Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travel. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Meet me in St. Louis // Our first family vacation!

Our little family took our very first vacation together last weekend, to St. Louis. We'd been planning the trip for months—Frank's favorite baseball team, the Phillies, were playing in St. Louis Saturday and he wanted to see them in person at least once this summer. Plus Frank's college roommate and his wife live in St. Louis and are avid Cardinals fans, so we planned to meet up with them for the game and dinner afterward.

Our original plan was to drive there Friday night or Saturday morning and then drive back Saturday night, but at the last minute, Frank decided we should make a getaway out of it and stay all weekend instead. I'm so glad he decided that—this mini-vacation was just what the doctor ordered.

I was worried how the 4.5-ish hour drive would go with the baby in the car, but thankfully he handled it like a champ. He slept a lot of the way, so Frank and I got to partake in one of my VERY favorite pastimes—a road-trip singalong with all the greats, John Denver and Frank Sinatra and Mumford.

That time in the car was really special. The first months after having a baby involve a lot of adjustment in a marriage, and it's hard lately to feel as connected as we used to. But singing and being silly together in the car reminded me of another car singalong from early in our relationship and rekindled that happy-and-in-love feeling. The whole trip was worth it for that alone—but the fun was just beginning.

We woke up early on Saturday morning to hit up the St. Louis Zoo first thing. My grandma likes to say, "Whenever our family visits a new city, the first place we go is the zoo," so I guess I was being true to tradition there. I texted my dad and grandma that I was at the zoo, and my dad wrote back, "Did you know you went to that same zoo when you were 6?" and my grandma texted back "Did you know I took your dad to that same zoo when he was 4?" Neither my dad nor I remember our first St. Louis Zoo trips, so Frankie is holding to family tradition by not remembering his first visit either.

He looked like this for most of the visit:

But Frank and I loved it. We were really impressed with the exhibits. I think it's my new favorite zoo in the world!

We spotted a mother elephant with her baby and I just felt this kinship, you know?

We also met this friendly young bear:

And this orangutan who was just so over it all:

I'll spare you the other 200 animal pictures I took on my phone, but sadly I didn't get a picture of my favorite animal exhibit—we saw two hippos fighting each other in the water! They were legit dueling it out, cage-match style, with angry noises and wide open mouths and much churning of the water. I would be terrified to encounter that in the wild. It was one of the coolest things I've seen at a zoo in my life.

One other awesome thing about that zoo—at one point the baby got really hungry, so I found a bench, pulled out the nursing cover and tried to feed him. But it was over 90 degrees out and pretty soon we were both sweating to death under that cover, plus random teenagers were staring, and both mama and baby were approaching a meltdown. Frank was looking at the zoo map, and in the map key I saw a lactation room just a few yards from us! We went to find it, and I was able to nurse in a comfortable chair in a completely private, air conditioned room. It was incredible. Lactation rooms are one of those little services that I never would have thought of before becoming a mom, but now they are INVALUABLE. Major props to the St. Louis Zoo for that little touch.

After a few hours at the zoo, we returned to the hotel to meet Frank's friends and head out to Busch Stadium. It was baby's first baseball game!

By the way, I put the above picture on Facebook, and it tried to tag Frankie as my sister Lillian. I'm not sure that's a compliment to her, but it does mean my genes are strong in this child. Yes!!!!

When we first arrived at the game, I panicked. The temperature was still in the 90s and our seats were in the sun. I may try to be a laid-back mom, but I was not going to sit my 7-week-old outside in that kind of weather. Luckily, like at the zoo, the first aid station was open for nursing moms. I spent at least half the game in there with Frankie, enjoying the air conditioning. We didn't rejoin Frank and our friends until the sun had moved so our seats were in shadow.

I took a bunch of pictures of Frankie in his way-too-big Phillies gear. He was one happy little fan:

After the game we went to Chili's for margaritas and dinner. Here's Frank with his college roommate. They had a great time telling stories about "the old days" and all the goofy shenanigans they got up to. Oh, and Josh gave Frank a Cardinals shirt, just to make him squirm. :)

On Sunday, we went to the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral Basilica for Mass. These pictures can't do justice to the magnificence of that place:

We took a short tour of the church after Mass, and checked out the museum in the basement and the Cathedral gift shop before leaving. The gift shop was selling copies of Michele's and Amy's book, which I've been wanting to read for a while, so I bought a copy—the perfect souvenir.

Frankie wore his dapper Sunday best:

After that we headed on home, totally refreshed. Such a great weekend.

By the way, if you're interested, my instagram handle is tessciv. It's hard to find time to blog these days, but I update instagram almost every day—I'm kind of addicted—so follow me over there if you'd like!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We're going to Rome!

This morning I booked our honeymoon hotel—a darling bed & breakfast with views of St. Peter's.

I can't believe it's really happening. I can't believe I'm going to my favorite city in the world with my favorite person in the world! Our flight is three months from today, and I couldn't be more excited.

Now, readers, I need your help. A lot of you have been to Rome, or maybe even lived there for a time. I've been there twice before, but both trips were brief—this is by far my longest stay. Do you have any recommendations for fun things to do—restaurants to try, out-of-the-way museums, pretty gardens, tips and tricks for navigating the city? Anything you've got would be a huge help!

And now, it's time I get started on my next project: learning a bit of Italian before we go.

Arrivederci, e grazie per leggere!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What We Did in West Chester, PA

Last weekend, Frank and I went to West Chester to visit Lillian and Matt, who live just 4 blocks from each other and work in the same building. Isn't that nice? I wish Frank and I lived that close to each other!

We drove there after work on Friday evening. We brought along a girl named Katherine in the car -- girlfriend of Lillian's and Matt's coworker. Poor Katherine was subjected to a raucous singalong in the car (our favorite hobby on road trips) but she was a good sport and joined in the singing.

We hadn't had dinner and we were pretty hungry upon our arrival. Luckily, Matt had whipped up a delicious meal. I was so impressed I had to take a picture.

A brother-in-law who cooks is definitely a great addition to our family. :)

Frank had to finish writing a paper for class on Friday night (I edited it for him -- hurray for marrying an editor!), so we didn't stay up late. But on Saturday morning, the boys showed up bright and early to make us pancakes.

Doesn't Matt look charming in Lillian's apron? Frank laughingly insisted that Matt had to wear it while cooking. Lillian was wearing her Yale sweater (Matt's alma mater) while Matt was wearing her apron, so I declared it "opposite day" and took a picture of them "pretending to be each other."

Matt's "Lillian face" was nice and amiable, but Lillian's "Matt face" was somewhat unconvincing.

Frank and I had two reasons for visiting Westchester that weekend.

1. Lillian and Matt were taking their engagement photos on Saturday, courtesy of our lovely friend Emily, and they wanted us (well really, Lillian wanted me) to help them get ready and pose them for shots. Also, Emily generously offered to also take some photos of Frank and me while she was at it (those turned out awesome -- but more on that later).

2. Lillian and Matt work at the best educational institution in America (no bias here, of course). Besides masquerading as a conservative matchmaker (seriously -- Lillian and I both met our fiancés through the honors program), this organization is located on a gorgeous campus and its printing house publishes super awesome books. We were excited to check it out!

After breakfast, Emily and I got Lillian ready for her photo shoot.

We had a great time playing around with hair styles and make-up. It was a joint effort, as you can see.

West Chester has a really cute little downtown area of shops and restaurants. We spent the afternoon wandering through it for the engagement photo shoot.

Frank and I explored the shops while Emily took pictures of Lillian and Matt -- which turned out darling! I'll feature them tomorrow.

First we got coffee at Fennario. They had the most amazing and delicious flavors! Lillian said it's one of her favorite shops.

I laughed at this sign:

While I got coffee, Frank explored the Irish shop next door. You couldn't find a man more proud to be Irish than Frank. I joke that he makes me the most "Irish" non-Irish person out there!

He picked out a stuffed animal for his little sister (who asked for "something fluffy" on her Christmas list) while I eyed this cute children's jacket:

The shamrock zipper pull -- perfect!

Then Lillian, Emily, and I moseyed into the ladies' thrift store across the street.

Lillian visits this shop so much that they know her by name. It's a great place to score cheap vintage dresses.

We didn't buy anything this trip, but I did admire their vintage hat selection.

It made me think of my friend Kelly, who collects vintage hats.

They also had a glorious array of vintage jewelry. I don't wear jewelry much (except for my engagement ring) but the pink cameo was tempting... maybe someday I'll give jewelry more of a try!

After walking through downtown, Lillian and Matt took us to see their beautiful church, St. Agnes.

I can't believe they get to walk to church every Sunday. Frank and I have to drive 15 minutes each way. What a dream life!

Attached to the church was a little school and this sweet convent.

There was even a little replica of the grotto at Lourdes!

You might remember that Frank and I got engaged at a Lourdes grotto here in DC, so grottoes hold a special place in my heart. I was thrilled to see this one.

An action shot of Emily, Lillian and Matt... not very well lit, unfortunately. (That's why Emily took the pictures, not me!)

A sample of the adorableness:

To honor the belief that Catholic marriage is a sacrament and a holy covenant, Lillian and Matt chose to take some of their engagement pictures inside the church.

And what a perfect setting -- the church was gorgeous!

I couldn't get enough of the lighting and the decorations. It felt like stepping into a European cathedral.

And that stained glass! Don't you just marvel at the artistry?

Emily took some pictures of Frank and me in the church too -- more of those tomorrow.

We noticed a restaurant called "Saucey" and Frank concluded that they named it after me... I can't imagine why.

Then Lillian took us to the very greatest place in the whole entire world ... THE BOOK BARN!

Five floors of used books for sale ... a gigantic labyrinth of literature!

It's *literally* a barn.

The family who owns the Book Barn lives over here, on the first floor. Frank said, "What a perfect retirement job." I completely agree.

Entering the Book Barn felt like a trip back in time.

Imagine stepping into an antique barn with hardwood floors and rafters of books lining the walls...

Rows of shiny, beautifully-bound classics (that inspired me to create a new blog header)...

Room after maze-like room of floor-to-ceiling knowledge...

Darling vintage books with quaint titles...

Twists and turns and secret passageways...

Vintage prints and curios (which Frank adored)...

Delightful old-fashioned artwork adorning the walls... and most of it for sale!

Helpful signs above your head...

And funny signs too:

All the way up to the 5th floor attic.

We were in heaven. Frank bought an armload of books, of course.

After that we went to visit the place where Matt and Lillian work.

It was beautiful.

Frank, Matt, Emily (our intrepid photographer!) and Lil.

Lillian at her desk. I'm so proud of the work she does!

That night we went to a party with Lillian's coworkers and played a rousing game of Charades, ate cheese and meatballs, and drank lots of Yuletide punch. Sunday morning, we went to Mass and brunch, and then Frank and I drove home.

It was such a good visit. We loved visiting them, and we can't wait to go back.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Catch-Up Post: California!

Remember when I went to California almost 3 months ago? Back before I got engaged? Before I started my new job and before moving to my new house? Basically, a whole lifetime ago?

Well, it was a pretty fun trip, and as usual I took a completely excessive amount of pictures. Enjoy the image (and information) overload!

I flew from Ronald Reagan Airport to George Bush Airport to John Wayne Airport, which I found hilarious.. it was like a "Greatest Conservatives" hit list.

Upon arrival at the California airport...

...the first sight to greet my eyes was palm trees!

Toto, we are not in Virginia anymore.

Taxis in California are different from taxis in DC... a fact that had to be documented from inside and out.

As a side note, do you ever find it hilarious after a trip to go back through the photos you've taken? I always seem to photograph the funniest things.

My hotel room was... luxurious. Definitely the nicest hotel I've ever stayed in. Below is a photo collage tentatively titled "Too Much Information."

I arrived early for the conference so I unpacked pretty quickly and needed something else to do. I decided to mosey over to the local mall, which was called Fashion Island. This was not your ordinary mall. It was pretty much the swankiest mall I've ever seen. It even had a trolley.

In retrospect, why didn't I ride the trolley? I don't know what I was thinking.

The highlight of my mall trip was discovering a cute little store with these darling and unusual greeting cards. I took pictures of the ones that made me think of Frank... and made me laugh.

I also followed my typical practice of taking photos of things I want to buy, so I can remember to come back to find them them later. These things caught my eye:

It should be noted that the above photos were taken a solid month before Frank proposed. Yeah... he wasn't the only one who had marriage on the mind.

And now for the highlight of my trip! The very best part! The whole reason I'm writing this blog post in the first place!

I HUNG OUT WITH VANESSA!!! Yes! In the flesh! (Is that enough exclamation points to do the occasion justice?)

Vanessa is a senior at Notre Dame in my exact same major and I adore her. We went to Mass together and had breakfast at a bakery near my hotel, and got caught up after not seeing each other for over a year. I absolutely can't wait to see her when I visit ND at the end of October.

We went to church on Balboa Island. It was pretty inside and fit the beach-town vibe.

Then we enjoyed pastries at the fabulous little cafe near my hotel.

Balboa Island will make another appearance in this post... just you wait!

One evening all the seminar participants went on a dinner cruise...

I thought of that wonderful line from The Wind in the Willows - "There is NOTHING--absolute nothing--half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." 

Wait, hang on. Let's take a moment to fully appreciate the wonder that is the sun over the water.

It did my soul good.

One day we went to a shooting range. You'll be shocked, I'm sure, to hear that I'm not a very good shot.

Some of the guys were pretty good. One guy, Sam, had never shot a gun before but ended up out-shooting everyone - a natural shot. He and Lewis had a shoot-out at the end to determine who was the best shot of the group.

And the whole group:

We had a great time.

On one of the last days of the program, I walked over to Balboa Island by myself for an afternoon.

The TV show Arrested Development was filmed there, so every time I saw an elderly woman in an expensive car, I was like "It's Lucille!!!" 

I couldn't get over the bridge leading onto the island, all decked out in its patriotic finery for the Fourth of July.

These are a few of the darling things I saw on Balboa Island - flower boxes, sunny patios, signs and buildings that caught my eye.

I walked all the way down the main street until I hit the water. Then I sat on a bench for a little while and took in the gorgeous day and the views of the water. I really missed Frank right then.

On my way back I stopped in a taffy store. Apparently Balboa Island is famous for its taffy. What's up with little islands being famous for a random candy? Mackinac Island is like that for fudge.

I hadn't bought Frank a present yet and it occurred to me that he might like some of the famous taffy. They had the most marvelous flavors there - frosted cupcake, strawberry cheesecake, chocolate chip cookie dough...

I chose a few different kinds and brought them home for Frank. It was divine - I restrained myself from eating it before I gave Frank his present, but afterwards, pretty sure I ate more of it than he did.

And that, friends, is the story of my delightful trip out West - boating, rifles, and taffy. I don't think that's exactly what the conference organizers wanted me to get out of the experience, but hey, we all know my inner age is 7.