Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My 6th Photo {Blog Game}

As I sit in my mother-in-law's comfy kitchen trying to think of something to post while I am visiting here in Maryland {started our drive from our home in MA on Saturday, then stopped in NY, now MD} I was saved by the bell by being tagged to participate in the "6th photo published on your blog game" by two adorable bloggers, Mary Ann from Verbena Cottage and Debby Lee from Inspired Design.  I have to admit that I was actually confused by this game and wanted to know what the rules were.  I searched around on other blogs that were participating and still could not figure it out.  I must be very tired from all that driving or very dense!  After some time I finally understood that it was to be a photo from when one first started blogging.  So, using only the photo's that I took personally, starting with the first and counting up to six, {thought that would be more interesting than a photo I "borrowed" from someone else}  I found a photo I took of my dinning room back in October 2009.  It is all creepy and ready for Halloween.  Now, I had just started blogging in October of '09 and looking back made me realize that I really didn't know a thing about blogging.  For goodness sakes!  I didn't even do a first post properly. I just jumped in and started without introducing myself or what my blog is about. A welcoming intro seems to be what everyone does.  I think I was so excited to get going that I just did it.  So, actually being tagged for this photo game has opened my eyes to the fact that I need to do a first post the right way.  I have to think about this because even in the six months since I started blogging, my ideas about my blog and tastes have changed.  I will be working on it, very slowly I think, and throw it out there one of these days.  For now, I am happy to show you my 6th photo and relieved that I have something to write about while I am away!  Not being at home on my computer with all my files and photo's is challenging!

Halloween is so far away and I find it even hard to even think about it.  However, I just want to mention that I love my black crows and love using them in my schemes.  As I look at this picture, I think I am going to change the color of the walls in this room.  Getting tired of the Desert Tan, by BM.   I also think the windows need something.  I am looking for a really great mirror for over the sideboard too.  As I have said before, the dinning room chairs need to be recovered.  Do you like the mice running around?  From Martha of course!  Who else.

Now I need to tag 10 more bloggers to present their 6th photo.  If you have already been tagged and done this...sorry!  Just know that I admire your blog and what you do...so...I am picking you!  What is your sixth photo?

I am exhausted from a long day of summer clothes shopping for my daughter.  She is in heaven because she has her Aunt and Grandma fussing over her and buying her cute clothes.  Lucky girl!  After being at the mall for about 5 hours we had a delicious meal at P.F. Chang's.  Glad to be back and blogging!


*Photo taken by and property of Living It At Home*