Showing posts with label Cardinals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cardinals. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

Fresh Start

I can't believe I'm typing a post on St. Patrick's Day while it is snowing outside!  Dear Spring, whatever we have done to upset you, please accept our sincerest apologies and come back, we miss you!

These pictures are almost 2 weeks old, from when we had our last snowstorm.  This snow is even heavier, and as of now we have about 5 inches on the ground and it's still spitting snow.  It is lovely though, I have to admit that much.

The last of the Tundra Swans said goodbye to us late last week, and though I will miss them and the lovely calls they make to one another, it does mean that spring must be just around the corner.

I know this not only because of the swans' departure, but because this guy paid us a visit last Saturday when the weather was nice and balmy. Sorry for the brown lines in the foreground on this image, those are the grasses that line our shore, and I was too lazy to photoshop them out.

We've seen a number of nesting pairs of Osprey high up in their abandoned perches from last summer, a sure sign that warmer temps are on their way.  I'm betting the early arrivals are wondering if perhaps they should have stayed down south just a few days longer since they are now likely huddled up trying to keep warm.

Last week I was huddled up myself, and wondering if a visit to the hospital might not be in order.  I managed to make it through Sunday, and on Monday, first thing, I was at the doctor's office where he diagnosed me with 2 flu bugs and a sinus infection!  Mr. Tide reminded me that my overachiever personality could leave illnesses out of my repertoire...and after feeling like I'd been hit by a truck, or 2, I wholeheartedly agree!

I laid in bed for days and watched almost every movie Netflix has to offer I think.  Some of them were good, others were just a way to kill the time since I wasn't even feeling up to using my laptop.

After a week of being bored to tears, but being smart enough to take it easy, we ventured out to buy groceries and birdseed yesterday.  I really didn't believe we would get much snow, but mother nature proved me wrong and wanted me to take it easy an extra few days I think.  

I think it was her way of giving us one last blast of winter to remind us of how wonderful springtime will be this year...a fresh start of sorts for things to come.

I hope all is well in your world and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Weekend

Nothing much to say I'm afraid.  My days are filled with napping, sipping tea, writing, and an occasional walk outside, but not for long since it's too cold!  The sun was shining today though, so I felt compelled to at least get some fresh air and try to capture a few of the birds who are devouring the feed we've been putting out.  I think we may be contributing to avian obesity...they love this new bird seed we found at our local Giant Grocery store!

Wishing you each a very Happy Weekend!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Take These Broken Wings and Learn To Fly

Thank you everyone for all of the cabinet love you gave me on yesterday's post!  Things are slowly coming together and I'll be posting pics of the finished room soon.

Yesterday, when I should have been working, I went outside to snap a few pictures of the birds at the feeder instead.  It was a veritable cavalcade of feathered friends...although they weren't riding in carriages or on horseback, so maybe cavalcade isn't the right word, but you know what I mean! ;-)


When this little guy landed on the feeder I thought he was a red winged blackbird, but he just didn't look quite right to me.  While I was processing pictures, Mr. Tide looked him up and found out that it's a young male red winged blackbird.

He pretty much hogged the feeder, and everyone backed off, except for this little house finch.

The cardinals were not pleased at being pushed aside, and they flew from tree to fence, to bush and back anxiously waiting for the blackbird to leave.  The cardinals are normally king of the hill at our feeder, so they weren't very happy about our newest visitor.

And then, little man blackbird was joined by what I assume is his dad, or at least an older brother.  The other red winged blackbird looks like what I'm used to seeing when I think of this particular bird.  We often see them flitting about in the marsh grasses when we are out kayaking in the summer, and that patch of red is always so striking against the dark grasses.  They tend to dash away quickly though, so it was nice to catch him on the feeder and really be able to look at him for more than just a few seconds.

Finally, after patiently waiting in the wings, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal were back to rule the roost at the feeder.  She was very happy to have her favorite perch all to herself once again.

This is one of my favorite Beatles' songs, it is so simple, and the melody and words are so lovely.  As I was photographing the blackbirds, the tune kept running through my head.

Ok, we have people coming to pick up furniture tomorrow, and someone coming to photograph our house tomorrow...not for a magazine thank goodness, but I still have to have every square inch pulled together.  And did I mention that we've been moving stuff all over our house?!  Let's just say that I hope she likes the new "antique store/flea market" chic look we have going!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Year of Us

Well here we are, at the beginning of a brand new year.  Can you believe that it's the first day of a new year?!  I truly can't wrap my mind around it quite yet.  Even as I packed up all of Christmas today, I kept thinking that someone must have hit the fast forward button because it seems as though it should still be July, not January.  Of course 60 degree temps may be causing me to think that way too!

But I've been thinking about 2012 for quite some time now.  I'm not sure why I felt that the beginning of one year seemed better than any other time to make some changes, but it just did.  So I've been plotting over November and December, not about resolutions per se, but about what I really want to do with my life.  Where I hope to be one year from now, or even one month from now.

Today, I wandered around my yard looking like the creature from the black lagoon...and I'm not exaggerating. I borrowed my son's ghillie suit (see the photo below) and I stealthily sat motionless waiting for birds to arrive so that I could take their picture.  I think the sight of me in the suit may have been more scary than just lil ole me slinking around.

See what I mean?!  I'm sure my neighbor thought that Sasquatch had moved in next door, but hey this was part of my grand plan, my new year, new me plan.  In my plan, I would fool all living creatures who inhabit our yard, and I would then be able to take my wildlife photography to the next level, you know, like National Geographic level.  I didn't say it was a good plan, but it was a plan!

What I discovered was that 

a.  Ghillie Suits kind of smell a mix of old fishing nets and kerosene.

b.  All those little string things that make you look like a bush...they don't mix well with a tripod.  In fact, they tend to get tangled up and it may or may not take you a lot of time getting them out of said tripod.

c.  Birds are smarter than they look, so camouflage is really only good for animals with bad eyesight.

d.  Even if you have on camouflage, the big honking camera spinning around on a tripod might just give you away.

So, back to my new year, new me plan, slightly amended to include some reality, ie. Nat Geo won't be knocking on my door anytime soon.

When I visited my friend Anna, who is an artist, yoga instructor, marketing genius, and all around great person, she told me that she was planning to focus on herself this year.  Before the words were even completely formed and out of her mouth I said..."YES!, this is the year of ME too!"

So after a walk, and some more chatting about what our vision will be for 2012, she and I decided that it will not be the year of me...or her...but it will be the year of US.  Us meaning, anyone who wants to move in the same direction.  Women just like us, or my friend J, or anyone really who wants to focus on doing the things we love, finding new things to love, taping into our talents, and really going after the things we want.

Not "going after" things in a Filene's Basement bridal dress sale sort of way, but in a way that helps us to reach our goals.  Because let's face it, when we are happy, satisfied, accomplished, well it overflows into every other aspect of our lives.

We are better people, mothers, children, siblings, workers, whatever, because happiness, calm, and focus are all contagious.

Now I haven't figured all of this out yet, but I do know a few things.  I will focus on my photography in a way I haven't ever done before.  Instead of taking pictures of things I think others might like, or processing them in ways I think might make them easier to sell, I will now create for me.

I will maybe even start a new blog, one that is more photography centered.  One that will chronicle this new journey I'm embarking on.  That may mean that this blog won't see as much action, though I can't imagine ever completely shutting it down because I still have a passion for design and decor, just not the same passion I used to have for such things.

I see this year of "US" as a chance to do what I want, be who I want.  Like the photos above, it will be one filled with realism some days, and others where I will create my own vision of how I want things to look.

I plan to use this year to reach deep within, clean out the clutter, both literally and figuratively, and find what remains.  And just like any good plan, I will remain flexible, open to possibilities, and ready to turn on a dime.

So who's with me?!  Are you ready for the Year of US?  You don't need a special membership card, or learn the secret handshake, as a matter of fact I suggest you keep it all to yourself so that others don't feel the need to give you any advice.  Just go out there and do it, whatever it is, climb that mountain, pull those clothes off the stair stepper and get moving, get rid of the people (and stuff) that are holding you back from being who you want to be, need to be, and can be!

I won't be giving motivational speeches, nope, I plan to take my cues from Nike...and Just Do It!

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Eat Too Much?

(click images to enlarge)
Feel like you've been indulging a little too much in all of those holiday yummies?!

Well you're not alone.

Even the birdies have been feasting on some holiday treats.

This Cardinal was caught with his beak in the proverbial cookie jar! ;-)

And here's little Miss Misty Belle gnawing on a stick and waiting for me to come back inside the fence to give her breakfast this morning...and she's hoping for something special too, like some apple or cheese.

I'm off to make a dessert for a luncheon tomorrow.  Yup, it's that time of year, so enjoy every minute of it!

Thanks again for all of your wonderful emails and comments about my post over at The Polished Pebble!  And thank you Kelley for featuring me!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Polished Pebble

 (Mrs. Cardinal's tree is all decorated for Christmas)

Wow, can you believe it, 2 posts in one day?!  I know, I don't normally do that, but I wanted to tell you that I'm so excited to be featured over at Kelley's amazing blog, The Polished Pebble!  

Kelley is an amazing designer and one I really respect.  She doesn't just re-hash what other people are doing.  Instead, she is fresh, innovative, and oh so clever with how she transforms rooms and whole houses into magazine worthy places that make you want to move right in.  So when she asked if she could feature me, I was truly honored.

Thanks so much Kelley!  And to read the post just click HERE!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday Cards and Other Stuff

(click to enlarge any photo)

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and to those of us who stuffed ourselves silly, I hope you are now feeling a little better!

We spent the holiday with extended family, and then the past few days were occupied  with yard work and hanging Christmas lights.  We also have our daughter to blame for our new addiction to the show Glee.  I had never seen it before, so she suggested we watch it on Netflix from the very beginning.  We watched 4 episodes back to back on Saturday evening and then another 2 this morning before she headed back to DC!

I have to say that I love nothing more than to have all of my birdies in the nest, so this weekend was wonderful for me and Mr. Tide.  My Dad used to always say how nice it was to have everyone at home during the holidays, and I now understand why it meant so much to both he and my mom.  And it's funny, but my mother in law said the same thing when we left after our recent visit, that she remembered her own grandfather being teary eyed when they all left their family cabin each year.

I guess that's how life works, you rush around raising your little chicks with the intention of them flying from the nest.  But it sure is nice when they fly back home for a few days!

And speaking of birds, Mr. Tide and I have now officially declared ourselves old people.  And about a week ago we purchased a bird feeder.  The reason I say "old" is because when you are younger it seems like only old people enjoy watching or feeding birds.  Shoot, even in the movie Mary Poppins the lady that feeds the birds is older!  So we've always assumed, and maybe wrongly so, that bird watching was for old people, or maybe we ARE old now!  I would like to think that maybe we aren't old, but that we have just discovered a new found appreciation for everything ornithology! ;-)

After waiting a week for birds to grace our feeder, we were welcomed this morning by lots of little birds anxious for their own version of Thanksgiving leftovers.  I don't claim to know them all, but since I'm embracing my old person persona, I will likely have to break out the bird book soon so that I can be in the know about which ones are which!

I did however recognize a female cardinal without too much thought, and so I happily snapped away at her as she perched atop the wrought iron shepherd's hook that holds the feeder.  I was amazed at the clarity of some of the shots, so I decided to turn a few of the images into holiday cards.

I know that these would be more striking if it had been a male cardinal who had visited us today, but I still think Mrs. Cardinal deserves her due.  It's kind of like Santa and Mrs. Clause, no one lines up to see Mrs. Clause...poor dear!

I used a combination of things on these photos including the new free texture I got today from Kim Klassen, it's called Poetic, and I think that is a fitting name for this lovely new texture!  The top textured photo also has a free texture by Leslie Nicole.  I also highly recommend you purchase some textures from these lovely ladies as they have some great ones to choose from, and some are even on sale right now!

The other overlays I used (except for the one in the photo above which I can no longer find the source for!) all came from The Graphics Fairy.  I love finding beautiful license free imagery from The Graphics Fairy, it is one of my favorite places to go hunting for special clip art and backgrounds...especially for holiday projects like cards!

So there you have it, I'm slowly getting into the holiday spirit.  I was so pumped to get going on decorating this weekend, and then my dear husband lugged all of my Christmas tubs inside only to realize that my enthusiasm had waned slightly upon seeing just how much "stuff" I have!

In my head, I had visions of boxwood wreaths and all white trees, but my tubs full of holiday decor did not agree with my pared down simplistic approach this year.  And had Mr. Tide not pulled a muscle in his shoulder bringing said tubs into the house, well I probably would have sent them right back to the garage.  Instead I am letting my brain battle it out to see which will win, simplicity or surplus!  Until I do, those bins will act as wonderful ottomans for nearly every seat in the living room.  Which is perfect for watching more episodes of Glee right?!