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Showing posts with label kairi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kairi. Show all posts

Jun 26, 2009

little news from townsville 8D

college vacation finally =]
catching this little free time to play again "The worlds end with you" of nintendo ds is nice game if have ds u have to play =]
buyed a moleskine too wait to new drawing to do my first published sketch book problably not show most of it here ]
Little boring sometimes buy sketch book of some artist and most of images u have see in internet or other places i think
Saturday have a party in local pub here to comemorate my 28 bithday *time flies so fast damn* remenber my first work have 21 do little porn comic to local comic here in country
Some fanart of halibel from bleach series not read mor stoped on soul society saga ...little tired of teenage comic in theses days a fter whole life reading then u see lciches more faster
Color finished o kairi from Kingdom of hearts 2 ..okies she appears more old but i think she is sexy like this =]
Rest r comission of my vacation sale tks for all people have grabbed all slots have so much fun doing all of it

If u like to check the rest of comiss done last promotional round check my deviantart and if like to hire for a comission sent me a mail or note in deviant =]
oh not forgot the link my gallery in deviantart

sorry again for my horrible grammar in english is not my main language

Jun 15, 2009

sketch dump 3

first iamge is done in collab online in open cnavas 1.7b with my friend julio a.k.a mz09
more sketchs
u notice i like KH a little problably u see more of the caracter here in future
and lazy to write like a hell 8D
c yaa
and finally college vacations take some distant of pc guys these days sorry buddies =3

hugs to all