Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label intervention. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti: Money is worth nothing now; water is the currency

Sobering words from those trying to help:

One foreign aid worker told Reuters,

"Money is worth nothing right now; water is the currency."

HS1 Larry Berman, U.S. Coast Guard corpsman sums up the desperate situation:

"As a corpsman, I am trained to stabilize people until they can get to the next highest level of care. I have never had to be the highest level of care someone was likely to see."

Once again the best nation on the earth is called upon to be the point of highest help to a devastated nation. Let's all be a part: give, according to your means, along trusted channels. Most churches are setting up lines of giving; also good organizations are there, where giving can be trusted.

Here again we see the greatness of the U.S. Military and the heart of faithful American people.

Even in a down economy and very shaky political context, with so much under attack here at home, let's still give as unto the Lord: the cup of cold water is needed.


Monday, June 18, 2007

African orphan meals on two dollars a day

Lesotho orphans pray the Lord's Prayer together
before receiving their one hot meal for the week.

Identifying with the least of these

Item: 75 percent of Sub-Saharan Africans live on two dollars a day or less.
Item: 56 percent of Lesotho adults live in two dollars a day or less.

In praying for Lesotho orphan intervention, where the number of AIDS orphans is exploding at one of the highest rates in the world, an American couple decided that they would live on two dollars a day per person for a week, and send the rest of that week's food budget to the Lesotho orphans. It’s a great investment, because each dollar sent counts for seven, and feeds multiple orphans.

The result is a no lose situation: givers function on the same household budget while needy orphans gain the difference in food.

If you would like to participate in this unique fundraising experience, please do so.

You can read more about it here and here.

Checks can be made payable to Encounter Humanity and sent here:

P.O. Box 841
Alabaster, AL 35040

God bless your care and efforts!