Showing posts with label exams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exams. Show all posts

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dance Diary Part 10 --- My First Competition!!!

It was A.W.E.S.O.M.E. in capital letters! That was how I felt every single moment of it... ^___^
It was indescribable, unbelievable, almost a miracle. It was A DREAM COME TRUE! How wonderful. 
And still, now long after, my heart still flips in excitement when I think of it. Seriously.

Well, to say that I was not nervous at all, that'll be a lie. I had never been to a competition before, only exception was the KLDA one where I was working as a floor-runner. But even that time, I didn't really get to watch the dances because I had to arrange prizes and collect score-sheets ever so often. Hence, I had NO IDEA about many things. Even from the make-up & hair-styling, to how am I going to enter the dancefloor. And not-knowing did make me a little nervous. But I was blessed to have made many wonderful friends there, my 'danceworld family' as we all call it. They were lovely people, and I just have to thank them one by one for all their help and guidances throughout. Not only that, but also for all the fun we had together, and for making my Penang competition trip such a memorable one!!! Cheerio amigos! =)

And did I tell you? I met my beloved Sifu there! On that day as a judge, judging my category somemore. Ishh... somemore just at the moment I was off timing during Rumba semi-finals, my partner told me that she was practically STARING AT ME... OMIGOSH...!!! *cries*
Anyway, on the 1st night before the comp too I met her, at the lobby. And she was pretty as ever. Talked to her awhile, promised her to catch up with her when I am back in Ipoh, and gave her a big hug before saying goodbye. Truth is, I do miss her a lot. Glad that she seems fine! =)

1st day by the beach. Me and my roommates + Shi Teng who was staying with her family.

Me and Kathy

The abundant supply of food our whole room brought to Penang! =)

2nd day-- during competition day event... after our beginners' category was over

I seem to look tanned here, and I love it! =)

Cam-whoring in our room after the competition was over

All the pretty babes of Room 235 in sizzling hot latin costumes!!! ^______^

Here goes my acknowledgements: (lolx)
I would like to thank my wonderful roommates Kathy and Wai Ling for giving me a make-up tutorial the night before the competition. And also to Kathy for borrowing me her blue nail-polish.
I would like to thank Pui Yan for helping me with my lipstick and my hair.
I would like to thank Shi Teng for helping me apply my fake eyelashes and blusher.
I would like to thank Dana for borrowing me her brush.
Wouldn't have done it all without them. I'm a TOTAL NOOB at make-up and hair-styling. Argh... gotta learn next time!!!

And also,
I would like to thank Chloe Gan for the tips and advices for the competition.
I would like to thank Stephen for helping us take photos.  
I would like to thank Gary for providing us with food food and MORE FOOD!!! =)
And thanks to everyone else for the words of encouragement and the warm wishes!!! Love you all!!!
Not to forget my amazing instructors; Uncle William, Aunty Luisa, and Aunty Merle. Great teachers they are, taught us so much through this competition. Cherish their patience and passion. I'm just so sorry we didn't have more time to practice and be better than this, and that we must have dissapointed them... T__T 
I promise we'll work harder, and do better next time!!! 

Last but not least, ahem, my beloved dance partner, Cavin!!! (well, I am so not used to addressing him as beloved since we used to bicker most of the time, but then well yea, deep down, I do love him a lot! *as a friend lar, what you think?!! lolx...* ) Afterall, he is THE ONE WHO MADE MY DREAM COME TRUE!!! ^___^ For this reason alone, he deserves my wholehearted gratitude. He wouldn't know how much this means to me! =)
And this whole experience wouldn't have been complete without him. Brilliant guy he is. A way faster learner than me; I am amazed!!! There are so much for me that I could learn from him. I'm so blessed to have met him. Really.

Me and my partner Cavin

Nope, we didn't win. (mann, if we did, I would've slept hugging my medal for months!!! lolx...) We went through to semi -finals for Rumba (which made us really happy for we didn't expect to go any further than heats!) but for Samba we were out just after heats (from the feedback, it was due to lousy floor strategy, started too much to the corner, out timing in the beginning somemore... sorry!!!) 

Nevertheless, the entire experience itself was priceless. So many things I'd experienced throughout the competition. Everything was so new to me and my partner, that very often, we were amazed even by the smallest things; like young children exploring the world for the first time. It was indeed, an EYE-OPENER for both of us. And we enjoyed all of it, greedily and eagerly taking in every single detail, not wanting to miss even the slightest moment.

So many great dancers there were! And we can't help but to feel so lucky to be in Malaysia's biggest competition, to get to witness all of these. We watched, we cheered. For the young and for the old. For all were good. ^____^

After competition. Danceworld family photo!!!

Sadly as I do not own a camera, not many pictures were taken. But then again... every single scene and sight are already imprinted in my heart. =)

Dinner outing after competition

3rd day --- CRAZY FUN BY THE BEACH!!!
We played beach volleyball, raced each other, tried to throw each other into the water, buried PuiYan in sand, swam in the pool... it was a wonderful time! Great bonding too! =)

The danceworld hot babes hitting the beach!

Thank you, dear Father. For all these. I knew You had plans, and that You ALWAYS give me the BEST plans ever!!! Thank you, thank you so much dear Lord... You know how much this means for me. I couldn't thank you enough for all the blessings You've granted me. So I can only promise you dear Father, to try and do my very best to glorify your name. Now and forever, counting my blessings and giving you thanks... Amen, Father. I love you.   

Gotta get going, mountain-pile of notes are awaiting. EOS 3 is beckoning. I've got no time to waste if I still want to survive past sem 3. Sigh... reality, reality. I've come to learn, you always have to wake up eventually... T____T

Till the next year, 18th Penang Championships! *I do so hope I could make it there then!*

In the meantime, what is the pathogenesis of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome?

p/s: credits to Shi Teng, Pui Yan, Kathy, Seah & Yoong Ruey for the photos! =)

Sunday, May 2, 2010


And again, changes.

Had been months since I was back in Ipoh.
I could barely recognize this place I call home, as my bus exited the Simpang Pulai toll. Took me awhile to figure out that the bus was indeed heading towards Medan Gopeng, given the new buildings all along the road that was once just trees or wooden houses.

So many changes, over just a few months! There is this new corporate park. And there are new city decor. There are more cars. There is more unfamiliarity.
Whoa, guess I really had been away for quite a while.

It isn't really time to blog now, for my End Of Semester exam is just round the corner. These days I had to constantly remind myself that this isn't holidays yet, just a study break.
That I would have to leave home yet again, about a week later, to face the dreaded exam.
That I still have loads to study, and so little time left.
That if I wanted my real holidays, I shouldn't sit back at all for this study break.

I miss home, I miss my family, I miss Ipoh food, I miss dancing, I miss sifu, I miss my guitar, I miss driving, I miss just every sight and smell here.

But this isn't time to enjoy them, just yet. T.T

And again, anatomy of the heart. I realized just how much I had forgotten. And to think that it was only months ago when I had learnt them all by heart. Afterall, how could someone not know their heart by heart?

Gotta work harder, gal. You are lagging behind.

There are so much work to cope with, it makes me tired, and makes me sick ever so often. Indeed, ever since I had been to IMU, I ALWAYS fell sick.

Mom has been worried. And I feel bad for making her worry about me all the time. Why couldn't I be like the others? Why couldn't I live life like a med school student, and still stay healthy as everyone else do? And I never even stayed up as late as the others, never even starved myself.
But still I fall sick more often then everyone else.

Life isn't fair, I've learnt to know.

I need to pass EOS. Have to. For myself, for my parents.

Even when my mum told me it's ok if I do fail, she'll let me learn dancing, and be a FULL-TIME DANCER like my Sifu... I WOULDN'T let that happen.

I really don't want to dissapoint my parents.

Father Lord, I pray that you'll help me through. I'm asking for a grace that I do not deserve, but dear Father, I will work hard. I will do my best, Father. Most of all Father, please bless me with a healthy body and mind. Pray that I will have the strength and wisdom that come from you, Father. To face these challenges of this exam, and not be afraid, nor be weary. For deep in my heart I know, that you'll be with me, every step that I take. I love you, Father.

Now... back to nerding...
15 more days to EOS... T.T

Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 50 - This Christmas

It's Christmas today, and I'm far away from home.

This year, Christmas is special. I had to spend it studying; instead of the usual carollings, open houses, parties and church. What a way to celebrate Christmas... sigh... and what's more, I'm away from home, away from all my loved ones.

And now, what are the types of hypothalamic hormones and their functions?

It could make me feel like breaking down any moment...

Pathetic as it could sound like, I am not alone. There are many out there, suffering the same fate as mine. And that made me feel not as lonely afterall.

No, actually I am not celebrating Christmas alone either. I have you, I have all your wishes, and most of all, I have God with me. ^_^

Thank you for the countdown. Thank you for the Christmas morning, it made the rest of my day. Ever got the feeling that the sunshine of the morning could last you even long after night falls?
Thank God for all the warm wishes, it gave me a taste of Christmas all the same, even when I am confined to my cell-like room, held by my own volition, with never-ending notes to study...
Thank God for my beautiful new dance shoes sent right up my doorsteps, just the nicest Christmas gift I could ever ask for myself.

Just that sometimes, I wish I could spend this Christmas closer to you, Father. And I'm sorry, just so so sorry that I didn't.

I'm sorry Lord for the things I've made it,
when it's all about you, it's all about you, Jesus...

But still, a blessed Christmas this is, afterall. Thank God for good health, lifted spirits and renewed faith...

Thank you Lord. Thank you for Christmas.

P/S: To you, if you might ever drop by; there might be times you'll fall, might be times you'll feel afraid of what the future might behold... but remember that there is always hope in God!!! And His is the only hope that never fails us. So we both give our best try k? And see where God brings us. Trust me, it'll be good. All will be well in the end. For God is good. Amen!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rest In Peace...

Results day today. I almost forgot about it, if not for all the shoutouts and conversations of my friends on facebook. Many were already waiting by the computer hours ago, anticipating... It reminded me much of the SPM day where all of us were at school early, loitering around the corridor, with feelings almost similar to this. And I really really hate these type of anticipation and suspense... Argh!!!

But I didn't get to check my results until much later.

I had a funeral to attend in the morning. OMG a funeral. For my uncle who passed away yesterday, due to cardiac arrest. No one expected this to happen, I mean, he wasn't old enough to die. It was shocking news to us. It was said that he was playing badminton with his friends, and when he sat down to rest, he just... died.

And just as funerals are, it was depressing, sad, and gloomy. My uncle's family weren't Christians, so they had a traditional Chinese funeral, with rituals, chants, and joss-sticks. We helped folding paper money for the dead. I watched my cousins performing rituals after rituals, with red-rimmed eyes, and tear-stained cheeks... it was heart-breaking, really. Hard as it is for all of us who lost a relative, it sure is double the pain to lose your own father.

They cloud of sorrow stayed on later at the cremation centre. It was the first time I'd ever been there, but I wish I never had to. There were rows of rooms equiped with furnaces, and there were tracks for the coffins to be rolled into the furnace... It was sorta, just like a factory. Everything was so... business-like. Made me wonder how lifeless could the dead be. *dunno if you get what I mean*

Neways, there was this one other family beside ours at the centre, performing the last ritual. And the one thing that caught my attention was that their coffin wasn't just like any other I'd ever seen. It was... small. Unmistakably a child's coffin. Such a devasting sight.
Why oh why?
Children were supposed to be running about; playing with toy cars, dolls and balls; putting off their homeworks for tomorrows which are sure to come; enjoying a dance class or two; talking about what they will be in future; waiting impatiently to grow up... And not lying cold and lifeless in tiny coffins.
No, no, no...

Rest in peace, uncle. Rest in peace, child. Let the families get over the grief of losing their loved ones, I pray. Bless my aunt and my cousins, guide them through this tough period of life. Father, grant us all from now on, more of joy and less of sorrow I pray. Have mercy. Amen.

And dear Father, thanks for my results.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Little Before Goodnight

So, it's like the ???th week after the day I left INTEC. Seriously I have no idea. Was it the 3rd? Or 4th?

Totally lost track of time. Externals seems like centuries ago. FINE!!! Not that I wanted to be constantly reminded about it too. Let it hibernate with the dinosaurs, as far as I'm concerned. It's almost as scary as dinos anyway, well, on second thought, SCARIER.

Guess I'd better enjoy my life to the fullest before it gets miserable... *which I prayed hard it won't*

movies, MOVIES, mov-iiieeeees!!!!

I'd been watching oh-so-many movies, reality shows, TVB dramas... these days.
Mornings are for Berniceeeeee, JLOooooo... oh my wifey(s)...!!!

Afternoons are for SYTYCD season 5 - *who's going to be America's next favourite dancer?* ( C'mon get your tickets, you're going to VEGASSSSSSS!!!!!!)
It gets me really hyped too, seeing people getting hyped over all the VEGAS-hoo-hah. But mom was like :"Why so hyped? It's not YOU who's going to Vegas!"
(yeah, I know but, talk about slapping cold water on your face!)

So since I'm not going to Vegas, nights are for shopping-online-skyping-eating supper-daydreaming-reading-eating junk food-sleeping..... zzz...zzzZZZZ

Actually I should be blogging about my lovely Sarawak trip, but I find it quite a tremendous work to do for now, so I guess I'll leave it for another post...okie? Sorry folks!
But here's an insight --- It'll mostly be about yummy yummy food, cheap cheap stuff and nice, friendly people!!!

So I'll talk about the anniversary dinner and dance instead. It's just as amazing as last year's. I guess better. The senior students are getting better and better over the year. (Despite all the pre-performance hassle; like someone forgetting to bring costumes, forgetting what costume they were supposed to wear or someone losing his shoes...well, kids are kids.) I guess Sifu will surely be proud of them. I am too.
And the costumes are ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC this year!!! So shimmery and colourful!!! Beads, sequins, furs, feathers... you name it, they have it. I was the one assigned to be in charge of the costumes, so I get to have a good look and touch of them. ^_^
Sifu's designs and handwork are getting more and more amazing. Yup, all the costumes are made/co-made by her, so she's like dancer-teacher-designer-children caretaker... Well, I can only say... WOW!!!

Watching people dance is one thing, dancing myself is another. One is pure enjoyment, the other is enjoying while ahem, struggling. Why the struggle? It's to get these rusty old bones back on track. That's the thing about discontinuous dancing, you get rusty and you gotta work it all over again from square one.
Moreover, I'm now in some advanced class?!!! Well, initially I wasn't supposed to be in that class. But under some circumstances which are too complicated for me to describe, I ended up in the uh... advanced class, with the seniors who are oh-so-pro, and routines that I'd never learnt before... *Oh, I feel darn inferior!!! and useless... sob...*

Well, I know I need a lot of hard work to keep up with them. And hard work shall it be. I don't know how many times had I said this, but really, I won't give up. Why should I? When Sifu herself didn't give up on me. Only that she often laugh and tease me... bu bu bu... T.T

Gotta get better next lesson. I don't want to be FREQUENTLY teased again, although I'm not the only one who got teased... Lolx.. typical of Sifu. It's her way of communicating with us, lolx... cute!

Time to say bubie for now!!! I'll leave you with...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Angels and Fairies

I tell you, I'm so jobless. Shouldn't be, since I'm not on vacation or watsoever now, I'm on a study week...OMG, STUDY WEEK!!! And I'm more like holiday-ing...

Been wondering what level I am actually in. To be frank, I have no idea about it. Well, it's understandable though actually, cause it's not like I have any systematic syllabus to stick to in my studio.

But I'd pretty much figured out that I'm Bronze. Maybe not silver yet, though I do know just a little of the syllabus in Silver. Not beginner's either... *I I'm not that noob...>.<*

And again, somewhere caught in between... Wonder why is it always like this???

Geee, why am I here wondering what level I am in, when the only level I have to worry about now is my A-LEVELS!!!

Loco loco loco...!!! Think I'm going loco... T.T

*Michael Wentink and Beata were awesome in their WSSDF 2002 & WSSDF 2004 Samba!!!*
*Michael wore rugged jeans for WSSDF 2004!!! (=.=) but I ADORE
Beata's colourful sleeves, made her look like some flower fairy!!! *

Beata always have real great costumes...

Here's the only photo of the show that I found...

Btw, love Declan!!!

*All the sweet honey from above, pour it all over me sweet love...*
*sometimes I wish I were an angel, sometimes I wish I were you...*

*love of my life, don't leave me, you've taken my heart, and now you desert me...*
*would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven...*

And to you,

Standing in the light of your Halo, I got my angel now... ^_^

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The same passion

Been such a long time I hadn't blogged.
Not that I didn't have the time. I practically spent most of my time online, and procrastinating; despite the exams going on full steam...

*should slap myself for that >.<*

But the Blackpool, Russia Open, Grand Slam, WSS Festival... were all soooooo exciting I couldn't take my eyes off them. Ended up spending a few hours every night just watching with mouth gaping at Carmen Vincelj & Bryan Watson, Yulia & Ricardo Cocchi, Michael Wentink & Beata...etc... executing their excellent footwork on the Floor... *was practically drooling OMG*

It's always an amazing thing streaming latin dance videos. I do watch other dance comps too, other than the Professional's category. From Bronze to Amateur; Junior to Senior... they never fail to captivate me.

The same dances; Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Paso Doble and Jive; but so very different dancers.

Some dancers are dramatic and more expressive, like Carmen.
Some dancers are downright HOT, like Yulia.
Some dancers are really skillful, like Joanne and Beata.
Some dancers have lightning speed, like Michael and Ricardo.
Some male dancers have excellent hips movements, like Bryan.

And more,
Some people acknowledge the spectators humbly; some acknowledge them pridefully.
Some male dancers present their partners to the applausing crowd; some steal her limelight.
Some dancers have costumes that are so lovely I wish I could have them too; some dancers wear costumes that made me laugh.
Some people are near perfect, some people stumble.
But I know that all the dancers were trying their best as they presented their dances.

Sometimes I wonder how much effort they put into their practise before the moment of glam and glory. I guess all of them did make quite a lot.

And sometimes I wonder how would I look like if I were ever in a dance comp. What would I wear, who would I dance with...
*Hope I won't be one of those who stumble and drop out >.<*
One thing I know, I'll surely be happy. It's always my dream, my passion.
I'll surely do my best too. Just like everyone else did. ^_^

*yeah, I'm still striving hard for my dream... I've only been learning discontinuously for 4 months to be exact, I know I still got a long way to go, but I'm not gonna give up. *

So, the dancers might have different routines, different costumes, different level of skills, come from different countries, different skin colour, some might win, some might lose, some are young, some are older, some are confident, some are nervous, some are beginners, some are professionals.....
But one thing I know about all the thousands of dancers out of the hundreds of dance comp videos I'd streamed --- they all have the same passion towards latin dancing, which was what brought them there in the very first place.
*A big salute for all the dance lovers out there!!! ^_^*

Okay, enough of analysing dance comps I watched, gotta get back to nerding... =.=
Biology W2, Statistics 1 and Chemistry Practical 6A next week.
Wish me luck!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Viva La Español !!!

Sí. My Spanish is pretty much alive again, after it's deep slumber for like, how many months?

(though self-learning is slow as a snail... and my Spanish is still at the stage of like, standard 1 or 2 English?! Sigh, sigh, sigh... ) *Been working on it... Gotta have patience!*

Well, at least I can write simple 50 words paragraphs decribing people, things, what people are doing etc... and err, simple self-introduction... anyway, I'm loving it all the same!!!

Me encanta, me encanta!

Yes, I have a thing for Spanish. I actually love the languages. Spanish, Chinese, English...
I'm more of a language person I suppose, which explains why I can still get into the top positions during secondary school even with not-so-good results (Awww man, I can barely scrape an A2) in my Add Maths (urgh...) and Chemistry (Double urgh...).

Too bad these are like the 2 out of 3 core subjects I'm taking now in A-Levels...
*Yea yea yea, great luck! *

Sigh, guess I'll just have to work extra hard on them. Gotta tackle them, tackle them. Thank God at least Biology lets me breathe a little... ~Ahhh~

Which reminds me; OMG !!! Externals coming in 1 MONTH'S TIME !!!

OMG OMG OMG... I'm always chasing after time...

Neways, before I get back to nerding, let me
practise a little on my Spanish... ^_^

Exercise 1 :

Using both positive and negative characteristics, describe what six people are doing:

La mujer está durmiendo en la cama morada. No está sentado en el sofá rojo. El hombre está comiendo la comida en la mesa marrón. No está comiendo los dulces sobre la caja blanca. Las niñas están jugando sobre la cama anaranjada. No están corriendo. El niño está bebiendo en la silla. No está sentado en el sofá. Las flores son moradas y están sobre la mesa verde, no sobre la cama negra. Él no está caminando, está parado. No estoy sonriendo. Estoy llorando. Estoy leyendo un libro en la silla. No estoy escribiendo con bolígrafo en la mesa.

To all pro people out there, please review for me if you all have the time!
Gracias in advance!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

And I wish I could dance again...

Been ages this gurl hadn't posted any 'this-is-my-life' entries up to her blogger, so she'll might as well write one for all the dear readers outta there who might be wondering if she is still alive or not... lolx... jk jk... ^_^

Yupz, I'm very much alive and active.
Thanks for your concerns.

This is the 2nd last day of my mid-sem break *cries out loud* so I'll just sum up on all the procrastinating and unproductive life of the past week. >.< (Am not going to mention about the previous 2 weeks when I was entrapped in a jail of Nelsons, notes and pyq... Each day waking up and being dragged out of jail to undergo trial after trial in an excruciatingly cold chamber before being sent back to the lonely jail again, awaiting and dreading the trials to face the next day... *shivers* )

Back to the story.

The best way to start an unproductive lifestyle is to SLEEP A LOT!!! And that is what I did... Who can resist the beauty of sleeping when you have such an adorable sleepmate to cuddle up with? *winks*

Too bad you aren't here with me...

And since I'm back in beloved Ipoh after such a long time, surely I have to eat all the good food!!!
Tauge chicken, sa hor fun, pan mee, siew toufu, roasted pork, ku lou pork, soft-shell crab, butter prawn, dumplings, curry mutton, oyster porridge... and all my mummy's home-made dishes!

Yum yum...!

*you won't get fat if you don't think about getting fat...* ------- Lame theory of mine but a good excuse to continue eating without feeling guilty... hehe...

Another best activity --- lepak-ing!!! Monday Parade, Tuesday Parade, Thursday JJ, Saturday Tesco...!
Okay, I know I really am wasting time... =.=

But OMG, lately I'm so very into sports wear! (though lazy me don't actually do sports, except dancing, swimming, ping pong and... ^_^) Yes I don't do sports, but I can still like sports wear rite? Lolx...
All these lepak-ing makes me realise there are lotsa nice tops for sale; Schwarzenbach, Ogival and my dearest Nike! But I gotta save gotta save gotta save!

So I'd been struggling for quite a long time whether or not to get myself this really nice sleeveless Nike hoodie that I saw a month ago... And after lotz of decision-making, I'm finally the proud owner of the dark-grey hoodie, after figuring out that white is harder to maintain.
It's super comfy and sporty and a little sexy... cheerz to another priced possesion of mine! *gotta save up on food when I get back to SA to make up for the cash loss... sniff sniff...*

I'll wear it to show you someday... lolx...

And oh yea, I saw my dear Sifu on Thursday!
It was Thursday nite and I was going to JJ to check out my Nike hoodie. Bumped into her right at the main entrance. She told me the kids at studio were going to be performing for some charity thingy and since I'm so coincidently there, I might as well go and support.

Turned out that I stood there watching the performance for the rest of the night, along with a couple of old friends whom I met there. Most of the dances that night was Latin, there was one nice Tango, by the senior students. It was nice.
But too bad that in between the dances, there are lots of kids and teens singing, which I find very BORING! They were just standing there shouting the songs out in their loud kids' voice, all dressed up like dolls, and some doing lame dances which are so not-up-to-standard compared to the latin dances... Spent the time chatting with my friends throughout the singing performances... Lolx...

It had been quite some time I hadn't seen my studio friends and all of them were glad and surprised to see that I'm back. (this old and tall junior of theirs who 'disappears' to KL very often... and magically 'reappears' every half a year later... sobz..)

Sorry. I didn't really have a choice. I love dancing and I really do miss dancing at the studio all the time. If only I have the time, I'll surely go as often as I could.
It's just that I have other things on hand. Not now, maybe later... Someday I'll be back, don't worry.

Sifu caught me in the crowd when a little girl dressed as a princess was shouting some mandarin song onstage. Caught me right when I was consuming a 150kcal McD ice-cream...OMG. *paiseh >.<*
She shot me a disapproving look... Sorry Sifu, I'll watch my weight... *blushes blushes*

I remember the last time she said I had put on weight, it was when she was fetching me back home from studio. And she told me the cheapest way of losing weight is to go jogging by the Kinta River, which is practically right opposite my house..
Ahem, she didn't know that jogging was my most-hated sports ever... =.=
Oh, and I remember that You too always advised me to go jogging...
Okay okay, maybe I should listen to you all and go try someday... for the sake of my abs... OMG..

She told me about the latest happenings at the studio... which made me miss that place even more. Sigh sigh sigh......Jiyi is feeling darn emo...

I WANT TO GO BACK TO STUDIO AND LEARN MY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!! How on earth am I going to get any further if I am so discontinuous???!!

Okay, no ranting. Ranting isn't going to help in any way.
And I know you don't like me complaining.
I'll just pray hard.
& Strive hard.
I'll make you proud.

I believe that one day, I will have all my dreams come true. As long as I have the determination. This is something that You taught me... ^_^ wonder if you realise it or not...

I am never lost, with Father and my guardian angel beside me... *smiles*

* In the meantime, I'm gonna polish up the routines I had learnt... practise makes perfect right? And I'm still a long way to perfection... Yay, light up and gear up!!! *

Monday, November 17, 2008


NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ARGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm in a crappy mood rite now... so people, BEWARE.

You're right, I should really get a life. Yupz... I'll try... after I finish ranting over here. lolx.
Sorry for being such a jerk at times. But I admit it... I'm really kinda hard to handle, sometimes. Thanks a zillion for bearing with me all the times when I grow teeth and get snappy... Maybe I should try to be a more demure gal...hahax... (urm, if I could)

So, accomplishments for today...

1. Realised that I've gotten FAT FAT FAT!!!!! after the friggin exam period...NO!!!!!!

2. My guitar skills had been awoken from it's long slumber. Yawnnnnn........

3. Managed to steal some time to do a little breaking feat. Step Up 2 The Streets... Thank God I could still pull off some of my power moves. But oh no, these rusty bones are damn creaking all the way... sigh... post-exam trauma.

4. Rumba-ed and Samba-ed after that... before getting totally EXHAUSTED. (uh-oh, gotta rebuild my stamina)

5. Watched loads of MV feat. J.Lo. Long time no see, mi esposa!!!

6. Updated my special diary... *wink*

* Rest of the time spent missing my hyper huggable dear teddy bear... lolx...

See? I'm in a better mood now. Maybe you're rite, I do recover very fast. Sometimes, I really think that you know me more than I do myself.

Guess I'm really a DUMMY...

But that doesn't really matter.

I have you with me. ^-^
