about the radical Islamics was on TV the other night, and the muslim businessman owner of the new 'shopping plaza' was complaining that all the negative publicity was bad for business."
Policeman: "We just want to reasure the community."
The people went on to say that the whole thing was a set-up for the media and the police had played into their hands, when if the muslims had wanted to, they would simply have used their own force to get ex-Al Mahadjiroun member Sayful Islam off their streets.
There were a large number, maybe a hundred or more, of mainly young men handing out leaflets condemning the Government and non-Muslims. Many wore little crocheted white hats, which might suggest they were from the Bangladeshi mosque.
Bangladesh has a rising problem with militant Islamics as they oppose the "liberal" Banglas, who like music and don't enforce strict Islamic dress-codes.
Then one person pointed out the role of the high-ups enforcing the Police to obey political dictates from central government, instead of doing their duty impartially for all citizens. At that point, Sayful Islam, a fine-boned young man in long dress but with his full islamic-beard trimmed back a few inches appeared, surrounded by a dozen or more young men. He was held in awe by some of these kids, you could see it.
The English pereson said to the police, something like, "Isn't that the man you are here to watch? Why don't you or the locals tell him to piss-off, if they hate him that much?"
The police said nothing, and dozens of youths were handing out their political agitation leaflets, which were being accepted quite readily by the Muslim locals.
Then the person asked the police why they were so interested in protecting this Sayful as he was handing out his Al Quaeda propaganda, when Bury Park was the centre of the Luton drugs trade? And why didn't they ask some of the other teenagers riding around, where they got the cash to buy their expensive cars, and weren't the police looking in the wrong place, as these lads handing out leaflets had been doing it for the last 10 years and nobody bothered to stop them until it got on the telly.
Then some journalists came along and the person walked off, whilst the police just stood there not knowing what was going on.
The most telling thing I noticed is that the locals were taking the leaflets willingly, and not surprisingly, because a lot of them must have been their own children.
This blows the moderate versus militant Islam idea out of the water if you think about it.
More importantly, just why are our police being used to be political buffers between all the diffent points of view amongst the muslims and the the rest of Luton?
Showing posts with label pallywood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pallywood. Show all posts
9 June 2009
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