Showing posts with label Swimming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swimming. Show all posts

Monday, April 6, 2009

Keep on Swimming!

Hannah and Gavin completed their first session of swim lessons. Since no one else signed up for the class (March isn't the high season for swim lessons) Hannah and Gavin had PRIVATE lessons.
They did really well and LOVED their teachers... Hannah got the Aquatics Director as her teacher.

Hannah had a "boo boo" and refused to get her hand wet. Her teacher still made her swim... this is how she did it... I though she did pretty well considering she was swimming with only one arm.

Gavin loved his teacher, Chris

They are so competitive. Check out Hannah try to take down Gavin in their race...

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Family Fun Day

We had one of the busiest Saturdays we've had in a long time. I was out the door by 9am with the kids. Kevin got home really late from his hockey game the night before so we let him sleep in.
I trained my client and taught my class. Kevin met us at the gym with the kids bathing suits. We surprised Hannah and Gavin by taking them swimming because it was such a beautiful day.
After swimming we ate lunch and then Hannah and Gavin rode their bike/trike for about an hour. We went to a BBQ and I made these cute cupcakes with my friends. Stacy baked the cupcakes, I decorated them, and Leslie brought the corn on the cob holders. We sprinkled them with black and white sprinkles for the salt and pepper. I loved them, but they were missing the chunk of butter (a yellow starburst).
We met Aaron and Rachel at Glacial Gardens in Anaheim.
This is where Kevin and Aaron learned how to skate... and now Hannah and Gavin.
Their first time on ice (with skates)

I am so happy that Aaron and Rachel were there, because I can not skate at all. I had such a hard time trying to help Hannah. It was like the blind leading the blind. Thanks for helping so much with the kids

My hockey boys...
Gavin just loved every second of it.
Daddy sure liked showing off by spraying us with ice and taking the kids on fast rides around the ice rink. Kevin is such a great ice skater.

Gavin had a lot of help from Aaron too...

Hannah really started to get the hang of it. I was so proud of her!

Since my feet hurt so badly from those nasty rentals I quit skating about half way though. My poor ankles were dying. Kevin and Aaron were the last ones off the ice. I don't know if I'm much of a skater. We'll have to see about next time.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Just Keep Swimming...

My kids love to swim. They can swim up to three times in one day. Eat, swim, eat, sleep, eat, swim, eat, sleep, eat, swim.... Hannah has had her "backpack" since last summer. The strap on the bottom gave her an atomic wedgie. She would always say, "Mommy, my backpack's in my tooshie!" I found a new one at Target and bought it. She was so excited to try it out. She said, "It not in my tooshie anymore." I love that little girl...

Naturally, Gavin got the "old" backpack. He did pretty well his first try. You can really tell he feels like a big boy now. I still have to heavily supervise him, but it's nice not to have him climbing all over me.

It was a treat to swim with Daddy. Hannah and Daddy had a fun time jumping off the waterfall together. Kevin took her to the top of the waterfall, held her and jumped. Hannah wanted to do it again, and again, and again.

My sister snorkling... she's such a dork!

Gavin loves to play catch...

We love swimming, and I love the fabulous quality of a nap the kids take after they swim. It's really a win win situation.