Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brunch. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Philly Brunch

While I was in Philadelphia, I had to stop and see these girls who had managed to make the trip up (from Houston and DC respectively).

We did our typical Starbucks meet up in Newtown where we sat outside and talked. Then we perused the Gap Body in main street and walked over Ritas and sat on the stones for more chatting.

Tracey showed us pictures from Maui (a two week honeymoon is my new ambition in life).

Then on Sunday we went to New Hope, one of my favorite places, and where I got my tattoos back in the day. We decided to try Cafe Blue Moose for brunch.

It was a good decision. 

We sat on the patio out back, overlooking the garden.

I had Egg Wrap which was delicious. 

Tracey had Skylar's Egg Sammy and Linds had the Classic Egg Sandwich. 

We gobbled them all up.

After relaxing with some tea, we headed out to window shop.

But not before reading the Blue Moose story on the bathroom wall. The restaurant was founded by two teenagers, Skylar (14) and Pat (15) looking for something to do on the weekends. (!) When it opened, the restaurant was the first 100% youth-run restaurant, which is pretty awesome, especially given how lovely and delicious it was.

New Hope is always wonderful in the summer. On weekends you can see everything from horse drawn carriages to Harleys lining the street. And the shops are a mix of new and vintage--but everyone is friendly.

Before we left for home--and our respective long trips home--we posed for a picture.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tea Time!

Brunch is a thing in New York. It's pretty much a noun, an adjective, and a verb. One of my favorite brunch spots with the most amazing tea and scones is Alice's Tea Cup.

So yesterday, that's where we went.

There are several "chapters" throughout the city. Chapter 1 is on the Upper West Side, currently half hidden under some scaffolding. 

The atmosphere is the second best part. In addition to tea and scones--and really amazing food, there are odes to Alice and Wonderland, including tea sets and treats and books and even tiaras.

We were taken back into the red room. 

There's often a pretty long wait at Alice's so we made a special reservation for Tea Service. We had three teapots with Roobios Bourbon, Jasmine Monkey King, and Birthday Black teas.

Our tea trays arrived with scones, sandwiches and desserts. 

That's chocolate mousse with whipped cream and sprinkles, cookies and mocha cake.

It was all quite delicious. Pumpkin scones, buttermilk scones, chocolate chip and salted caramel scones. Ham and gruyere and chicken curry sandwiches. Oh and the chocolate mousse.

We were pleased.

Next time I want to dress up like the people in the pictures that line the red room.

They also have goodies to go--and a recipe book.

I've had a sick dog for several days (she's finally feeling better!) and this was definitely what I needed.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Long Weekend in Austin -- A Photo Essay

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