Showing posts with label gwot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gwot. Show all posts

Saturday, April 07, 2007


One of the many arguments pushed especially by Dick Cheney and of course by George Bush and of course again by the rivulets of their pissing contest in the Right Wing Blogo- and Radio-sphere (and the Washington Post) is that "If we leave Iraq before the glorious victory we see so clearly in our minds in Technicolor™ then The Enemy Will Follow Us Home."

Uh. Why would that have to "follow us home"? Do they mean like the way they'd follow the guy in the '73 Ranchero home from the fight in the parking lot of the local strip joint? Does anybody really need to follow anybody home to America? I mean it's a big place. Lots of people know about it. And there's maps and everything that show America. Right there next to Cuba. (And Lord knows the terrorists all know where Cuba is.)

That argument is resoundingly silly. If they wanted to hit us here, wouldn't it be easier while we're...over there? Do they think we're in a sword fight? As long as they keep slashing wildly at the lone bad guy then he won't be able to get to the fair maiden and slash off her bodice and have her way with her?

They keep telling us it's a G.W.O.T., a "Global War on Terror," trying to convince us there are nuclear-suitcase carrying terrorists on every street corner from Flint to Taipei. At the same time they say, "We can't leave Iraq - 'cause The Enemy Will Follow Us Home." That just doesn't make sense. Really, it doesn't. Think about it.

Oh look. Somebody smarter than me said the same thing.


Saturday, March 31, 2007

Australian "Terrorist" David Hicks: 9 Months

Hicks has spent more than five years in U.S. custody, most of it on Guantanamo. For the first two and a half years he had no access to a lawyer. For the first five he was not tried. Now he's had his trial.

He's been sentenced to nine months in prison. Nine months.

And he had to agree to certain things:

Australian David Hicks pleaded guilty at the Guant‡namo Bay Navy Base yesterday to supporting terrorism in exchange for a nine-month prison sentence under a plea deal that forbids him from claiming he was abused in U.S. custody.

Can you believe that? A deal, in an American court, that stipulates what he can say? WTF?
