actually there is tons to say
i just don't have any photos to go with it
which brings me to my number one subject i guess
my camera
are you tired of hearing me complain about my camera yet
i'm a little tired of hearing myself complain about my camera
i have been doing my research and my plan
is to really check the sales after Thanksgiving and possibly
take the plunge then
i really worry about getting a new camera and then having zero time to play with it and learn about it
my hope is that it will be so much more fun to take pictures that I will make the time?!?!?:)
Aubrey loves to play in the cabinets
it is really quite cute
the only bad thing is you know those foamy little disks
to keep your cabinets closing somewhat quietly?
well mine are all gone
i have the noisiest kitchen ever
but if I can't find her sippy cup it is the first place I look
i got a lot of my inspiration here
i am not really a big "check it off" kind of mom
{not that that's bad, it's just not me}
i don't like a lot of systems and rewards
i think children should do what they are supposed to do
because they are supposed to do it (said in a motherly voice)
not for a reward
but that being said, i do think there are times when a little change is good
something new to inspire
and get the juices flowing
i am hoping this check-off routine system will be just that
{you can see we just started last night}
and taking the responsibility for what they get done
i want the responsibility back into their hands
where it belongs
there is no reward to earn
no big prize at the end of the week
just a way to see what needs to be done on any given day
and hopefully inspiration to get there
wouldn't it be kind of cool to see what one we typed up for ourselves would look like?
i think i would need legal paper and really small font for sure
i know Riley will thrive with this
she loves lists and things to check off
she gets that from me
Janey will love it too
just not quite as much
speaking of Janey
we finally convinced her to let us throw her jack-o-lantern out
the poor thing looked like a really old man with no teeth
it was a bit embarrassing on the front porch
she cried real tears and we assured her it would not go into the land-fill but
rather it would decompose into the earth to help other plants and animals grow
she has such a heart of gold
busy planning two classroom parties today
need to get my letters out to the parents soon
i love being room mom
but it makes the already busy holidays
seem even busier
i really do not like that word
it doesn't even sound good when you say it
i refuse to use that word to much this season
i am determined to have a simple
low-key kind of holiday
i will not stress over minute details
instead i will focus on the big picture and the little things
that bring me joy
Have a Thankful Thursday and
Enjoy the day,