While I was in Philadelphia, I had to stop and see these girls who had managed to make the trip up (from Houston and DC respectively).
We did our typical Starbucks meet up in Newtown where we sat outside and talked. Then we perused the Gap Body in main street and walked over Ritas and sat on the stones for more chatting.
Tracey showed us pictures from Maui (a two week honeymoon is my new ambition in life).
Then on Sunday we went to New Hope, one of my favorite places, and where I got my tattoos back in the day. We decided to try Cafe Blue Moose for brunch.
It was a good decision.
We sat on the patio out back, overlooking the garden.
I had Egg Wrap which was delicious.
Tracey had Skylar's Egg Sammy and Linds had the Classic Egg Sandwich.
We gobbled them all up.
After relaxing with some tea, we headed out to window shop.
But not before reading the Blue Moose story on the bathroom wall. The restaurant was founded by two teenagers, Skylar (14) and Pat (15) looking for something to do on the weekends. (!) When it opened, the restaurant was the first 100% youth-run restaurant, which is pretty awesome, especially given how lovely and delicious it was.
New Hope is always wonderful in the summer. On weekends you can see everything from horse drawn carriages to Harleys lining the street. And the shops are a mix of new and vintage--but everyone is friendly.
Before we left for home--and our respective long trips home--we posed for a picture.