Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sometimes a post is best kept to yourself.

This morning I started a huge--and I mean HUGE--post that was something like a manifesto of how I got to this particular point and where I want to go in the future...

Then realized the manifesto was more for my own elucidation than for the blog.

Being a bit on the ADD side (for real--waiting for results of evaluation), I tend to think out loud. A lot. Annoyingly so at times. I'm glad there are patient individuals in my life who understand the necessity of my babbling. But I also know how babbling incessantly and not getting any meaningful work done can be, well, disconcerting.

Babbling in black and white helps me just as much as babbling to someone. It adds a concrete dimension to the babble, gives it structure or a sort. Makes it easier for me to trace back the thought patterns that can get lost when everthing in my head is moving at the Speed of Light.

But it, too, doesn't help me get much done.

When your mind jumps around from this to that to the other thing, there's a tendancy to think there are innumerable hours in a day--not just 24. Lots of time gets wasted.

So, rather than waste the time, I'm attempting a round of disciplinary actions--tasks to slow my mind down, like brisk walking and crocheting--and giving myself some credit for having a fun ethical mind-bender of a conversation with J LeRoy. That seems to be enough for the moment. I can relax those brain cells...they're not about to atrophy any time in the near future...and changing the world won't happen in a day.

Hm.....kind of brings whole new meaning to the phrase Peace of Mind.


Blogger Paul said...

Yeah, changing the world is hard work.

Even George Bush says so - "we're workin' hard, it's a tough job" - at least I think that's one of his wise sayings.

So it must be true.

I'm just babbling here myself, so don't look for any actual meaning to this remark...

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Boy, what you say about talking "not about the real subject but about anything but..." is so on the mark for ADD.

My son was recently diagnosed with ADD(straight A's but can't get it together for the homework).

Learning of these traits, I've found that I too have problems getting focused and active when at home.

At work I'm a great multi-tasker. I accomplish so much.

At home...

Sadly I get only a bit done on each project. My wife can blow through a room and viola! It's done.

I've been forcing myself when working at home that when I get that brilliant impulse to start another task to just sit down and regroup toward the task at hand.

It's been a wonderful discovery to know that I can control this.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Tish Grier said...

Bill...I've developed some amazing coping mechanisms over the years! Without them, I don't think I would have done as well as I did in school One of those was to become a "night person" so I could do my thesis work. There are less distractions at night and I could sit at my computer with my headphones on and a certain kind of music playing over and over, which helped me be able to focus in and work.

I found that "deep house" music, and lounge, help me to focus the best.

But the lack of external structure in relationships had me acting out all over the place with risky behavior. Balance is hard to maintain at times when everything is unstable. And because I had no structure other than my studies, making friends was seriously difficult for me.

I multi-task so much that I have eight bajillion "careers" and no focus--gifted girls often develop into ADD women. I'm working on focus so I can make something of myself and not end my life as that amazingly brilliant yet wildly eccentrc woman who couldn't hit her butt with both hands on a sunny day.

11:12 AM  
Blogger Tish Grier said...

Paul...trying to change the world when the world thinks your seriously eccentric is way too much for one person! :-)

s/D...thanks. But I'm pretty sure there's a little more to my babbling than simply clearing my head. There are a bunch o'other factors that make the babbling unproductive.

11:14 AM  

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