Showing posts with label 6" x 6" acrylic on panel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6" x 6" acrylic on panel. Show all posts

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sneaky #426

Hey, when did that blue vase get back in there? Little devil.

Available at White Magdelena, 781-749-0048, 6x6, acrylic

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Understudy #416

I promised myself no blue cup today. So, the white one stood in. I should do some sort of group of just blue vase paintings, really, it's not that I'm short on ceramics, believe me. But for good behavior today, I'll reward myself tomorrow by. . . yup, painting the blue vase!

Other News: On Saturday I'll be near White Magdelena painting - if you pop in at noon I'll be there.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Spellbound #394

So, I briefly thought I should paint eight hours a day because I watched a documentary, "Spellbound." It's about eight kids who get into the National Spelling Bee competition and these kids studied at least eight hours a day - I found their drive and focus admirable. . . BUT then (as I was watching that movie, apparently) it became hydrangea season, just like that. . . the thing you should know about me and hydrangea is I find them to be THE MOST difficult flower to paint. I have now painted three hydrangea paintings since last night at this time. . . I'm still thinking about painting eight hours a day. . . I'm not actually doing it. . . but don't think even that's enough time to figure out these flowers.

Friday, June 11, 2010

In Good Company #382

Here's a still life set up on the back porch with Brie by my side (okay, in the grass, by my side, in the grass, by my side, then trying to eat paint, wait, no trying to eat paper towels, no, no, wait, the paint was much better, more of a response from the humans, are they mad or do they think I'm cute?) and P.O.P. (painting outside partner) who aided in painting and warding off aforementioned cute, but hyperactive, fluffy dog (good grief).

Somehow, despite someone's (Brie) antics to eat dinner and also everything within a twenty foot vicinity we managed to get two paintings done, combined. We are multi-taskers; painters AND protectors of the fluffy-butt.

Other News: This is only about an eighth of the amount of strawberries I've gathered from my garden this week. I am now accepting strawberry recipes, preferably baked goods, with no more than say, seven ingredients that I can freeze when made. I would LOVE a lesson in making preserves - fyi. . . barter anyone?

More News Still: Painting outside at White Magdelena tomorrow (Saturday) from eleven-ish - to one-ish - If I'm feeling bold, I'll be out front, if I'm in shy mode, I'll be in the back - come on by. . .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Three Daisies, Two Turkeys, One Cat #379

Hey - these aren't poppies - I see a daisy and I just have to paint it, it's that simple.

I've been 'talking' about darks lately - I make my darkest dark using Aliziran, Pthalo Blue and a smidgen of Cad Med Yellow - what's your recipe?

Click here to purchase $100

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Behind the Scenes #376

I painted behind White Magdelena in Hingham Square today. I plan on doing this throughout the summer, come on by for a demo. . .

This is only the second painting I've done all by myself outside. I usually paint with other people or lately, in the company of dogs, but not today. Anyhow, what caught my eye was the dark area beside the building kind of under the base of the flag post. That was it, that little tiny bit of dark made me do it!

Other News: I need advice. What kind of 10' x 10' tent can I put up by myself for outdoor art shows? I went to Lowe's, but it was heavy and looked like I might get swallowed up if I tried assembly alone. If I do buy it I would strongly encourage all to attend the pre-show setup for what will most likely be an amusing and acrobatic ordeal.

Contact White Magdelena to purchase
60 South Street, Hingham Square, MA

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Damon's Point, Sort of Daily Painting #305

This is one of two paintings done yesterday - when painting outside, the light changes FAST! We were prepared for this, myself and and Painting Outside Partner (P.O.P) - what POP and I didn't consider is the 'lawn' we were looking at would fill with water. The bridge we were standing on should have been a tip off!

Painting for 300 days leaves other things neglected, like upgrading one's computer. So, last night, I did so for four hours - the good news, is things that weren't working right, like the internet are now working great - the bad news is, none of my applications work anymore! Or my scanner - so, please pardon the poopy image, I'm experiencing some technical difficulties, but am on it!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Daisies More Daily Painting #298


Plein Air Festivals - have you heard of these, where is there one near me, and how do I get to do it? Maybe there are people out there who would like to start one around here?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Daisies and Lemon Slices Daily Painting #294


The daisies still look good so they got another session. I cannot wait for the sunflowers and black-eyed-susans to come back - I planted a whole bunch of sunflowers last year but none came up, which is curious because I've never had that problem.

Okay, officially I've only been gardening for three years and by gardening, I mean buying seeds and little baby plants, dumping them in the ground and watching - for some reason I don't even have to water the garden - sea air maybe? Brie helps by digging alongside me. . . I'm not kidding.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010



Yesterday it was full vessels and today I'm thinking about bounty.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Other News: Delighted to peruse Art Monkey, a blog of collected artwork from other blogs, and see a familiar creature, #261 - thank you Art Monkey. . .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Daily Painting #201

You guessed it, more fabric acquired during last week's cloth extravaganza. I really like the blue and white stripes, but thought I'd give you a break. And truthfully, had a hard time not painting that black and white striped bowl again, but thought I could use a break from it!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Daily Painting #196

As promised, new cloth, oh and a different bowl! Now I think I need a patterned fabric for the background - maybe tomorrow!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daily Painting #195

After I painted this, I trotted off to find more fabric other than green and white.