Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Friendship. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

For Jim

In life, most of us are blessed to have friends, people who are there to support us, who share common interests, who just "get" who we are, and take us "as is."

Mr. Tide and I have friends like this, and while some live right next door to us, others are far away.  One of our far away friends is a man we call Papa Jim.  In his profession as a police officer I'm sure he's quite intimidating, heck, I wouldn't want to get on his wrong side, but we know the other side of Jim.  The guy who gushes over his wife, kids, and grandkids...they are the light of his life he is proud beyond belief.  

He is the kind of man who always has something nice to say, can make you laugh, and even when he has his own troubles, he's always more worried about someone else's issues.  And though his day job calls for him to be rough and tough, he is the kind of person who reads this blog.  He doesn't read it because he likes house'y stuff, flowers, or pretty things, but because I write it, and because I talk about my family on here, so he can keep up with our day to day happenings.

Jim is, by any definition, the kind of person you hope to call friend.  Yesterday Papa Jim underwent major surgery for cancer.  He's walked this path before, and battled back like nobodies business, so I have no doubt he will meet this head on yet again and kick it in the butt.

The surgery didn't go as smoothly as hoped, and he has a slightly steeper hill to climb until he's back to feeling like himself again.  And we, meaning all of us who are lucky to know this great man, will be right behind him...providing him with the kind of strength and support that friends give to one another at times like this.

So to you Jim, we (and I mean the whole clan) say thank you!  Thanks for being that role model friend that we all aspire to be.  Thank you for loving your family with all of your heart and still spreading that love around to those of us who are honored to call you friend.  Get Well Soon!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

When I Look To The Sky

Sometimes you just connect with someone.  They can live very far away, and you may never meet them in person, but still a bond is formed through shared ideas, common beliefs, and sometimes it's just something you can't fully explain that brings you together and makes you click.  I recently found that in another blogger, and it truly is a gift.

Yesterday, it was absolutely gorgeous here.  The sun was shining and a breeze was blowing, so I headed out to our backyard to hang out in the hammock and drink it all in.

I wish I was one of those people who could close my eyes and drift off to sleep to the gentle sounds of of the tides rolling in and the swaying branches overhead, but I'm not.  I think maybe it's because I'm afraid I might miss something, like the sight of an Osprey diving into the water searching for lunch, or a the chance to get a wet kiss from a loving pup.

If only I could let my mind slow down or even stop for a moment so that I wasn't always plotting how to fix the world, or trying to figure out a way to invent something to prevent dust from accumulating in my house, but then there are other times when I embrace this trait of mine.

Times when I'm glad my senses are sharp, that I've kept my eyes wide open, so that I didn't miss something that others might pass by or simply ignore.

I've been thinking about my friend Dan a lot lately, missing him and wishing we could have a good chat like we used to, and yesterday was one of those days when I longed to hear his voice again.  And just then, I looked down and saw it, a tiny white feather.  Now you might think to yourself, so's just a feather?!  But then you wouldn't know Dan and how he would send such a beautiful little gift my way.

You see, I spoke to his wife just a few weeks ago, so excited to share in the excitement of the Royal Wedding with her, since she lives very near London.  It hadn't occurred to me that for her the wedding took on a totally different meaning.  Instead of seeing beautiful flowers and a princess in the making, it took her back to her own wedding and to the sadness that only someone who has lost a spouse can fully understand.  As we spoke she fought back tears and I reassured her that Dan was all around her...all around all of us.  She told me that just a few days earlier, she had had the windows in their flat open and a small white feather had floated in and landed on a tiny bird's nest she had sitting out as decoration.  She said she knew it was from Dan, and that the feather was still resting just where it had landed.

I also spoke to a blog friend this week via email.  She too has suffered a great loss, and we spoke about how those who leave us are never very far away.  We talked about signs, and how if you just know where to look and open your eyes, those signs are all around us.

As the sun set yesterday in a fiery ball of orange and red, I knew that I had experienced a perfect day.  The weather, the feather, the sunset, each one a sign from those we love but are no longer physically here on Earth telling us that they are shining down upon us and letting us know that they are ok.

When I had a conversation with someone in the health field a few years ago and told them that I often felt the presence of those who had left this world around me and that I have learned to listen to that little voice within me, he simply smiled.  He said, we all have that little voice, but some of us stop listening to it, so it stops speaking to us.  I will never stop listening, and I truly hope it never stops speaking to me.

When I see a sign like that little white feather yesterday, I take comfort in the knowledge that even in the darkest of times, a light shines through.  I hope that you have a wonderful weekend my friends and that you take a moment and look to the sky!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Real McCoy

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments about my latest batch of swan pictures!  I had to laugh when a few of you called me the swan whisperer though.  I think that more than the swans coming to trust me, they simply got tired of me aggravating them, kind of like some crazy swan paparazzi!  So they simply posed for a few shots in the hope that I would be satisfied and disappear forever.

I hate to tell them, but once I get a better camera and a few L series lenses, I'll be right back out there looking for more shots...just don't tell them that!  Besides, they have almost a whole year to forget about me as they'll be migrating north soon.

Last night Mr. Tide and I decided to go out for dinner.  We had planned to go out on Valentine's Day but I just wasn't in the mood to fight the crowds, so instead I whipped up some spanish rice and we just hung out.  Yesterday, I realized that it had been a few days since I had gone anywhere and I decided it was time to head out and do some errands and grab a bite to eat.

There was a time in my life when I was in and out and racing up and down the roads constantly.  I drove my kids to and from school from the time our daughter was in pre-school at age 4 until she was in the 4th grade and my son was in pre-school, so I know a little something about running around and what it's like to spend almost as much time in your car as in your house.  But these days I can sometimes go for a few days without ever leaving the back forty so to speak.  If we have enough food in the house, and sometimes even when we don't, or I just don't have a need to go out, I stay put and just enjoy being in one place without any obligation to go anywhere.

Of course it doesn't hurt that Mr. Tide works from home 3 days a week so I have someone to talk to throughout the day besides the dogs.  After a few days though I go a little stir crazy and have to get up and outta here.  I don't have to go any place special, I just have to go...hit the open road and get a change of scenery.

I think that if I had unlimited cash I would become a bit of wanderer.  I could stay in any number of places, just not for too long.  I inherited this trait from my father I think.  He had this rule that you never came home the same way you went somewhere.  Now that's not an easy thing to do my friends when you live on a peninsula, but he always managed to make at least part of the return trip different from the outward journey.  This trait has served me well and I've seen all sorts of things I never would have if I'd always stuck to the same path.

Last night we didn't take any new routes, but we did go to Panera for a quick bite to eat.  I love the Fuji Apple Chicken Salad at Panera, it's my favorite!  And after dinner we decided we would buy a loaf of fresh bread and pick up something for breakfast.  I usually have toast or an english muffin with just a touch of butter and then a handful of walnuts for breakfast each morning, but today I indulged in a yummy muffin from Panera.  It was a carrot walnut muffin and it was quite delicious!  I couldn't eat something so rich every day for breakfast, but this morning along with a cup of Tazo "refresh" tea, it was perfect!

Before we went to Panera I called my dear friend "J" to see if I could stop by and drop something off.  I had a set of note cards I wanted to give to her and I also wanted to show her the proofs I got in the mail this week of the photos I'm having printed up on metal.

J is the real McCoy, the real deal, a true friend.  She gets me, and she is always there no matter whether I need to share good news or bad.  She and I have been friends since we met through our daughters when they were in the first grade together.  Together we endured countless field trips, class parties, and we both volunteered weekly in our daughters' classroom with a program called "Great Books."  The books sometimes were not that great, but our friendship always was.

My birthday was last December, and J and I were supposed to get together for lunch at a local tea room, but alas I wasn't feeling well.  I had a touch of the flu and needed to cancel.  Over the years J and I have come to find that when we actually try and plan something we inevitably jinx ourselves.  It's a running joke with us whenever we phone each other to set up a time to get together, we both end the conversations saying something like "well you know because we've set a date this is never going to happen right?!"

And so it goes, but it never matters, we always find a way to see one another eventually.  It's funny really, when we were younger and had small kids we were able to be somewhere on time, every time, but now, well it just seems harder somehow.  Mr. Tide and I had this conversation last night at dinner.  I commented as I looked around and saw people at Panera with small kids how we never ate out when our children were little.  Well we did, but not that often.  I made dinner every night, helped kids with homework, shuttled them to horseback riding lessons and saxophone lessons, gave them baths, still found time to make a perfect batch of jello jigglers, kept my house tidy, managed to read each child a story, and still found time to hang out with Mr. Tide when he was in town, since he traveled all the time back then.  Mr. Tide looked at me and simply said "well there wasn't any internet to take up all our time back then," hmm, maybe he has a point there!

Anyway, I digress, I wanted you to see the lovely Border Collie ornament that J gave me for my birthday.  I love it!  And it is so like her to find such a perfect gift for me!

The nice part about not getting together in December, is the fact that I got to have a little surprise birthday celebration last night in J's living room.  The other wonderful gift she gave me was this book called Old Dogs ...are the best dogs.

Of course J knows that I have an old dog of my own, and so does she.  She has the sweetest and tiniest dog I've ever seen, named Chloe.  J and her family rescued Chloe years ago, probably 15 years ago now...and they have no idea how old she was when they got her.  Chloe is blind and deaf now, but she is still just as sweet.  When I knocked on J's door last night I didn't hear Chloe bark, and I have to admit that my heart stopped for a moment, but she was just sleeping soundly in the kitchen.

This morning as I ate my pumpkin walnut muffin I flipped through the Old Dogs book and I have to say it brought me to tears.  J had forewarned me and said that I should "check my hormones," before reading it because it was sure to open the flood gates and start the waterworks.  She was right!

Just read this quote from the front of the book...

This is a tribute to old dogs, a celebration

of their special virtues. 

All dogs profiled in this book were at least 10 years old

when their portraits were made.  

If you ask us which of them are still alive, 

our answer is: They all are. 

May old dogs live forever.

All of us who have or have had an old dog would love this book which chronicles a group of special dogs 10 years or older.  My good friend Traci just lost her sweet "old" dog Greta recently, and I know she and her husband are feeling the void in their house after having her around for almost 15 years.  If you get the chance, please stop by her blog HERE and let her know that you understand the pain that comes with that sort of loss, I know it would mean a lot to her.  Her latest post isn't about Greta, but you can leave a comment anyway!

J also gave me a wonderful card that sums up just how I feel about all of my special friends, both human and furry.

"My friends have made the story of my life"...Helen Keller

I hope each of you has someone in your life who is the Real McCoy!  Thank you J, for everything!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

So Excited

Thank you all for the wonderful birthday wishes for my daughter.  She was so thrilled to see your comments on her photography and of course the great birthday greetings!

I hope each of you is having a wonderful weekend!  I know I's absolutely glorious fall weather outside, time to pull out the fall decor and shop for pumpkins, gourds, and everything the season has to offer!

But before I head out the door, I want to show you a few gifts I recently received!  My dear friend Connie, from Hartwood Roses, sent me this gift!  I got home very late one evening last week, and I was so excited to find a package from her in my mailbox.  

She knows how much I love anything crab related, and when she heard about my rough week, she thought of me and sent me these wonderful little crab placecard holders from Pottery Barn!  Aren't they too cute?!

Connie is always busy...this weekend she is off selling her beautiful roses in Richmond, Virginia.  I hope she has a wonderful sale!

But even with all she has going on, she took the time to mail me something she knew I would treasure!  I'm not surprised though, she is just like that and I'm so lucky to be able to call her my friend!  Thank you Connie, I can't wait to use these cute crabs with my crab plates for one last taste of summer!

I also wanted to share with you something else wonderful that was sent to me this week!  The other day it was cloudy and rainy here and when I stepped out on my back patio to let the dogs out, this is what I saw in the sky!  I was so excited and ran inside to grab the camera.

Call me crazy, but my friend Dan clearly sent me this little heart shaped cloud from above...I have no doubt!  And even though it is a bit of a broken heart, if you look closely at the upper left hand corner of the cloud, you'll see almost a perfect outline of a whole symbolic and so like him to let me know that he is happy and for me to not worry or be sad.

As it slowly drifted over the field and off across the water, I couldn't help but smile, even on such a gray and dreary day, knowing that those we love really are never that far away from us!

And last, but certainly not least in my book, I was over the moon last night when I stopped by my local Giant grocery store and saw a copy of this...the new issue of Romantic Country Magazine!  It's packed with wonderful articles and great decorating ideas for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!  

And there on page 34 was my name...Kat Warren, the author of the story on designer Dena Fishbein's gorgeous home!  And on page 16 is even one of the photos I took of Dena's beautiful bedding!  Now I know it's silly because I've been published now for 12 years in regional magazines, but I was giddy with happiness to know that I am finally in a national magazine.  Thank you Fifi for taking a chance on me!  And now my friends and family can just go to their local store and pick up a exciting!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

An Unlikely Friendship


Almost 7 years ago my husband purchased an online computer game called Jedi Academy for our then 12 year old Star Wars obsessed son. It was his first online game, and I was a nervous wreck about letting him play on the internet with all the news stories I had read about children being manipulated or even lured by strangers they met on the web. I was also keenly aware of the amount of bad language, drug talk, etc. used online, and how unattended children, teens, or even adults would often use online gaming to bully people and be something they weren’t in real life.


So being the paranoid, overprotective mother that I was/am, I used to sit behind our son as he played and I would make him leave a server if the language was bad. Now, what you might not know about me is that I’m very competitive…as in SUPER competitive!


It’s a trait I’ve had all my life, and it’s what allowed me to play college level tennis. So not only did I sit behind my son to prevent him from being exposed to things I didn’t like, but I also used to give him helpful hints about how to play! I’m sure you can only imagine how well that went over with a 12 year old boy…his mom saying “watch out, bad guy,” or “why don’t you try swinging the lightsaber this way?”…


My son quickly suggested that I “try” the game and that it wasn’t as easy as it looked. I just laughed, after all I was the mom who couldn’t even cross the street in Frogger, and I never knew which controls to use on the Playstation, so how on earth would I be able to learn this complicated Star Wars computer game which had characters I had never heard of and really could care less about?! But instead of saying no, I decided that maybe this would be a great way to bond with my son as he entered into the teenage years. I had happily shopped for dance dresses, talked about hair and makeup, watched chick flicks, gone to tea, and shared all things girlie with my daughter, but I was entering unknown territory with a boy and thought maybe this would be a wonderful way for us to stay connected.


True to form I dove headlong into the game, quickly moving from the game type known as “siege” into the ranked lightsaber dueling servers. It was less hectic there, and seemed to have a more mature crowd, 16 and above as opposed to the 13 year olds, and there were even a few old timers like myself! I became sort of an anomaly in the game, a 40 year old “mom” wielding a pretty mean staff saber, and I began to rank up. It was really an amazing thing in many ways, I would log into the game and people (mostly teenagers) would come in and tell me about how they had gotten a good grade on a test I had told them to study for, or when I would enter a server they would reprimand one another for using bad language in front of me and even kick them from the server if they didn’t straighten up! Eventually I became one of the top ranked duelers in the world, which means I basically played too much, but it did give me an added layer of respect both inside and outside of the game… It wasn’t a title I mentioned to my friends in real life who most wouldn’t have understood, but trust me when your son’s teenage friends or your daughter’s prom date find out this bit of trivia about you, you gain instant street cred! (That means you are seen as “slightly” cool!)

In most online games, you have to select a game name, and I was at a complete loss when I started playing JKA, as the game is commonly called. We had recently visited England and I had seen Les Miserables in London so I chose Les Mis as my game name. I was always shocked at how many of these so called geeky gamers knew exactly what my name stood for, even quoting lines from the play from time to time! And even those few who chose to use online gaming as a way to gain power or notoriety they lacked in real life, the bottom line was these were real people with real feelings on the other side of my screen, something I as a 40 year old mom could understand.


A few months after I began playing, I met one person in particular that seemed a bit different than the rest. His game name was Downey and we met one afternoon in an empty server over a few fun duels. We instantly struck up a “gaming” friendship and would agree to meet to duel on a certain day or time. We chatted via typing in the game about our lives, how he was an IT professional at a hospital outside of London, and how I was a freelance writer. He was 26, happily married and an only child for his mother who he adored. He would call me “mom” in the game and joked about how a 40 year old soccer mom could be playing an online computer game!

All of this was during a time when I was helping care for my own mother following her stroke, so having a bit of geeky fun and an escape was truly a godsend! Downey and another dear friend named Mogul, would laugh at my complete and utter lack of knowledge about Star Wars and how I didn’t know a jedi from a jackrabbit, or a sith from a sloth! And as time passed the friendship I developed with Downey would spill over to emails and instant message chats. One evening he explained to me that he had been diagnosed with a brain tumor a year or so before, but that it was non-malignant so not to worry! Although the tumor wasn’t cancerous it had still caused him problems and it was located in a part of his brain that was inoperable. I was shocked and saddened by the news and hopeful that this young man would live a long and full life despite the evidence I found online to the contrary.


In the fall of 2004, Downey, whose real name is Dan, planned a trip to the states with his mom, Sandra, and wife Sue. They had planned to go to NYC and Memphis (his mom is a huge Elvis fan), but he wondered if they took a side trip to Washington DC if I would be willing to meet them. We had often joked about meeting in person, and since we had just been to England the year before, this looked like the most promising chance for us to meet, so we began to make plans to meet for dinner near where they would be staying. Although this went against everything I had ever learned about meeting strangers, somehow it just seemed like the right thing to do! We had exchanged pictures, and I had even seen both Sue and him waving happily to me from a webcam once or twice during the year, so surely these are the people they say they are right?! About a week before we were to meet, I got a lovely email from Dan asking me if I truly wasn’t an axe murderer and I had to chuckle to myself that clearly we were both a bit apprehensive about doing something which seemed so completely crazy…we didn’t even know one another’s last names or home addresses at this point!

But off we went, Mr. Tide, my son Bugs, and me (our daughter wasn’t feeling well and stayed home) to meet this stranger who we met as a character in a game where we slashed one another with lightsabers! The moment he walked in I knew it was him, and we had each brought gifts to exchange with one another. I gave him a mug and he gave me tea which he knew I would love! Within minutes the miles and barriers that had once separated us melted away and it was as though we had known one another forever. We had spoken to one another nearly every day for the past year, so in many ways he knew more about me and my family than people I had known in real life for years, and vice versa!


We found it awkward calling one another by our “real” names and joked about this unlikely friendship we had struck up! And when it came time to part ways we took pictures, hugged, and found it difficult to say goodbye. Like when any two friends have to say goodbye it was hard, and it was made harder by the fact that we didn’t really know if we would see one another again! The reality of our physical distance was one thing, but his illness was always there in the back of our minds.

Thankfully over the years we were able to see one another in person again, and our daughter saw Dan and his family more than any of us when she lived in France. With each passing year we all grew closer, these two families brought together by a silly game. A few years ago I met my daughter in Yorkshire in the north of England for a girls getaway. As soon as I told Dan we would be there he and his family made plans to drive the long way to come see us. We spent a few glorious days with Dan, Sue, Sandra, and his stepfather Del touring the sites of York. The first night we decided to meet at the Minster in York, a beautiful old cathedral with so much history and meaning. As we stood on the steps eagerly anticipating their arrival we met a woman who was also waiting to meet someone she had befriended through the internet. She seemed so relieved that there were other crazy people in the world willing to do this! She told us she had traveled from Canada to meet someone from a book club.

She didn’t realize that I had already met Dan and his family before, and I failed to mention that we had met while slicing and dicing one another in a Star Wars game. When Dan arrived, I turned to him and said “she is meeting a friend from the internet too!,” to which he grinned and said “we met killing one another with lightsabers!” You could see the woman quickly begin to re-think this decision to travel halfway around the world to meet her internet acquaintance, and I think she actually considered running at that point!


Tomorrow, Downey will be laid to rest after a long and brave fight with cancer, his tumor eventually became malignant and he fought with all his might, but the cancer was stronger. I will smile whenever I think of him and his infectious laugh, his keen wit, and his wonderful sense of humor. He loved so many things like the Lord of The Rings, Armani, movies, Robert Downey Jr., Haagen-Dazs, all sorts of music, Superman, but most of all he loved his family and friends. And in turn, he was loved by so many, I am just one person who was lucky enough to call him friend!

I know he is free from pain, and he has already sent a few signs to me in the form of shooting stars, a song, or favorite movies, that he is ok and is watching over all of us! I will forever treasure the last night we were together, when we walked down the street in York to get something I forgot from the bed and breakfast where my daughter and I were staying, just the two of us, walking arm in arm talking about life, dreams, and everything we hold so dear to us. I wish I had one more chance to show him that I was better than him at swinging a lightsaber, to share a cup of redbush tea, and to just chat about anything and nothing at all like we always did. He brought more love, kindness, and generosity into the world in almost 33 years than many people who live much longer ever could hope to. We were an unlikely pair, he and I, but I will thank God each and everyday for bringing our families together!

Tomorrow will be a day filled with all sorts of emotions for his beloved family and friends, and to them I send all my love and strength as they honor this wonderful man, son, husband, grandson, brother, and friend. Rest in Peace my dear friend, you will be greatly missed!!!

Thank you Katee for reminding me of one of his favorite songs!!