Showing posts with label Photobooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photobooks. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Disney's Frozen Theme Photo Book

I'm working on an amazing new photo book for a client based on Disney's Frozen, Oh.. this is the best project ever! The client wants to have the character mix and mingle with her children in the book, so I've made a sample page with stock photos for her approval and I'm all ready to go! It'll take me about a week of so to finish the book and then she's going to have an amazing custom photo book. And of course I had to share it with you all. The Character were purchased through Etsy and she sent them to me to create with. These pages are perfect for skating picures, "Frozen" birthday parties, "Frozen" Halloween costumes and so much more.

I do custom photo book on any theme, with any characters.... you purchase the digital files and I take care of the rest.  The book, pages, layouts and all the digital files are yours!
For more info contact me at or look at the services pages on my blog.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Photo Book Help!

I just finish working on a wonderful book for the sweetest woman Ann who found me on Shutterfly. I do photo books for people who either need help or want me to do it for them. She already had the book started and I just spent a few hours polishing it up and editing some photos that needed a little TLC.


Photo editing is so important to the quality of any photo book, it worth taking the time to do or have someone do it for you.

Here's what Ann said about her book when I was through editing!

"Lisa it is so Awesome!!!! Thanks so very much!!!  It’s wonderful!  The photos look sooooo much better.  The cover is so much prettier and the red invitation….just perfect!"

"You are so wonderful and I am going to have more books that I would like your help on.  For sure I want the wedding photos in a book and the wedding is October 11th!
"I am so grateful I found you………"

 Yep... editing and having a professional work on your photo book makes a big difference!

I'm working an another wedding right now and Katie my client wanted a more sophisticated urban looking photo book to give to her in-laws, but the photos from here wedding photographer were less than stellar.

I took some of the color images and changed them to black & white for a more dramatic effect.

These have a soft vanilla cast to pretty.



Katie asked me to work on this image to try and fix the branch hanging down in the back and fix the very hot /cold effect on the in this photo. It's a really big challenge to make super bright sun and cold shade become the same brightness and intensity and she loved the finish effect. It was a bright sunny day at the beach!

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Printing Project Life Photo Books

This year for my DD's Freshman Year Book I used this template by Valorie Wibben
It is a great jumping off point because I like the different shapes.

For this page I started off with the template in the lower right. When I start I pace the larger photos first since they are the most important and then I work around that. This month was really picture heavy since there was a lot going on. I pulled some digital elements from Glitz Designs that I had in my digi stock and it added just a little bit of fun. I make my own little elements to fill in  the open spaces and that it.

When filling in open space there are ton of options I use.
Here I use a clipping mask and I can make the digital card or paper as small or large to fit the space, like in the June banner. I enlarged a digi card and added a digital alpha over the top and finished it off with a funky arrow.

I created the Stanford banner by removing the background from the logo and added it over another paper from the Glitz collection called "Uncharted Waters" it available at Jessica Sprague.

This time I'm printing at since the entire book in done in Photoshop. The printing is on photo paper and the pages are lay flat which means I don't have any lost areas in the creases of a book.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Digital Project Life Photo Books!

This year I decided to do something a little different. Since my DD is in High School I've decides to switch my calender to the ACADEMIC calendar. It just made sense to me. When my DD was little our life centered around things like Easter, Christmas and lots of little birthday parties....oh how things have changed now things are centered around back to school, homecoming, student body elections etc. I find that after 15 Christmas and Easter layouts, those other pages are a welcome change....of course we still celebrate standard holidays, but it's different. The last few years we've travel during the holidays. Our life revolves around the academic calender more than ever. And it fun for a change!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Scrapbook Artist for Hire!

Oh, I have been so neglectful of this blog and the guilt has finally brought me to here! So... I know many of you come to visit for the Silhouette info which it great! I'm so glad you have all been enjoying those tutorials and I'm happy to answer specific question but please leave me your email address so I can reply. I can't post all the answers so an email address would really help.

So I wanted to share what new adventures I've been up to and some of my recent projects. One thing that's new is I've been doing photobooks for people mainly though an online photobook company. I've done everything from Baby books to Wedding albums. I've also been converting peoples paper scrapbooks to digital, that is a big job! I had one customer with 90 photo albums that we scanned and placed in photobooks and I did a huge amount a photo editing since many of the photos were from the 80's and the image quality was not very good. Then we went and did a few new theme albums pulling some of here favorite images and we add scanned memorabilia as well.

I've been doing books for myself too. Right now I'm finishing up my DD's freshman year of high school scrapbook and here are an example of some of the pages. I've combined both Project life style pages and more artistic layer pages similar to what I would have done with paper.

this last one is the book's cover. 

I really like the combinations of the fun, bight, phone images with the single photo, artistic, scrapbook pages. It really covers all the bases both artistically and functionally. All these pages are done in Photoshop and uploaded to the Photobook website.

Thanks for stopping by!