Showing posts with label iglesias. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iglesias. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Iglesias on Real Time

The fired U.S. Attorney speaks.

Check out near the end when the Concervative commentator tries, really pathetically, to roll out the "it's a political position" line. It is so easily slapped down and she has a brain freeze that's almost embarrassing. Then she goes to "but where's the crime?" thing. That one riles me because I've never heard, and again not here, someone say "Since when does not knowing all the facts stop an investigation?" There is evidence pointing to possible wrongdoing. If knowing exactly what was going on was the criteria for raising questions and investigating the possible commission of a crime then there would be a whole lot of crimes left univestigated. It's as weak as the "you serve at the pleasure of the president" crap.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Support the Reserves?

Via DKos, a new twist in the fired attorney story:

"I want to make sure they didn’t fire me because of my military duty," Iglesias said. "When I was away from the office, it wasn’t like I was going on vacation in Europe."

How many reasons are they up to now for the firing of USA Iglesias? At this point, it hardly matters, because if this one sticks around, it'll become a large - larger - story.

And back to Oregonians for Honest New Mexicans.

TPM Muckraker has more.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oregonians for Honest New Mexicans

I hereby announce the launch of the brand new and extremely great political action committee, Oregonians for Honest New Mexicans.

Thank you.

I'm launching the committee in response to a bunch of lying New Mexicans I read about over here (via over there). They call themselves New Mexicans for Honest Courts, but that title is a GREAT BIG NEW MEXICAN LIE. And this proud honest Oregonian ain't gonna take it.

The Lying New Mexicans for New Mexican Lies put out this ad, which is, according to their mandate, full of lies and distortions.

And just who runs this river of New Mexican lies? Linda Chavez Krumland, says the Web site.

Now I haven't confirmed this, but I'm pretty sure that Linda Chavez Krumland, with her husband Tom, run a Toyota dealership in Roswell. I mean I'm really pretty fantantiscally sure.

[UPDATE: CONFIRMED Here's the reg. form for this PAC of lies, with phone number, and here's the phone number entered into Google. Roswell Toyota.]

And you simply will not believe this:

The owner of Roswell Toyota offered an apology Thursday to local veterans upset about a fighter-jet flyover at the grand opening of a car dealership Nov. 10.

An Air National Guard flyover for the opening of an auto dealership? WTF? He got the flyover with help from a buddy in Congress, Rep. Daniel Foley—who had turned down a flyover for the Veterans administration!

But wait there's more!

Tom Krumland said he had invited the entire public to the grand opening event on a radio program but not veterans groups specifically.

“Let me apologize if we offended anyone,” he said, adding that there was nothing he would ever exclude veterans from.

What did this patriotic and honest court-loving New Mexican say?

Santiago Vasquez, junior vice commander of the VFW post, said New Mexico veterans were “incensed” by the flyover and comments made by Krumland to KOB-TV.

In a Feb. 1 story on the KOB-TV Web site, Krumland, in reference to the flyover, said, “If we offended anybody, then they’re unpatriotic.”

That would be unpatriotic veterans he was referring to.

More later...