We arrived home from Paris last night after 10 wonderful days. Constantly surrounded by beauty, sometimes so amazing that it literally took my breath away and brought tears to my eyes.
And I will share some of that beauty with you, just not today.
While we were in France we made a special trip to Notre Dame. It was with mixed emotions that we visited this beautiful cathedral once again, it was on my birthday and during the celebration of the Immaculate Conception.
As the organ played, and the procession began with angelic voices filling the church for the service, we were reminded of those we had come there to honor. We lit a candle for dear friends, those who are suffering from cancer and those who have been healed. And we were also there for one special friend who lost his 10 year battle with cancer just days before. The 8th was the day of his funeral back in Indiana where my husband is from, and standing there in the cathedral helped us feel connected even though we were so far away.
As we left the church I looked up and saw this beautiful shadow being cast by an angel and decided to try and capture it in the dim light. Little did we know that in just a few days more sadness would befall so many back home in the United States.
During our trip I felt almost compelled to try and find, and capture, images of angels...maybe now I know why.
Such contrasts there are in life, where there can be so much beauty and peace, there also exists ugliness and pain. My heart breaks for lives cut too short, and I hope it makes us all realize how precious each day is.
For the families and friends of those who have lost loved ones, be it to illness, accidents, or the unthinkable tragedy experienced by those in a quiet elementary school in Connecticut, I wish you peace....comfort...and the knowledge that angels will always cast their shadow upon us, even in our darkest hour.