Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

When Things Run Their Course

run its course means "to continue (naturally) until finished".

To progress along something's 
natural course and conclude at its 
normal pace.

Don't panic...I'm not talking about my blog!

Let's back up a bit!
Texas trip was a success but not without it's problems.  Mostly that Mom got sick on Thanksgiving with a nasty cold and is still not feeling well. Still we got to visit family and enjoyed lots of talk, laughter, jokes, memories and sweet hugs and kisses! 
The view from our beach front condo on Padre Island.  
The view of the condo from the beach.
Not bad at all!

It was pretty warm but lots of wind.
Cloudy mornings with mostly afternoon sunshine.  I took a couple of walks on the beach, collected seashells for me and the Grands and relaxed!
Next to us was a public beach.  You can drive your car onto the beach and set up camp.  Fishing, grilling and fun!
They had the Berkeland spelled wrong but the thought was nice.  
We had 62 for Thanksgiving Dinner! 
There was a group photo taken on the beach but I don't have a copy of it yet.  I'm looking forward to getting that memory.  
Before leaving Houston we were able to visit with my niece Amanda and her son Ethan.  Mom enjoyed seeing her Granddaughter and Great Grandson!
I miss them so much!
Beach feet!  I've been taking a photo like this for years! 

The travel home was hard since Mom didn't feel well.  Thank goodness for wheelchair assistance, portable oxygen and helpful flight attendants! 
Picking up the kitties and getting home felt so good! 
I missed Annie so much.  She forgave me rather quickly although she is not sure about this 'tree' in front of her window.  I love this photo of her.  Napping under the Christmas tree was always a favorite place of Charlie's and it warms my heart to see Annie there! 
Getting home on Nov 28th put me behind in my Christmas decorating!
So I hauled out the tree and got it up right away.  It took a few days to get out the ornaments but they are mostly on the tree now. 
I started working on the cubbies filling them with vintage Christmas.  Then I sat down and realized it looked cluttered to me.  So I decided to edit my vintage to the items I really love. 
The top cubbies are good! 
My collection of nativities is too crowded so I'll rearrange that soon.
I love everything in this cubbie!
It feels good to let go.  Some things I'm sending to my friend Donna and others I'm donating back into the wild. 
So here is where the phrase 'when things run their course' comes in...
I realized it was truly time to downsize my Christmas.  This isn't the first time I've done this, but this time it was 'use it or lose it' time. 
This tote of ornaments and decorations most of which hasn't been used in years is going to my church.
This box of ornaments and various decorations is going to the thrift shop
This box of ornaments is going to my daughter's house.  Some for her if she wants them, some for the Grands (they each have their own tiny tree they decorate) and what they don't want...donated!

I am looking at two empty totes and more space in my ornament boxes! 

As I've gotten older it has been harder and harder to haul out those totes, decorate, put the totes away and then clean up after Christmas.  I still love to decorate but I decided I can't keep things I no longer use.
**The ONLY exception is shiny brites some from my childhood that I don't display around the Grands or the Cat**
I will still hunt for vintage Christmas. This sleigh and Santa are both 2017 thrift store finds and keepers!
But I no longer will buy everything I think is 'cute' or 'old' or 'tiny' or ...
I just can't!
I thrifted all of these items this year and some are staying, some are gifts and some I'm returning to the thrift shop...sigh!  
I'm not done going through all the Christmas yet, but I've made a great start.  Sometimes things just run their course!

Wishing you JOY,


Monday, June 19, 2017

A Few Thrify Finds

June is proving to be another busy month!  I'm trying to regain my blogging mojo and have promised myself to just post even if I feel like I have little to say.  I need to get back into the habit.  I miss all of you.  
So while doing some purging in May I did find a few little things I just had to have!
My love of all things 'Paris' continues
This sweet Eiffel Tower has a new home here with me!
This cute little mug fits into the cubbies!
Like new pillow is on the futon!
A mug for the mornings and a reminder to follow that dream!
I had been keeping my eyes open for a small travel hairdryer for my craft room.  Sometimes I need to dry a watercolor before I can add more paint and this was $2 and perfect!
I think one of my favorite finds was this small aquarium.  I have been looking for one to hold the shells that I collect every time I go to the beach.  I'll put it on the top of the bookcase.

I enjoy the hunt and my finds are all thrifty and have a place in my home before I buy it.
  It's the new 'rule' of thrifting for me. 

The Grands have been so busy this summer.  Lots of day camps for Tiger and Scout is still going to daycare.  Sara is taking some graduate courses this summer and Blake is working and taking classes.  Busy family.
They had a little Father's Day trip to the mountains and had a wonderful time!
Blake is such a great Dad!

Sara took these photos of Scout and I'm so in love with them!

She loves the color pink (like her Grandma) and is such a girly girl but can play in the dirt and run with her big brother also! 

Wishing you JOY,


Friday, May 5, 2017

Friday Finds!

It has been awhile since I did a Friday finds.  Since I'm not thrifting very much these days I don't have a lot to share.  I do wander through the thrifts but have cut my buying down to almost nothing!
This cute cat earring holder was found at GW and I just had to have it!  It is on my dresser and holding some of my favorite earrings!
I had butterflies on my mind when I bought this .99 plastic bin.  Not sure what to do with it but it's mine now! 
I love vintage table cloths and this Christmas one is round and makes a great tree skirt for $1
These footed glasses were hard to photograph, but the dragonfly on them had me smiling!  Only .75 for three!
(I looked for that 4th glass but guess that's why they were at the thrift, only 3 of them)

Three Lefton Lambs for $1
So cute!

This Hall restaurant ketchup container was .99 at Habitat for Humanity!
I could not pass this cutie up! 

I've been doing a little planting as Spring has sprung!
A tomato plant
and some Herbs for my Mom
These are outside our mutual front doors.  I got this little fountain as a surprise for Mom.
It is solar powered but with the wind blowing it blows the water everywhere and empties the bird bath or bucket pretty fast!  So maybe in summer with less wind it will work better, but it's cute!

We have bird feeders and flowers and hope to plant a few more things.
In front of Mom's window and both our front doors!  
In front of my window so Annie Belle and I can watch the birds from inside.
We have a young pair of Cardinals we are watching grow!
We have such a deer problem here in our neighborhood but they don't like these flowers very much so they might last!

It's cold and rainy today but hopefully I'll get a bit more outdoor planting done this weekend. 

Annie says this is not her 'best' side but as you can tell from this view she has gained a lot of weight.  I bought her 'diet' food and now if I can just get her to play a bit more and lose some weight.  I am careful about the amount of food I give her but she has 'fluffed' right up! 
Still a sweetie and loves her Mama...even if I do have her on a diet!   

Wishing you JOY,


Friday, March 10, 2017

Thrifting & Other Things

I once again have been missing from my blog.   Last week Scout was sick and I spent two days taking care of her.  Thank goodness I did not get sick again but it wore me out!  Friday was a day of rest and reading.  This week I've had 3 days in a row of Dr/Dentist visits for my Mom.  She is doing well but we needed to catch up on some appointments and they came all in one week! 

I did manage to slip into a thrift shop or two (or three) and while I didn't buy much I do love my thrifty finds.

This tiny little nativity was .25 and I love it!  Already stored with the Christmas decorations.
I think this little shelf is going to see a makeover and the hold more of my orphan S&P collection and only .50

The next three items were only. 25 each!
I haven't bought an egg cup in a long time but this was so sweet and made in France!
This crazy cat mug will go on my art desk to hold pens or brushes!
A very cool cork screw with a bakelite handle will be a gift for a friend who makes wine (good wine)!

A quick stop at Goodwill
I have been looking at these magnet boards but the price of $10 has stopped me, I'm cheap er thrifty I tell ya, so for .77 this one jumped in my cart! 
Two strong pieces of foam board .77 will hold my watercolor paper down while I paint

This little ceramic dish was also .77 and is wonderful for mixing a batch of watercolor for a wash.  My new watercolor hobby has dictated some of my recent finds! 

A last stop at Habitat for Humanity
This lovely serving dish
Bordallo Pinherio and only $2.99

I have made a few purchases using coupons at Michael's and Hobby Lobby
It is really important to find my supplies as cheaply as I can.
A small watercolor pad for making cards and a paint pallette all bought using 40% off.  I also bought a white ink gel pen. 

All these goodies are for my newest passion!  Watercolors! 
I am still in the practice and learning phase and try everyday to at least paint a little bit. 
(now is a good time to leave if you are tired of my new hobby...I totally understand)
Different techniques and using an ink pen for details on some of the paintings.
 Learning to mix colors
Practice with different brush sizes
Textures (my least favorite exercise so far) and finally a little painting
Lupines from a tutorial
I have some new tutorial's I plan to watch this week and paint more flowers.  I really do love them.  I'm having quite the good time with all of this. 

Alas, I did not return to Junk in the Trunk to see if the pink and black vase from last post was still there.  It is out of my normal path so maybe soon.  If it's there good, if not I seem to be ok with that also.  

Wishing you JOY,
