Showing posts with label Couture Collections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Couture Collections. Show all posts

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Meet Gretchen!

I love the beginning of a new month...while we're sad to see our previous Guest Designer; Bethany Kartchner go, we're so very excited to welcome a new one. This month we are privileged to have Gretchen McElveen join us for the month of July. This is one creative gal, let me tell you! If you spend any time at all on SisTv, then you are familiar with her amazing, vibrant style. She has answered a few fun questions and has shared a few of her favorite layouts below. Check it out! And if you are feeling inspired by her pages, just scraplift one (or all three!) of her pages and upload the link in the comments section below. We'll check them all out at the end of the month and choose a winner from the comments. The winner will receive an exclusive Lotus Paperie Couture Collection and 15 minutes of fame! YAY!

***Bethany, thanks for creating such amazing and inspiring pages with us! It was a pleasure to have you on our team for the month of June! ****

Stay tuned for a few announcements later this week!

And now, meet Gretchen!

Q:Tell us a bit about you and your family.

A: My family consists of my husband Lee and our dog Shada. We do have many, many children they just happen to call some of our friends “Mom and Dad” instead of us.

Q: How long have you been scrapbooking and where did you get your start in this craft?

A: I have been scrapbooking for about 7 years. My aunt introduced me to scrapbooking by way of Creative Memories during college but I did not really get into it until after I got married in 2002. I still have the corner rounder that I bought during my first CM party!!

Q:What inspires your creativity when you are scrapbooking?

A: I am inspired by a variety of things: great pictures, new products, bold colors, and other scrapbookers!

Q:Describe your creative style

A: I am soooo bad at answering this question. I think my style is fun and evolving! I like trying new products and experimenting with different techniques. When it comes down to it, though, I tend not to be a very technique-y scrapbooker. I stick with the basics: paper, pictures, journaling, and whatever embellishments strike my fancy!

Q:What are your three favorite products/techniques right now?

A: I am addicted to brads. I love hand-stitching. And I cannot get enough patterned paper with a subtle print.

Q:What project(s) are you currently working on?

A: I am working on some layouts with all new product for the My Little Shoebox booth at CHA!

Q:Describe your perfect day

A: My perfect day would require about 36 hours rather than just 24. I would not be working (I work full-time as a physical therapist). And I would not have to be anywhere too early in the morning. It would be sunny and pleasant so I could spend some time outside. I would get together with friends to scrapbook for awhile. The evening would have to involve a date with my husband (probably dinner, Barnes & Noble, a movie, and dessert). Then I would scrapbook some more until I could just not stay awake any longer.

Q:What are your three favorite layouts of all time that you’ve created (published or not)?

So remember to upload the links to your layouts in the comments section below. We wanna see how these fabulous pages get your mojo going!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And the winner is...

Renoa! The votes are in and your page took first place in the poll! The readership has spoken and your fantastic pink & black layout has been chosen as the winner. We are thrilled that you won and are excited to send you your limited edition Couture Collection! Email us (info at lotuspaperie dot com) with your mailing info so we can send it out right away. Thanks so much to the other ladies whose pages didn't win...keep on playing along with the never know when it's gonna be your turn to win.

Come back on Friday to see the next's a doozy! We'll be saying goodbye to our current design team, it's their final week and starting in June the new team will be rockin' the weekly challenges. So exciting...I love change!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Challenge 125

Today is a good day. I'm off to a scrapbooking retreat at a local 'resort' (really just a bunch of cabins on a giant property) for the entire weekend with a few gals and lots of scrap supplies (okay, and maybe a few drinks too). Take a look at this week's challenge. I have to tell you, I was unsure as to how I was gonna pull this one together. Our challenge this week was to


and it's not really my style...or so I thought. I chose to do this challenge because I knew it would force me to challenge my creative self and open an artistic door. I was SO right! I am delighted with how my page turned out and I actually went and bought a whole bunch more vintage embellishments to use just this way again! Now we wanna see what YOU can do! Check out the 411 page if you are new to our challenges to get the lowdown on how it all works (not to mention all the stuff you could win!)




Remember to visit the link at the top sidebar to share your scraplift of Amy's favorite pages so that YOU can win a limited edition Couture Collection bursting with scrappy goodness!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Challenge 98

Dude, it's almost the 100th challenge and in case you haven't noticed... more than thirty thousand of you amazing people have visited our li'l blog in the last not-quite-three years!!! Holy CRAP! That's a lot of people! So that might explain how on earth the number of voters on the poll on the sidebar has managed to climb so much higher than the last month's vote! Right on.

This week's sketch makes me happy. It forced me to go beyond my one-photo-per-page limitation and I truly love the way my page turned out. Maybe I shouldn't edit my photos so heavily that I only end up with one (or maybe two) great shots for each layout... something to ponder, for sure!

If you want to create a page using this weeks sketch, please be sure to share it with us in our Flickr Group...if you do, your page will be one of the layouts considered as one of the three finalists posted in the poll found on the sidebar. Please remember to include the weekly challenge number in your file name so we know to include it...otherwise it could get missed!

Oh, and there's only two days left in the Great Pumpkin Search so if you haven't played along, there's time to register...which is free and who knows, you could end up winning a whackload of great freebies! We are having a sale on our Couture Collections (buy 3 get one free!) just email with your selections. We're thinking Christmas gifting, here people!

Don't forget to Scraplift our Guest Designer, Jenny for a chance to win a RAK of some of her favorite scrappy stuff! Go here to post the link to your scraplift in the comments section.

Also, we want to see what you are working on for the holidays. Share photos of your projects in our Holiday Projects Flickr Group...there's some awesome goodies up already...okay, so they're mine but I think they're awesome!

So let's get on with the challenge, shall we?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Challenge 96

Happy Halloween!!

I know not everyone gets into this particular celebration but it IS everywhere...and for those who are interested, there's only something like 54 days left till Christmas! And with that in mind, I'm starting my list of holiday craft projects...there are a few! Of course, we will be introducing our new design team to you very soon (I'm sure you're dying to know who made the team!) and let me tell you, the competition was pretty intense. There were incredible applications from all over the globe. I promise, you won't be disappointed with the new team!

So let's get down to business...this week's challenge led to some fantastic results. I even managed to scrap some ancient photos that have been patiently waiting their turn so it was an all-round great challenge this week. I'm sure you'll be inspired by this week's challenge too so be sure to upload your amazing creations to our Flickr Group so that your pages can be in the race to win this month's RAK!! All you have to do is make sure you include the challenge number in the file name so we can identify it and if you watch the sidebar for the poll, your name could be one of the finalists to vote on!

Also I'd like to point out a few other contests going on:
1) scraplift one of Shelley's pages found here and upload the link to your lift in the comments section of that post. Let me point out that there are NO entries so far so the chances of winning could really be in your favor! You have until Nov 6 to upload links!!!
2)the Flickr Group membership is really growing! We're up to 66 and there's still that matter of the prize for number 100! So let's keep it rolling up.
3)The Great Pumpkin Search is well underway. It seems everyone is locating our pumpkin without difficulty and our number of blog-followers (on the sidebar) is growing as a result. There's a special on Couture Collections for registered Pumpkin 3 get one free!! This will run until the end of the contest on Nov 16 so don't delay, make your selections now by visiting the LOTUS PAPERIE SHOP. Please note that the Collections listed are priced individually. If you want to take advantage of this special pricing, email me at with your selections so I can email you a customized Paypal Invoice for your Couture Collections. If you aren't registered for the Shop Hop, just go HERE to join. It's free.
And so now that all that is out of the way, let's see what everyone made this week...


This is Shelley's last week as our Guest Designer. It was a thrill to have her with us and we're so glad that she could be a part of our amazing team for the month of October. Thanks for your wonderful contributions, Shelley! Hope you stick around and play along with future challenges!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Challenge 94

Here it is, time for another challenge! We've been really getting down to business with all that's going on around here...and our pages are reflecting the recent shift in gears. Everyone's pages are as gorgeous as ever!!

Keep in mind that there's tons of time for you to look back at Shelley's favorite pages that she shared with us here and link up to that post with your scraplifts of her page to win a fabulous RAK bursting with some of Shelley's favorite scrap stuff!

If you want a shot at being the lucky winner of October's Couture Collection, just upload your version of the challenges for this month (you don't have to do them all) to our Flickr Group and our design team will choose a few favorites for our readers to vote on. Just be sure to include the challenge number in your upload so we know to include it!

So on with the challenge...

an up-close look at something I'm gonna have to try now...cutting printed transparencies with the Cricut...OOOOOOOHHH!!!! Gillian

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Design Teams & pumpkins & prizes, Oh my!

Lots is going on! We've got a winner for our monthly Flickr Favorite. Over the last few days we've had a chance to vote on our top three picks uploaded to our Flickr Group using September's sketches. You have selected a winner and that title proudly goes to....

!!! Congratulations! Jackie, please email me at with your mailing address and your Couture Collection will be mailed out to you this week. There were a few more great pages for September...take a look at some of them featured below...

Also, today marks the beginning of the Great Pumpkin Search. If you haven't already signed up, you might want to do so. It's free to register and in doing so, you are eligible to win a whackload of goodies and prizes. You'll be on the lookout for a pumpkin image (there's one stashed somewhere around here even!) Take a look at the SHOP LOTUS PAPERIE link to see which Couture Collections are still in stock. There is even going to be a limited edition November Couture Collection. You won't want to miss that!! Please remember that each kit listed includes the shipping for one kit. If you wish to combine shipping on multiple kits, email me so I can determine a combined shipping charge for you.

And lastly, don't forget that we are still accepting applications for designers for our Design Team so if you think you might be up for a bit of a challenge, go here to find out what's required. We are accepting applications until October 24th.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Challenge 93

Oh how I love this week's challenge. I sat down at my desk inside my freshly tidied up studio and let the wave of creativity wash over me. I knew exactly which photo I wanted to use and the rest just 'happened'. Everyone's pages this week are so inspired and full of gorgeous details. They make me wanna go back out to the studio and scrap!

If you are feeling the same way, we invite you to share what you make with us in our Flickr Group. From all the pages uploaded to the Flickr Group, each month three favorites are chosen and voted on (like on the sidebar----->) and the winner is awarded a RAK bursting with delicious scrap supplies (October's Couture Collection). Please remember that for us to include your page in our voting process in the Flickr Group, you need to include the weekly challenge number in the file name.

Also, if you haven't already done so, please vote on the poll so that our winner can be selected. It's turning into a really close race!

OH! And don't forget that we're looking for new Design Team members! The invitation to make submissions is open until Oct 24 so if you are interested, go HERE to learn more about it. This Team Invitation is open to international scrappers so let's get 'em rollin' in!!!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Challenge 92

Can it already be time for our 92nd challenge? That just doesn't even seem right! I am not entirely sure where the time has gone or worse than that, I'm not so sure of what I did with all that time...

So many changes and still here we are scrappin' our li'l hearts out. Yay for that. Our challenge this week is a fantastic sketch that shows our last Couture Collection (for now) in a fabulous light. Our group is small for this month but we do have a new - and extremely talented- guest designer, Shelley May!

Remember to have a shot at winning October's Couture Collection, you'll need to upload pages made using October's sketches and include the challenge number in the file name in our Flickr Group. We'll post a poll here on the blog for everyone to vote on and a winner will be announced on the 15th of the month. it is!Vanessa

Friday, September 26, 2008

Challenge 91 and some news much is changing!!! This week's DT is much smaller than we've been used to. Ronda (as you may or may not know) is now a Memory Makers Master - YAY RONDA!!! - among a slew of other things that are keeping her crazy busy so this is the end of the road with her part of our team. She's just got so much going on. Chrissy is pregnant with #3 and is kinda feeling gross (us moms can relate!) so she's decided that she needs to take care of her body and has stepped down too, so that leaves us with a small group of 3. Tania, Gillian and I have created pages for this week's challenge and I, for one, had a blast with this sketch. I got a big box of vintage stuff so of course some of the goodies ended up on my page!

Join us on our Flickr Group and post your page to win this month's Couture Collection. Make sure you indicate which week your challenge is for so we can include it in our voting process and remember that the 100th member to join our group will win a prize.

AND!!!! You have till next friday to get your scraplifts of Martha's pages found HERE posted in the comments section to win a fantastic prize pack... but I'll show you that later!

So a big fat thank you to Ronda & Chrissy for their incredible & inspiring artwork over the course of the past few months...Good luck with everything guys!!!


This girl is so motivated! Not only did she rock this week's sketch, but she also made TWO! And, as always, she's got extras down below Martha's pages...check it out!

Tania's extras...
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