Monday, September 05, 2005

Paul's got a wonderful series of posts on forgiveness at A Spiritual Diablog which happens to be his blog. The posts can be heavy on theology, but there's wonderful stuff there--both in what Paul is saying in the posts and what we are leaving in the comments.

As I often say, it's the comments that enhance the blog post...and are worth the read.


Blogger Tish Grier said...

I can totally relate! There are great conversations regarding just that issue on Paul's blog...and you'll find alot of folks in the exact same place!

11:55 AM  
Blogger Miriam said...

Very good link. Thank you. I've commented on a few of them, and then I've linked them in my blog right before the post that the discussions brought up. I could really use your insight on this one... or anything you can say. It's today's post.


1:37 PM  

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