Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label peace. Show all posts

9 May 2007

Northern Ireland - A Light to Humanity

A Light to humanity - Northern Ireland

I have questioned God several times as to why my blog posts always seem to be negative, it is not something I like because I am not a negative person, I am a positive person, so I recognise the darkness that I write about.

Watching the news yesterday I knew I had to write a short post regarding the important historic steps our brothers and sisters from all divides in Northern Ireland have taken towards peace.

To see the Brave leaders of all sides sharing the same platform declaring Peace in Our time was like a breath of fresh air, an amazing and memorable moment that means something that all peoples probably thought impossible – Peace between 2 sides who have hate, hurt, anger and murder aimed at their neighbours at the core of their communities.

The Reverend Ian Paisely quoted from Ecclesiastes 3:8 “There is a time for War and a time for Peace”.

I also caught the news several weeks ago and watched Jerry Adams declare that it is in Gods hands. When I saw and heard this news I knew that God would not fail the people when their leaders where committing their steps into His hands.

This is the start of a new journey for all the people of Ireland and especially those of Northern Ireland and I thank God that He has given the leaders of all sides the grace to make the steps needed to negotiate a peace for all people. There will be triumph and trauma in the days that lay ahead, but our God the God of Christendom stands with the people of Northern Ireland in their times of Joy and times of Despair, and He will bring you through.

The people of Northern Ireland from all sides stand as a Beacon of Light to all Nations.

I pray and thank God that his healing and restoring power is now upon the people of Northern Ireland and I pray that He will release the strength and courage into those people who need it when they need it most who are going to go through trauma during the healing process. It is only Our God through His Son Jesus Christ who can bring a lasting peace between the 2 sides because Our God is a God of Love & Forgiveness. I pray that Our God will sweep through the people of Northern Ireland and revive them by His spirit and allow His light to shine through them into Our world.

In Jesus name – Amen

Forgiveness is a Key to Christendom and Gods grace upon Our lives, the Lords prayer says: Forgive us Our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

This is the key God has given to us His people to bring us closer to Him and each other, wiping away hurt, hate, anger and pain.

We the people of the free world living in the light of Christendom with our societies underpinned by our Judeo/Christian heritage now face a mutual enemy, an enemy seeking all of our destruction and the removal of our societies.

Please take a read of this article from my local paper and see what this Moslem monster was planning against the innocent people of Britain.

I now understand to some degree the threat you face, when 2 communities are at enmity with one another.

This monster along with his Emir who was seeking Nuclear weapons is living in the community opposite mine and is the threat I and my community face personally.

As the Reverend Ian Paisely said: “There is a time for War and a time for Peace”

I personally salute all the people of Northern Ireland as they embark on their journey of Peace.

In service of the King
