Showing posts with label River of Time series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label River of Time series. Show all posts

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Review for Bourne by Lisa Tawn Bergren

Bourne (River of Time, #3.1)Bourne (River of Time #3.1)
By Lisa Tawn Bergren
Published by Bergren Creative Group, Inc
Bought Ebook
116 pages

"The dramatic tale about the Betarrinis and Forellis continues, picking up directly after where Torrent left off… The battle is done at the front, but the battle is only beginning back at Castello Forelli. Marcello fights for his life; Lord Greco fights to find his place; and Lia fights for love." - Goodreads

Oh how I have missed the Betarrinis and Forellis! This novella wets your appetite and now I seriously need more (Tributary here I come)!

I'm trying not to go completely fan-girling here but Bourne focuses more on Luca and Lia's relationship. JUST what I asked for *squee*. I love them! Although I still consider Waterfall my favourite book out of the series, novella's are brilliant. Through them we get to know the characters just a bit better and we get that much more attached to them. For Lord Greco fans - there is much more of him in this novella... as for Gabriella, Marcello, Evangelia, Luca, they get a nice amount of face time too. Since it is so short, not enough time as I would have liked, obviously.

One hundred and sixteen pages is short. Yet, somehow I felt like I had a read a well written book. There is character development, a plot, a resolution... me craving for more. The normal cycle. I loved learning a little bit about the secret brotherhood and I can't wait for more to be revealed. It definitely adds a level of intensity and danger to the series. An additional plus, was the fact that the chapters alternate between Gabriella and Lia's POV. Being able to read through Lia's POV was exciting, her view on things is very different from Gabs. She's not head over heels in love with the century and everything it brings but she is willing to stay because of her family. But I think the medieval times are growing on her *cough* Luca *cough*.

To read Bourne, you have to first read Waterfall, Cascade, and Torrent because you know, I said so. I recommend this to historical lovers who enjoy romance, Italian men, and castles.


***A little Luca and Lia banter for you: (your welcome)***
 That shyness was the antithesis of his constant flirtation, telling me it was real, not an act, his fondness for me. And I thought it pretty dang enticing.
"It'd make it far simpler to keep you all in order," he said. "To have you all at the castello."
I pulled away and resumed walking, smiling over his words. "So you believe you can keep us in order, then? Like a bunch of chickens in a coop?"
"Twould have to be a hen keeper worthy of Hercules' court, but a man can try." We shared a quiet laugh, and he lifted a fallen limb from the road and flung it into the woods. "I think you'll be fast friends with Adela," he mused. "If she is as I remember her."
"Since she is kin to you, 'tis destiny that we shall be," I said. It was my turn to give him a shy smile.
And it made Luca grin as widely as if I had just made it Facebook Official.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Review for Torrent by Lisa T. Bergren

Torrent (River of Time, #3)Torrent (River of Time #3)
By Lisa Tawn Bergren
Published by David C. Cook
Personal Copy
388 pages

"When Gabi and Lia finally learn to surf the river of time, they realize they must make hard choices about life and love in the third and final book in the River of Time series.

Gabi and Lia Betarrini have learned to control their time travel, and they return from medieval Italy to save their father from his tragic death in modern times. But love calls across the centuries, and the girls are determined to return forever—even though they know the Black Plague is advancing across Europe, claiming the lives of one-third of the population. In the suspenseful conclusion of the River of Time series, every decision is about life … and death."- Goodreads

Are you still unsure about whether to buy this series and read it? Let me alleviate that decision for you, go ahead and read them. Although I have to say Waterfall was by far my favourite, all three will take you on a ride you'll never forget!

Torrent had a totally different feel to it, well at least to me, the characters have progressed so much from that first time we meet them in Waterfall. Gabi, in my eyes, is now a young adult. A mature women who has to make the biggest decision of her life... with people always trying to kill her family (and her) - you can see why she had to grow up. With all that went on in those first two books, it has taken a lot out of Gabi and by this book, she's not quite as uh 'fiery' as before. I missed that but respected it. I have no doubt in my mind that Gabi is meant for Marcello and likewise. They make a great couple! But I have to say I missed my Lia and Luca action *sad face* I need (yes, it is on a need basis now) their story! They are my favs in this series! In Torrent, old faces rise again (and yes Lord Greco is in there) and a new character is added.. who can I just mention is very understanding and maybe a little too...believing? He didn't blink an eye at the whole situation. But alas what a great cast of characters!

Yes, there are more battles, yes there is more drama, and action... keeping me up till the wee hours of the morning! We even get some action in Rome (gasp I know!! Cool right?) Although, sometimes there is an abundance of convenience and sometimes the turn out is too good to be true, I loved this series. Torrent brought tears to my eyes, it made me grin like an idiot, and made me rage with fury (at the bad guys)! It took me on a roller coaster of emotions and left me with an ending that I accepted. No doubt, if you know me, I want more. More please! But yes, the ending is satisfying and leaves you with hope for the future!

I do highly recommend this series, Waterfall, Cascade, Torrent - they will leave you breathless. If I could have one request to the author - Luca and Lia's story please! (You knew that was coming).


My breath caught when I saw the rebuilt walls and gates, the movement of guards at the top of the walls. Hoping, wishing, I half stood before Lia whispered harshly. "Gabi, get down."
That was when I saw it. The long, white banner with the red cross on it, waving above Castello Forelli.
The Guelph cross.
Firenze's symbol. Not Siena's. Not Marcello's.
The question was now, if Firenze still held Castello Forelli, where would I find Marcello?