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29 January 2009

Al Qaeda - & Their Press Complaint

Sajid, the Al Qaeda suicide bombing supporter, who is the chief operator of the forum, has complained to the Press Complaints Commission over Glen Jenvey’s recent, intelligence led, Sun newspaper front page article relating to the threats emanating from their site, calling for a list to be drawn up for the targeting of high profile British Jews like Sir Alan Sugar, Mark Ronson and Lord Levy.

The Guardian newspaper have reported on this complaint by Sajid, the Al Qaeda supporter and corroborated their article based on some obscure blog that is full of lies, hate and denials, and backed it up with the fact there is a PCC complaint pending.

So in peoples eyes Glen Jenvey, the Sun newspaper and the reporter who broke the story must be guilty because there is a PCC complaint by an Al Qaeda supporter, which the Guardian newspaper have printed that is based on an obscure blog?


Sajid, who the Guardian newspaper have based their article on, stating that the news article was a fallacy, made up by Glen Jenvey, is himself, a Moslem extremist who supports suicide bombings against government and military targets. So this is the type of person the Guardian newspaper are basing their article on, condemning professional intelligence led, internet information gathering, exposing what Moslems in Britain are saying and doing towards the wider British community.

There was a survey last year on the forum, asking if suicide bombings were justified, with the results published in a British newspaper. At the time of publishing, the newspaper article results showed that 25% agreed with suicide bombings, with the writer of the article willing to swear on oath, what the website said, at time of publishing. Now the results on the site have been changed to only 9% agree and 35% depending on circumstances, so are fiddling their site for propaganda purposes.

Sound like a militant site to you? Community members agreeing on suicide bombings and then the operators of the site, changing information for readers consumption?

Sajid himself, who is the chief operator of the site, has said that “ targeting civilians is wrong, but targeting government and military targets is acceptable”. I wonder what any government ministers think of what this person, living amongst them, says, or what military personnel, who are putting their lives on the line in foreign fields for us back home, think when reading about Sajid and what he thinks of them?

Please click to see hard copy images.

1. Suicide bombing survey
2. Sajid the Al Qaeda supporter
3. Sajid’s PCC complaint

So the Press Complaints Commission is working on behalf of an ideological Al Qaeda supporter, against a British intelligence expert and a mainstream British newspaper who reported on his credible warnings. The Guardian newspaper is siding with this Al Qaeda supporter and promoting his propaganda against Glen Jenvey through their newspaper, based upon lies, denials and untruths from an obscure blog and backed up with the fact there is an outstanding, unproven, PCC complaint pending.

The PCC and Guardian newspaper are doing the bidding for Al Qaeda in our country in the media war where the 'hearts and minds' of the British public lay, and where perceptions and ideologies are built.

You decide where you stand and who you stand with, now that the battle for the heart and soul of Great Britain is upon us.

Please show your support for Glen Jenvey and write an email of complaint to the PCC, asking why they are supporting a website that is an Al Qaeda front.

Press Complaints Commission
Halton House
20/23 Holborn
London EC1N 2JD
Helpline: 0845 600 2757
Switchboard: 020 7831 0022
Facsimile: 020 7831 0025
Textphone: 020 7831 0123

Glen Jenvey is a hero in the anti-jihad movement in my opinion. He has helped bring down some of the worst leaders of the Jihad in Britain; Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri, Abu Izzadeen, to name a few and he has been tracking Choudry and his followers online exposing their agenda in our country, for some time now. Al Qaeda, the leaders of the Jihad in Britain and their supporters do not like him. They fear him more than most, because they cannot operate without him watching them and would like, more than anything, to remove him from the scene by discrediting him, as Sajid of and the Guardian newspaper are now trying to do.

Just look at the facts that have been written about and then realise what is happening.

I posted a ‘World Exclusive’ on this blog which pointed out, based on factual evidence, that the forum “” is an online front for Al Qaeda terrorists and supporters living in Britain, set up by the very worst Islamic extremist to have ever been granted asylum in our country, the one-eyed, hook-handed, Moslem monster ‘Abu Hamza’.

So, is it any wonder, that in the heat of the civil disobedience that took place in Britain over Israel’s justified war against Hamas in Gaza, that the forum and their British Al Qaeda supporters raised their ugly heads and spewed their hatred against British Jews, which appeared on their site, and then in turn ended up in the public domain as a front page news item?

Any Jewish person around the world, any Moslem from around the world, and anyone who knows about Islam and their Jihad, knows that Israel is the central contention in the Islamic world’s aim to destroy our Judeo/Christian civilization. All Moslems believe, based upon their holy books, that the Earth must be cleansed of all Jews… The same aim and agenda as Hitler during the Second World War. So, is it that strange and far beyond the realms of possibility that some angered Moslems living in Britain have declared the targeting of high profile British Jews and posted it on a British forum that is a front for Al Qaeda and their supporters?

Why would the information need to be set up by a third party when everyone knows what extremist Moslems are like?

Moslems living in Britain have been targeting everyday British Jews so why should high profile Jews escape their wrath?

The assassination of a high profile Jew on the streets of Britain being reported all over the World News, for who knows how long, will spread a lot more fear and terror amongst the British Jewish community than the assassination of an everyday Jewish resident don’t you think?

Anyone who knows anything about this subject, knows that the military front of the Islamic religion uses fear and terror as a tactic of war, just like Mohamed himself did, to enforce their supremacy over the infidels (Jews, Christians, non-believers, and anyone not of the Islamic faith) to implement their Islamic will.

Its funny when you see NME promoting this Al Qaeda propaganda too over Mark Ronson, for him or any other British Jew to think they could not be a target for Islamic extremists in Britain is quite amazing. Jewish citizens around the World only have to look to the horrors of the Holocaust and the Nazis to see the reality of the modern threat they face in the embodiment of the Islamic religion and its followers, and when your dead your dead, its too late to wonder why you never listened in the first place.

This is the reality of what we face, although people prefer to live in denial and reject this truth, to listen and believe the lies told about Islam and Moslems.

Large government funded Islamic organizations, their associated fronts and forums like and their Moslem followers living in Britain, are well versed in the art of using our British institutions and laws against wider society, to beat us into submission and silence any debate over the issues at hand whatever the issues might be that offends their Moslem sensibilities. In this case it’s the PCC and the Guardian newspaper against Glen Jenvey and the Sun newspaper.

Look at the recent example of Lord Nazir. This is a man who killed someone whilst driving dangerously on British roads, he has escaped the full force of British justice system which any of us mere peasants would have faced, because of his standing within society, who has recently prevented a well-produced, short documentary film by a Dutch politician from being screened to British MPs because Moslems living in Britain find the truth it contains offensive to them and their religion. This is a prime example of the silencing of real and relevant 21st Century British debate in action. Not only that, but this same Lord threatened to mobilise an army of 10,000+ Moslems to demonstrate on our streets, against the showing of this film… We all know how Moslem demonstrations on the streets of Britain end up don’t we? I wonder if there are any Christian Lords out there who can mobilize a standing army of 10,000+ people to demonstrate on the streets of Britain. If not, you should think about that one.

This is the cultural invasion and warfront where the moderate face of Islam is using all possible peaceful means at their disposal within the functioning of our Nation to force our society to bow and buckle to Islamic dominance and supremacy. The Islamic religion has an end time goal, and all aspects of the religion, whether the non-violent moderate side, or the violent military side, work together towards that goal, which is the eventual conversion of our Nation into an Islamic State. In my personal opinion, and I would expect the opinion of many others who are following current events, we are now at the half way mark towards the total Islamification of our country, with parts of our country already totally Islamified, where Sharia Law is now the law on the ground.

There is an uncontrollable race industry, which is now controlled exclusively by the Islamic community and their elected leaders. Leaders on big fat ‘tax paid’ pay checks, who have forced the wider British community into silence through fear of the consequences of upsetting Moslem sensibilities and being branded racist and Islamaphobic. Fear of losing their livelihood and standing within society and possibly ending up in prison for speaking about the negativity that Islam and Moslems bring to our country, now that the police have established a dedicated ‘hate crime’ unit, that is nothing more than a legal weapon in the hands of Moslems to silence anyone who disagrees with them and their religion (silencing debate by legal means), a private personal Dhimmi army to use against the infidels. British police officers, arresting British people and seeking to put them on trial and imprison them on behalf of Moslems for upsetting their Moslem feelings by talking about them, their conduct and religious agenda to their neighbours, to warn them of the very real threat and danger that now surrounds them.

Was 7/7 just a dream? Were all other Islamic terrorist acts just a dream? Is their daily conduct against us and our society just a dream? NO?... Then wake up and realise the threat posed by the Islamic religion now that is 3 – 6 million strong in our country and invading your communities.

You have got to be utterly stupid not to see the threat posed and believe the lies that “Islam means peace”. Islam means ‘submission’, and if you take the time to watch and learn this new religious force in our country for the sake of your children, then you see very clearly, that by its actions and conduc,t Islam and Moslems do nothing other than seek to force everyone and society to submit to them and their religion – ‘Islam means submission’ after all

Our laws and Institutions have been created over generations and stand as a testimony to the civilized world. They have been replicated over hundreds of years, throughout the Judeo/Christian World, with America being just one such Nation that was a beacon of light to the World before Barack “Hussein” Obama took over office which was born from the ways of the British Isles. These ancient laws and institutions are an abomination to the Islamic religion because they stand in the way of a total Islamic State and the implementation of Islamic law (Sharia law) being supreme over the land and people. All Moslems have a religious obligation to tear them down and destroy them, so that Islam can arise and reign supreme - This is the religious mandate of Moslems and their Jihad

These laws and institutions have been created by free men and women living in a nation that is underpinned with our ancient Christian heritage that has spanned the ages. They have brought us to this point in history, and they have been established by free people for free people, not people bound by a totalitarian religious dogma, that says these laws and institutions are obsolete in the face of Allah and the supremacy of the Islamic religion over all orders of life so they must be removed and Sharia law implemented. All Moslems living in a non-Islamic Nation and living under any other form of government and laws must actively work to remove them and implement Islamic law as an individual religious obligation.

Turning the Dar al-Harb into the Dar al-Islam.

Our laws and institutions have been created for the functioning of our Western society and for the governance over the free peoples living in the land, so while they still stand they are a weapon to be used against us in the hands of the totalitarian religion of Islam and its Moslem followers, with new laws and institutions created and arising, because this is how this society which Moslems are now living in, functions and is infiltration and destruction from within. These new laws and institutions are created solely for the purpose of protecting Moslems and placing them in a position of power over the infidels. They are cultural weapons which are used against the non-Moslem population to silence debate, stigmatise any who disagree with Islam and Moslems and imprison anyone who stands against and disagrees with the modern Islamic advancement into our Nation.

You might not see what is happening now because it does not immediately affect you and your surroundings, but the Moslem brotherhood and their followers know the aim and agenda for Moslems living in Western Nations and have written a 100 year plan to take over our civilization – Read it then think about it and your future descendants

MPACUK, which is another large front group for Moslems living in Britain, have no problem telling their followers what their obligation is – ‘Infiltrate and Destroy their institutions’

Look at the Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ documentary ‘Undercover Mosque’ this was a film that gave an amazing insight into what is going on inside British Mosques. Not one of the Moslem extremists caught on video were arrested for stirring up religious and racial hatred, instead, they used West Midlands police to charge ‘Dispatches’ for stirring up racial hatred. Thankfully, OFCOM laughed in the face of West Midlands police and their accusations and they were then forced to pay £100,000 in damages to Channel 4.

This saga was another typical example of Moslems using our institutions to silence debate, prevent the truth from being told and try to prosecute those who bring the truth about Islam to light.

If Islam and Moslems had nothing to hide, then why do they go to such lengths to silence debate and force people into a position of fear for questioning them and their actions and motives?

This example of the PCC and the Guardian newspaper against Glen Jenvey and the Sun newspaper shows how Al Qaeda supporters in Britain are using these institutes to do their bidding for them, against those who threaten the image they are seeking to convey to the British people. was set up by Abu Hamza who is an Al Qaeda leader so that says it all really doesn’t it?

Further reading: is an Al Qaeda front in Britain

Further reading: and the threats to behead

5 December 2008 is a front for Al Qaeda in Britain

***Internet Exclusive***

Additional reading: GJ & BR threatened with beheading is one of the biggest, if not the biggest Moslem online forum in Britain that promotes itself as being a moderate Islamic forum to the wider British community, who also have links with many other Government funded organisations, Islamic and non-Islamic alike.

So while the Government are ploughing millions of pounds of tax payers money into these types of organisations to counteract the militant aspect of the Islamic religion that is now in our midst, these exact same organisations are able to use that money to build their infrastructure, build their Islamic agenda into the public debate, build their base of supporters and then use that power to influence the public debate, mobilise an army of Moslems to support their agenda on our streets to demonstrate against anything they perceive that is contrary to their Islamic religion, or by mass targeted letter writing campaigns to influence institutions and organisations decision making process.

British Government funded Al Qaeda terror being promoted under the guise of counter radicalisation and claimed to be the moderate face of Islam.

There is no moderate Islam, Islam is Islam and it has two faces.

I have been passed information from Glen Jenvey that clearly shows that and are one and the same website and they were both set up by Abu Hamza the spokesman for Al Qaeda’s Jihad within Great Britain. The Jihad which is aimed at the eventual conquest of the British homeland, thus turning our Nation into an Islamic State, and promoting our country to be a launch pad into the America homeland which is the greatest battlefield for Moslems in the 21st Century, ones born in Britain and their International counterparts.

The War is upon our shores if anyone had any doubts!

So it is a fact that the forum was founded on the most extreme militancy contained within the Islamic religion by the leaders of the Holy War in this part of the World, leaders who actively support and promote the Global Jihad. This can be seen on their ‘about us’ page that details their views and the militant organisations they support around the world.

Abu Hamza is currently in Belmarsh prison serving 7 years for his incitement and awaiting extradition to America to face Islamic terror charges there based in part, upon Glen Jenveys intelligence which showed that he had been trying to set up terror training camps in Oregon.

Abu Hamza’s British supporters who can be seen on this video are promoting the Islamic conquest of the British homeland and stating that he is not guilty of any crime and would not be in prison or on trial in an Islamic State: Pharaoh had a dream

Here are the links:

Link: About us
Link: Supporters of Sharia
Link: Abu Hamza SOS publications
Link: SOS archive
Link: is

So and its members who are now one of the biggest online Moslem forums in Britain and are promoting themselves as a moderate reflection of Islam are nothing more than Al Qaeda supporters dressed up as moderates by the Moslem 'liars and deceivers' who are using the art of Taqiya against the infidel, and their Left Wing supporters who endorse them and their ‘religion of peace’.

Further Reading: The myth of Islam the 'religion of peace'

If there is any doubt in that claim then look at this article in the Gaurdian newspaper about the threat of Al Qaeda in British prisons, it notes that Diren Barot who is now serving 30 years for his plan of creating a black day in British history, who was Osama Bin Laden's British General was able to convey a message from inside prison that was then posted on for his supporters to read, with it not being taken down by the forum moderators: Al Qaeda threat to British prisons

Known Al Qaeda operatives using to speak to their supporters!

I stated in my post yesterday ‘Threatened with beheading’ how Moslems are using propaganda to create a false reality in the eyes and minds of the non-believers living around them, and this information about’s denials and their inception and self promotion of the very worst form of Islamic militancy within Britain proves that point.

They will deny these facts until they are blue in the face because that’s what Islam teaches them to do, “so beware”, and if there is any doubt about that point I have just made then watch this film and listen to their denials about every single point captured on video: Undercover Mosque

And the British public believe it!

Western defence services have publicly stated that now in the 21st Century the internet is another battle front in this war with the military wing of the Islamic religion that is led by Al Qaeda and Glen Jenvey has been at the forefront of this online battle within Great Britain. Glen and his counterpart Jonathan Galt were the ones who tracked Abu Hamza, Omar Bakri and Abu Izzadeen to name a few, collecting video evidence on their Islamic hatred and war that is aimed at all non-Moslems and our Countries which led to Hamza and Izzadeens successful convictions and Hamza’s impending extradition, and Omar Bakris expulsion from Britain to Lebanon.

Glen’s work can be seen all over the internet, with him featured as an expert on several films covering this subject. Here is a youtube page containing many of his gathered videos that have been released into the public domain: Youtube have embarked upon a campaign to try and discredit Glen because of his intelligence gathering on them and their members, by creating lies and misinformation. Any one with an ounce of intelligence will realise that in the propaganda War discrediting your opponents is all a part of the art, so that being the case again re-affirms the point that Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’, it is a ‘religion of war’ and this is the media front for public opinion –

Lie and deceive the infidel until you are strong enough to take over.

Omar Bakris tentacles are still here in our Country with Anjem Choudry now the head of Bakri’s British Islamic terror front, with him being beamed in ‘live and direct’ to speak to his Moslem supporters in Britain when ever they host their Al Qaeda meetings promoting the take over of our Country.

Can it be anymore blatant?

Choudry is the head of the Sharia Courts of Britain, he has claimed Southall as the Capital of the Islamic State upon our shores and is behind the website

It is common knowledge to anyone that understands today’s World War against the military wing of the Islamic religion that the internet is just as important to the Jihad (Holy War) against our Western Judeo/Christian Civilisation as the AK47, rocket propelled grenade, roadside bomb and Semtex is. It is the propaganda front that bypasses all Government controlled media outlets and reaches the masses at the click of a button from the comfort and security of their own homes and creates realities, perceptions and belief systems on the World around them.

The more Moslems living in Western Nations can be reached with Jihad propaganda based on their religion then the more supporters can be mobilised for the War, either for indoctrination and recruitment to the goals and ambitions of Al Qaeda, information that teaches Islamic terror training and explosives and weapons handling manuals to the wanna be Jihadists living in Western societies, or to join and mobilise members of the wider Islamic community to try and influence political process by taking to the streets in demonstration against anything they perceive to conflict with them and their Islamic belief.

Look at’s organised demonstration against Israel as a prime example of this mobilisation in action that turned into a mini riot in the centre of London where several police officers were eventually injured.

(The video below is for visual purposes only, I fully support Israel's right to self defence and their War with Hamas in Gaza, so please ignore the credits at the end of this film. To see the reason why Israel is now at War then please view this film: Hamas escalation)
This is a taste of things to come and it is made possible by the British tax payer through Government funding being poured into the Islamic Kingdom of Great Britain, and dispersed without trace to all of the newly established tax funded Islamic organisations that are being used to mobilize and unite Moslems as a ground force that is culturally invading the Nation and converting it from within into an Islamic State.

Disagree with Moslems and Islam and you’re a racist Islamaphobe and there are enough powerful tax funded Islamic controlled organisation out there now who will be more than willing to take up the case and exert their influence within the 'Halls of Power' to have you and your life destroyed for criticising one of them or not employing one of them.

Watch this space because I am sure and all of its members are not going to like my words and there will be enough Moslems amongst them connected to Islamic controlled organisations who will want me arrested for defaming Islam who will gladly take up the case against me the racist bigotted Islamaphobic Englishman.

Ring Bedford Hate Crime Unit tell them to add it to the list, now that we can be arrested for our thoughts and perceptions even though they are right, because they offend the new protected species in Britain because it exposes the truth of what they are about and their intentions towards us.

Video: The death of Britain that was founded by the worst ever Moslem terrorist to have ever walked our streets is a ‘cultural weapon’ in the hands of the Islamic Kingdom for the Jihad in Great Britain to conquer the Nation and enforce an Islamic State upon the land.

It is not politically correct to criticise such a big group of Moslems in Britain and it carries great peril on all levels, but I hope you agree that someone needs to say something because if we don’t then we might as well roll over in defeat and hand our children and grandchildren’s futures over now.

As Sir Winston Churchill said: “Its better to die free than live as slave”, will your descendents say the same or will they be slaves to Allah and the coming Islamic State of Great Britain because of your inaction?

May God continue to bless the work of Glen Jenvey as he sends fear into the hearts of the Islamists and their supporters in Britain, and those reporters who bring this information at great risk to themselves into the public domain.

Further reading: islambase extremists

19 November 2008

Glen Jenvey & British Reporters threatened with beheading

Posted 09/01/09


Additional reading: is a front for Al Qaeda

Targeted with threats of beheading for reporting on the drawing up of a list of high profile British Jews for assassination over Israel's War with Hamas in Gaza on a British Moslem forum.

Taken from hard copy downloaded from forum:

I am 110% behind may the the **** spook mason who has infiltrated this forum answer to the Rub, the Exalted, Wise, Knower, Magificent, Most High, Most Merciful on the Day of Judgement - where will his *fkng* article be then?

Oh Allaah where is the Ameer of the Ummah, his head would have been removed in the Islamic State, and they call us terrorists - liars like this, they portray liars in TV and Newspapers 24/7

The Holy Quran says "Those who reject the signs of Allaah are liars"
How should ye not fight for the cause of Allah and of the feeble among men and of the women and the children who are crying: Our Lord! Bring us forth from out this town of which the people are oppressors! Oh, give us from thy presence some protecting friend! Oh, give us from Thy presence some defender! 4:75

Islam & The Big Fat Lie

Our Western leaders publicly state Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, the media stick to the same politically correct line which creates a perception in non-Moslem minds that Islam is a 'religion of peace' and that Islamic terror is anti-Islamic activity conducted by a small minority Moslems who have a distorted view of their religion that has no place in their religion even though it is all carried out in the name of Islam.

If it has no place in their religion then how comes millions of Moslems around the World base their Jihad (Holy War) and quest to destroy our Judeo/Christian Civilisation on the fundamental teachings and example of Mohamed that are contained in the Koran which is at the core of their religion?

Either there is justification for Islamic terror in the Koran or there is not, if there is then Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’.

Watch this film and decide: What the West needs to know

So if Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ then all non-Moslems are being lied to on a daily basis by everyone who states that line, Moslem and non-Moslem alike.

Jihad comes in many forms, from an individual Moslems personal struggle within him/herself, to the corporate struggle of the Ummah to force people and lands to submit to Islamic rule under Sharia law.

Forcing lands and people by any means to submit to Islam is Holy War!

War is fought on many fronts, from active military campaigns on the battlefield, through to the propaganda front needed for support and public opinion.

If everyone perceived Islam to be a religion of War then Islam would never achieve its ultimate end goal because all non-Moslems would be aware of its benign intentions just like our forefathers where with the Nazis and they would then crush Islam before it had time to take a foot hold. So Islam has to walk a certain line with those it seeks to ultimately subdue by leading them into a false sense of security by creating the perception and belief in peoples minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’, then the uninformed masses are unaware of its true intentions while it grows in strength within their midst.

This is a military tactic of subversion through propaganda from within by a military force.

Propaganda is a War front for any military force, and within the Islamic religion Moslems are allowed to lie and deceive the infidels (you and me) while they conduct Jihad against us, thus creating a false reality and perception in our minds about them, their religion, and its intentions towards us. This religious justification to lie and deceive the infidel is called ‘Taqiyya’ which is nothing more than blatant propaganda in their Holy War.

Lead your enemy into a false sense of security until you are strong enough to take over.

If you look at all of the messages and information we receive about Islam through the media you will see there are the murderous terrorists on one end of the scale, and the moderates on the other. Both can justify their approach on the teachings in the Koran, both are brothers and sisters in the Ummah and both have the same agenda at the heart of their belief system which is Jihad and converting lands and people over to Islamic rule.

Who is right or wrong? Or are they both right and working together, lying and deceiving the infidels?

The Islamic religion is an expansionist ideology that calls its followers to force its ways upon all people across the World, and its followers (Moslems) are viewed as a religious spiritual military force for Allah called the Ummah, carrying out his will on Earth which is the mandate of the religion laid down in the Koran.

The only way Islam can grow in our midst because it is a minority grouping compared to the majority is by deceiving non-Moslems and creating the image and perception in their minds that it is a ‘religion of peace’ and that Islamic terrorists are a small minority that have nothing to do with their religion.

Have you ever heard of Christians basing terrorist acts on their religion, or having to defend themselves in the public arena from their brothers/sisters terrorist acts? It is all the art of deception.

The call for the Global Jihad (Holy War) against our Judeo/Christian Civilisation that is based upon the fundamentals of Islam has gone out, and Moslems from all around the World are arising answering that call, so is Islam a ‘religion of peace’ or a ‘religion of war’?

If it is a ‘religion of war’ then what does that mean to us individually and to our futures?

Watch this video and listen to their intentions towards us, how they view us and the way they lie about every thing they have said, to see the deception of the infidels at work.

Video: Undercover Mosque

I received a phone call late last night (7th) from my good friend Glen Jenvey who has been forced into a secret location for his safety because he and several reporters had run a story about credible threats aimed at high profile British Jews. An indirect threat of beheading, or encouragement to behead was posted by a Moslem aimed at them after the intelligence was gathered from one of the largest Moslem forums and then the story taken to print which made the front page of the Sun. Moslems on the forum were blatantly drawing up a list of high profile Jews living in Britain for attack over Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza.

It seems Sir Alan Sugar tops the list.

Here is the article: High profile British Jews targeted

The Islamic forum where the intelligence was gathered is called and is the biggest of its kind for Moslems in Britain. Last year members of the forum took a vote to see how many Moslems agreed with the 7/7 bombings with the results showing that 1 in 4 believed they were justifiable. Moslems on this forum are now getting wise to the threat posed by intelligence gathering so are being a lot more careful in what they are saying, but if you know what you are looking at you can always read between the lines and see the real meaning behind what is being said, and sometime because of Moslem anger like this over Israel’s war against Hamas they just cannot hide their true selves and end up drawing a list of targets for potential assassination amongst themselves or. All members also know the concept of Taqiyya, the art of deception which is promoted on the site but with underlying meanings that only Moslems can understand and interpret amongst themselves.

This same forum was also one of the main organisers behind the riots in London aimed at the Israeli Embassy last week where several police officers were injured after having bricks etc thrown at them as the Islamic terrorist supporters sought to reach the Embassy.

Does this sound like a ‘religion of peace’?

Those high profile Jews like Sir Alan Sugar, Lord Levy and Mark Ronson to name a few or anyone else under fear of threat should take the threats against their lives very seriously because there are many many Moslems out there, and many many Al Qaeda trained ones who would find no greater ‘pleasure and purpose’ in this life than to murder someone, especially a Jew who they believe is an enemy of Allah as an act to show the world Britain’s Moslem populations support of the Islamist movement of Hamas in Gaza.

The Islamic world would perceive this murderer to be a hero just like the shoe thrower against President Bush.

In their reasoning they are pleasing Allah and there is nothing better for Moslems than to please Allah by murdering someone they perceive to be his enemy. They also know in the back of their mind that they are only going to end up with probably about 14 years in prison for it and will be out in 10 so there isn’t that much apprehension for Moslems to murder someone in modern Britain. The punishment for their murder is bearable, living amongst their brothers in a 5 star prison with bed, board, TV, and computer games, and when they are eventually released from prison and allowed to stay in our Country under Human Rights laws they will then be given all the benefits possible from the State.

Not much of a deterrent there for some murderous psychopathic Moslem who is in our Country on a mission from his god conducting Jihad (Holy War) and believes his rewards are in heaven is there?

Welcome to the 21st Century Islamic guerilla soldier on the streets of Britain that we now face!

In November 2004 the relative of the great painter Vincent Van Goth, Theo Van Goth was shot in broad daylight on the streets of Amsterdam with a note stabbed into his chest for making a film about the suppression of women in Islam. His co producer of the film Ayaan Hirsi Ali is now living in hiding under 24 hour protection with death threats against her life for the same film.

This is the reality of the hatred that we now have to face from Moslems who are living amongst us, and is the reason why nobody wants to say anything about Islam or Moslems because they fear the reprisals and now just being Jewish in Britain will put you on a list for murder at the hands of Moslems.

People find reality hard to believe; that this type of reality is not real out there in our society until one day the Country is awoken to a horrific act and someone is murdered never to return. Just like Theo Van Goth for example in Amsterdam. If you are a potential target for the Islamic militants and their supporters for whatever reason, then whose to say that it will not be your murder that the Country awakens too?

Think about it!

For the militants to find their target is not too difficult considering they have Moslem brothers and sisters working on the inside of many institutions that go towards the running of our Country. There was a case recently of Moslems in Britain aligned to Al Qaeda arrested with detailed information for targeting members of the Royal family, so if they can trace them they can trace you, and For Sir Alan Sugar he has had Moslems working for him who know some of his day to day business movements so his security is already breached, and for anyone else who is a potential target will have to look around them to see if their security is also breached. It might not be politically correct to think and say such things but isn’t it better to be safe than sorry?

Where is a Moslems loyalty, the infidel or the Ummah?

Could Moslems in Britain target a high profile person and murder them?

It hasn’t happened yet but that does not mean it cannot happen or will not happen. A group of militant Moslems were arrested recently for targeting the publisher of a book about Mohamed’s child bride so the examples and intent are there for us to learn from.

The IRA targeted and murdered Lord Mountbatten on his boat in Northern Ireland and it doesn’t get much higher profile than that, so never say that Al Qaeda will never carry out such a high profile assassination, it just hasn’t happened yet.

What is this World coming too? And what is our Country coming too with this (Islam) now in our midst?

This is the reality that many now face within Great Britain, from those high profile members of society like members of the Royal family who have found themselves on a Moslem hit list for assassination, down to us peasants now having to live our day to day lives around an Al Qaeda enclave in Britain.

This is reality although nobody seems to want to face it and do anything about it. Large scale terrorist attacks are not the only threat to our Nation, there is targeted murder's of the enemies of Islam and Moslems that do not get reported in the media, and there is the day to day street Jihad (military campaign) growing under the surface of reality, out of sight and mind, with all aspects of the Islamic Kingdom growing in strength and threatening and intimidating those around it.

Quote from the Koran: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth [i.e. Islam] (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (9:29).

Only one Kingdom will survive into the future now upon these Isles, the Queens Kingdom to which we and or children belong or the Islamic kingdom where all Moslems belong.

When will people wake up and realise that Islam is not a ‘religion of peace’ it is a ‘religion of war’ which is now 3 – 6 million strong in our Country and the perception that the uninformed masses are being given about Islam is nothing but a big fat lie.

So what does the future hold? Think about it!

This inadvertent call for the beheading of Glen Jenvey and the newspaper reporters who ran the story of high profile British Jews was aimed at the leader of the Ummah in Britain, who they call the Emir.

This is the Emir of the 7/7 bombings in London, who it is believed set up the attack and recruited Mohammed Siddque Khan the lead bomber. He is also believed to by the Emir of the ‘Fertiliser plot’ that was stopped under ‘Operation Crevice’ which was the largest anti-terror operation at that point in British history.

This is around the area where I live and this is my reality.

The Emir’s of the military wing of Islam are out there in our Country now, they are the leaders of the Islamic guerilla armies upon our streets who are linked to Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 1 of 2

Glen Jenvey on Newsnight Part 2 of 2