Showing posts with label Lilacs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lilacs. Show all posts

Thursday, May 15, 2014

In Good Company

Last fall I received a lovely email from one of the editors at Artful Blogging asking if I would like to be featured in their spring 2014 issue.  I was on deadline at the time, and had too many things on my plate, so I politely declined and let them know how appreciative I was that they even asked!

Much to my surprise, instead of saying "ok thanks, see ya later," the editor asked if I would consider being in the summer 2014 issue instead as it would give me more time to write my piece.  I immediately said yes, and though I still wonder why the heck they picked me...let's face it there are some truly Artful blogs out there, that blow mine WAY out of the water, I am so thankful they did include me.

When I received my contributor copy a couple of weeks ago, I was tickled to see one of my images on the cover.  If you've read my blog for awhile, then you know how much I LOVE tea, especially the Laduree Marie Antoinette tea I picked up in Paris, so I was thrilled to see that they selected that image for the cover.

The spread inside the magazine didn't disappoint either, and they did a great job of grouping my images together to compliment the story.  I was also super excited to see that Mr. Quinn and Misty Belle made the cut...I wonder if they'll start getting fan mail?! *winks*

I have to say that the Summer 2014 Issue of Artful Blogging is full of beautiful images, talented artisans, and inspiring stories that have introduced me to a whole new group of talented folks I might never have found on my own.  I am in very good company in this issue!

Thank you Artful Blogging and your wonderful staff for letting me be a part of your beautiful publication...I am humbled and appreciative!

The weather here today is beyond gorgeous, and I wish everyday could be just like this!  My neighbor gifted me with some lovely Persian Lilac blossoms and with the windows open and a cool breeze blowing through, my entire house smells divine!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Purple Haze

The rain and wind haven't let up for days here, and although it makes it hard to get outside to mow the grass, the spring flowers are loving life these days.

The lilac bush we planted last spring is rewarding us with a handful of blossoms that smell like heaven.

And columbine flowers in shades of deep purple and magenta are spreading like wildfire in our front flower bed, even with the weeds trying to take their place.  Hang in there columbine...when the rain ends we'll come to your rescue!

I ventured out during a break in between downpours today to cut a few of these lovely blossoms to brighten my house and fill my senses.  There is nothing quite like the scent of a fresh lilac makes my heart skip a beat and reminds me of my grandmother who loved lilacs as much as I do.

I think flowers are medicine for the soul.  And though I would probably never fill my home with purple or even lavender furnishings or accessories, I still love the color and enjoy having my own little purple haze each spring as these regal colors fill my garden, and ultimately my vases.

Do you have a favorite color springtime blossom?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Lovely Lilacs

Hello lovely lilacs...I've been waiting for you.

For the sweet fragrance of your blooms.

For your delicate petals to open so that I could capture them and turn their beauty into art.

Though your blossoms are already works of art.

Not requiring any manipulation on my part...yet still I do.

Because I can't help myself.

Maybe because I am delirious from your heady fragrance which smells like sunshine and sweetness all rolled in to one.

We wait with baited breath for you to return each spring...and oh the wait is so worth it!

And so I will leave you just as you are, beautiful in your simplicity, able to conjure up childhood memories, and the perfect compliment to white pitchers everywhere!  Thank you lovely lilacs...until we meet again!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lilac Wine

The crazy weather moved through yesterday, and this morning I awoke to lush green and the glow of bright sunshine streaming through my windows.

Even the dogs sensed after yesterday's storms, which left a tree down on one of our roads, that today would be special and they promptly woke us up at the crack of dawn.

The other day while I was at my grandparent's little farm, I picked these lilac blossoms from a bush in the front yard.  My grandmother loved lilacs and also had a bush right near her back door.  The violets from my last post also came from her yard by the back door, I guess my Nana liked to walk in and out of her home and smell lovely things.

I'm descended from a long line of flower loving women I think.  And I never tire of smelling, picking, or having fresh flowers in my home.

I adore lilacs, but my sister K is the true lover of these multifaceted flowers.  Growing up, her room was across the hall from mine and it was purple from head to toe.  A lovely shade of lilac as a matter of fact.  Unlike me, she kept her room immaculate, and at 6 years younger than her, I used to love to wander in and check out all of her grown up stuff.  One of my favorite things was a lilac topped container.  I think it held powder, or maybe perfume and the top of it was adorned with faux lilac blooms.  I think they may have been made of plastic, but I loved them none the less.


My grandmother had an English lilac bush and a French lilac bush, and I can never remember which was which.  Sadly the bush in the back yard was overtaken by a wild rose and is no longer there.  Either way, these are lovely and full of wonderful fragrance.

The bush where these came from is old and needs some TLC, it barely had any blooms on it, and I almost didn't pick them.  At the last minute I decided to grab the 4 blooms it had, and after yesterday's violent winds and rains I'm so happy I did!

Today is too beautiful to spend inside on a computer, so I'm off to face the day and soak up some sunshine.  But when I come home at the end of the day, I will soak up some lilac wine and think of my grandmother!

If you are thinking to yourself...sheesh what is with all of the flower pictures...well it's spring here, and I love flowers, so I hope you love seeing flowers as much as I love photographing them!

I have decided it's a go with the Spread The Love meme party idea and will be back with more info soon.

My daughter posted this song on her blog recently and I hadn't heard it before.  I think this video is truly a work of art, and I love the lyrics, here is an excerpt...

I lost myself on a cool damp night
I gave myself in that misty light 
Was hypnotized by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree
I made wine from the lilac tree
Put my heart in its recipe
It makes me see what I want to see 
and be what I want to be
I think more than I want to think
I do things I never should do
I drink much more than I ought to drink
Because it brings me back you...

Happy Sunday everyone!