Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitties. Show all posts

Monday, June 21, 2010

Just a quick hello!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to check in even though I have no pictures to show you. Oh, I know! I'll post pix of the kitties! I am now in serious packing mode & have lots of things to do around the house to get it set up for DH to live alone for awhile. Kitties get their nails done this week too so they will be easier to handle if they get freaky and also they won't tear up the car upholstery! They are good kitties & I'm sure they will be fine.

Here is KC, relaxing, and Sweet Pea is guarding the boxes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I know I haven't posted lately. I've been sick with a cold. I didn't get any stitching done for THREE days and missed the Ro Pace workshop on Saturday. Crap!! Oh well, I'm on the mend now. I actually feel pretty normal now. I am very lucky to have dodged the bronchitis bullet this time!

I will start my updating with this adorable picture of my babies. Do you hear proud mama talking? The kitties are doing well, getting along, playing, etc. Here they are in the window of my office, checking out the neighbor's Siamese who was in the yard.

I will try to get you all updated on all my projects over the next few days before DH and I head off to Palm Springs & San Diego. We will be gone for a week. I expect to check out needlework shop(s) in the Palm Springs/Palm Desert area and get lots of stitching done while sitting in a hotel. DH will be attending a conference. The San Diego part of the trip will be all about visiting family & friends and I probably won't get much stitching done then.