
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

December 5, 2018

Tis the Season

I'm not sure if I'm entering the blogging world full time yet but here I am again making another post.
For the first time ever (I think), I decorated the tree by myself.  I've had elves (grandchildren) help in years past but they are getting older and would rather do other things.  It gave me an opportunity to handle each memory as I put it on the tree.....making me feel a little sad and melancholy.  

This ornament was on my tree as a child.  I love little houses (of course I do).

 But the ornaments that I wanted to share were not purchased but made.
My mom's mom, Amanda, created ornaments from eggs....mostly goose eggs.

This egg was cut open so that a display could be featured on the inside. Only goose eggs could handle the great amount of cutting that went on here.  The egg itself is very firm.

The eggs above and below are chicken eggs.

Grandma took old greeting cards and somehow removed the images to place on the egg, then decoupaged the entire thing.  Then she glued ribbons and beads and sometimes her old jewelry to the eggs to add the finishing touch. The images are very 1970's but aren't they sweet?

We all have a few of grandma's eggs on our trees....something to remind us of her and the labor of love she put into these creations.

Happy Stitching,