Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthdays. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

I'm a Big Girl Now

So many birthdays this weekend!  As you read this post, know that I am frantically running around trying to do all of the last minute things you do before you leave on a trip, but I had to post, because today is another special day at our house.

Today, Misty Belle has her 1 year birthday.  How time flies!  It was just yesterday that we were bringing home a tiny fur ball, and here she is, all grown up, a big girl!  Happy Birthday Misty!

Friday, September 16, 2011

From This...

Tomorrow, Saturday, will be my daughter's 24th birthday.  When I look at the photo above and see that curly haired, blue eyed, sweetheart, it's hard for me to believe that she is now all grown up, living on her own, and has become someone that we never could have imagined, because she's so much more than we ever could have hoped for!  

Sometime, when we weren't looking, she transformed from this...

To this...a young woman who knows who she is, but continues to evolve and embrace all her God given talents.  I would list them all, but that would make for a very long post!  So I will simply say Happy Birthday Angelfish!  We love you more than words can say, and we continue to marvel at the wonderful person you have become! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

***I was asked to re-instate the comments feature on my blog, but please know that for now I won't be able to reply unless you ask a specific question.  I know that sounds ungrateful, because I do love reading every one of them, but right now it's what I need to do, and I thank you for your understanding!"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Celebrations and a Winner

Yesterday we celebrated not only Memorial Day, but also Mr. Tide's birthday!

His favorite cake is chocolate with chocolate frosting, all served with a heaping helping of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

When he was younger, he always thought that the reason people got the day off, or kids didn't have to go to school was because of his birthday, not because it was Memorial Day.  Wouldn't that be nice, to have your birthday be a special holiday for everyone?!

He had a nice day, filled with pampering and presents, and organic homemade chocolate cake with fudgy frosting.  It was a nice end to a very busy, work filled weekend where we planted 11 rose bushes and did lots of other yard work.

And speaking of roses...the winner of my latest giveaway is lucky #5...the wonderful Sherri from Sherri's Jubilee!  Congratulations Sherri, I know you will find just the right place to plant your new rose!  Just send me an email with your mailing address, and a wonderful Hartwood Rose, plus the other goodies, will be on their way to you right away!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Angelfish

23 years ago on September 17th, I was in a helicopter on my way to a hospital to deliver my first child. I wasn't very good at the whole pregnancy thing and had actually spent more time in bed then I had on my feet during the entire pregnancy. But on September 17, 1987 my body had finally had enough, and when my blood pressure went through the roof, due to the preeclampsia, my doctors decided it was time to take action.

I remember it like it was yesterday, the flight nurse came in and started to explain the whole process of flying and how they couldn't turn on the air conditioning in the aircraft until we were aloft. I looked right at him and said, "Oh I've never been in a helicopter before I can't wait!" He looked relieved and said "Good, we have someone who likes to fly."

Originally my dear friend Tracey was supposed to drive me in an ambulance the sixty miles north to the hospital, but when the weather cleared and with traffic time approaching, time was of the essence and so off I flew, leaving Mr. Tide behind. As I left to board the aircraft he said "You can name the baby whatever you want," something we had struggled with over the course of my pregnancy. He went home to gather a few things, since it was nearly 6 weeks before my due date and we had no idea today would be different from any other day...much less a birthday! He slogged through traffic and a few hours later he joined me at the hospital.

He was half hoping that by the time he got there he would have a bundle of joy to hold, but I was still being prepped for emergency surgery, so we just waited together wondering how it would all turn out. This wasn't the way they said it would be, no breathing together, no blissful delivery like we had pictured and heard about. Mr. Tide wasn't even allowed to be in the delivery room because I was given general anesthesia.

He remembers that day, and the ones to follow quite differently than I do. For me it was a blur, one filled with heavy medications and lots of sleep. For him it was a time of worry, I went into tachycardia during surgery and had to be in intensive care for 4 days, they wouldn't even let us turn on lights in the room for fear of me having a seizure, all part and parcel of the preeclamptic. And he was torn between staying with me and being with our tiny little baby who was so very small, but perfect in every other way!

After 8 days in the hospital we were finally allowed to go home, to start our new life together, no longer just a couple but now a family of three. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time! Having this little helpless human being to care for, wondering if we would get it right or if we would fail miserably.

She was so small, and SO colicky, and so wonderful all at the same time! And she grew, and learned, and achieved in ways we could have never imagined! She was cautious and daring, timid yet brave, quiet but exuberant all at the same time!

She taught us more than we could ever teach her, about patience, strength, beauty, and compassion. She is gorgeous on the inside and even prettier on the outside and we are so very proud to be her parents!

She has traveled to far flung places, volunteers to help others, is loyal, works incredibly hard, and doesn't compromise on who she is or what she wants from life!

And although she lives on her own now, she still shares her humor, her wit, her intelligence, many talents, and her zest for life with us through cards, emails, phone conversations, and wonderful visits! I like to say that she was tough in the beginning, but she's made up for it ever since. She is an old soul with wisdom well beyond her 23 years, and I will be forever grateful that "I" was picked to be her mom!

All of the photographs above are her work, she finds beauty all around her while sharing hers with others!

And just like 23 years ago, she is still impatient, and she's informed me that in other parts of the world it is "already" her birthday, so I'm posting this tonight!

Happy Birthday Angelfish, We Love You Bunches!!! :-)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. Tide

On May 30th, 1962 a certain handsome hubby came into the world. And in just a few weeks it will be 24 years since I took him off of the eligible bachelor list...sorry girls but he's all mine! Today he'll be pampered a little, showered with presents (even though he is the most difficult human on the planet to buy for), and he'll have his favorite cake...chocolate with chocolate icing! So Happy Birthday my sweet Mr. Tide aka Squishy (inside joke!), I hope you have a wonderful day, the kids and I love you more than words can express!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Eighteen years ago today I gave birth to our second child, a son. I was not a very good pregnant woman, all of those stories about glowing women who never get sick, umm not me! Think Medivac rides in a helicopter, and seriously high blood pressure! But with my second pregnancy I did a bit better and made it a little bit closer to my due date! It was an exciting time, wondering if he would be born on my father's birthday which was yesterday, or on my mother's birthday which is today! We've always said that on the east coast he was born on Mom's birthday and on the west coast it made it in time for Dad's birthday!

Because I was considered high risk from the get go, I had lots of sonograms and other tests. I remember Mr. Tide was out of town for one of the early sonograms and the radiologist asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby. Now you have to understand that Mr. Tide and I didn't find out the sex with our daughter and we agreed that we'd wait to find out again with our second child. But here's a little secret about me...I'm not very good at waiting for surprises. I was the kid that tore apart the whole house before Christmas looking for my presents and that trait has never really gone away with age!

So since Mr. Tide wasn't there, what would it hurt to find out if we were having a boy or a girl right? No harm, no foul, I would find out but then swear myself to secrecy I thought! The doctor assured me that it was a boy, and even though I doubted him, since we've all heard stories about the whole nursery being decorated in blue and along comes a baby girl instead of a boy, I did sort of believe it was true. I came out from my test and promptly blabbed "it's a boy!" to my father and then phoned Mr. Tide and said I know but I'll keep it a secret if you want me to. Of course he said no way, he wanted to know too so I told him!

I actually looked at the Dr. when he said it would be a son and said "A boy?! I can't be having a boy?!!!" He looked a little shocked and said "Why can't you have a boy?" to which I explained that I already knew about girls, heck I am a girl, and that I had lots of beautiful hand-me-down clothing for a girl! The Dr. smiled and said "Don't you know that little boys love their mothers way more than little girls do?!" I told him that I must have missed that chapter in the parenting book, but that I would hold him to his statement!

Now, 18 years later, I can't say that the doc's words were 100% true as both of my kids are loving and kind. But he was right that I would be fine raising a boy.

I was never really a girlie girl, but through my son I learned to love dinosaurs, trains, trucks and anything big or loud! I learned how to eat at a lunch table full of boys who do the most disgusting things with their food! I learned that it's ok for me to say I love you on the phone, and he'll say "you too" which is the same thing only much cooler when in the company of his friends. I learned that I can play online computer games filled with tanks, guns, and lightsabers and sometimes even kick his butt and not get mine kicked instead!

But what I learned most of all was that being a mom is what I was meant to be. It wasn't something I ever knew I could be, or even thought I would be good at, but I've loved every minute of it! The good times, the bad times, the happy times, the sad times, even the mad times! I wouldn't trade it for the world!

So today I want to wish my very special "Bugs" a very Happy Birthday! I know that the sweet boy I once cuddled and sang to, is now a man I am proud to call my son! I love you and wish only the best for you as you head out into the world where I know without a doubt that you will make a difference! Just remember what I've always told you...that you will always have a soft place to land and that whoever you choose to marry has to LOVE your momma! xoxo

Be sure to turn the volume up on your speakers before you watch the video!