Showing posts with label Art Exhibition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art Exhibition. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2009

ICE 2010 #2 Connecting

Chain reaction series collage#2.
Title: Connecting
Serviette, nest lino print on painted paper,recycled paper flour bag, recycled envelope, thread, text in pencil.
This second collage was stubborn! I had an idea brewing over the last few weeks and when I finally got the chance to sit down and create it, it wouldn't come. I sat and fiddled with the bits of paper for ages before I gave up. In the end I decided to create a background with the bits in front of me with no preconceived ideas of what might come out...and as you can see 'connecting' was what resulted. Sometimes when I create a piece I just know I am on the right track but with this one I had to travel blind for a while, it wasn't until it was finished that I knew I liked it! The text says "We are all pieces of a puzzle, each of us connecting with another to become part of a completed picture of our past and an evolving image of the future." The thread work came after the text. The collage was a bit like the text in the end, each piece connecting with another and inspiring an idea, a thought, a new seed or direction just like we do with each other. I guess you could say this collage grew itself and I was just following the directions!
I also photographed the first collage again, I must have been tired that day because when I looked at it with fresh eyes I saw that light was too harsh. The original was much warmer and softer than that image I posted. The wrongs been righted:)

Below are some photos from the Greerton Village Primary School Exhibition. You can see more on my other blog if seeing children's art leaves you feeling as warm 'n' fuzzy as it does me!