Showing posts with label NIL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NIL. Show all posts

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Saturday Wrap-up: The NIL ON FIRE blog tour has begun!!!


Just 10 days until the fire is in the wild.


NIL ON FIRE will be IN YOUR HANDS in 10 days!!!

Until then, you can get stoked with the NIL ON FIRE blog tour:


Full dates and stops are listed on the Fierce Reads page, or you can go straight to the first stop: the lovely Stacee's blog...Too Fond of Books! There are also giveaways throughout the you may be the lucky winner of NIL, NIL UNLOCKED, or yes, NIL ON FIRE!

Good luck and happy touring!

In the meantime, here is this week's teaser:

10 days.

And then the fire will be yours...:)

#NILtribe, this book is for you!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Friday Five

Hi y'all! I haven't done a Friday Five in a while, so why not today?:)

Let's do it! Here we go...

#5. Last five books I've read and loved:

The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkowsi

Riders by Veronica Rossi
Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard
The Living by Matt De La Pena
Frozen Tides, by Morgan Rhodes

#4. Next five books on my TBR List (in no particular order):

The Crown's Game by Evelyn Skye

A Court of Mist & Fury by Sarah J. Mass
Girl Against the Universe by Paula Stokes
Need by Joelle Charbonneau
Wink, Poppy, Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke

Which should I read first?

#3. Five Cool Things You Might Not Know About The Nil series:

The Nil series has been translated into multiple languages, and Nil just sold to Columbia! Nil Unlocked recently released in Turkey...with more countries to follow.

Nil began in Hawaii--that's where the idea for Nil was born. See this post for more scoop.

NIL UNLOCKED incorporates some American history and science that is absolutely true. As for how it factors into the Nil world...well, I MADE THAT UP.;)

At the the end of NIL UNLOCKED, Skye has not let Nil go. OR IS IT THE OTHER WAY AROUND? Or is it both? Nil on Fire holds the answer....

I have a super cool announcement coming soon about Skye's uncle's journal... Stay tuned!

#2. Five Cool Things You Might Not Know About NIL ON FIRE:

In NIL ON FIRE, three of the four main characters return to Nil. NO  I CAN'T TELL YOU WHICH ONES. You have to read the book.:;)

The books starts with Paulo, picking up right where NIL UNLOCKED lefts off.

There are three points of view...and one of them belongs to Nil.

You meet new characters from Australia, Columbia, America, and more. Don't get attached... *spoiler alert* many of them die. BECAUSE IT'S NIL AND NIL ISN'T HAPPY.

NIL ON FIRE ends the series.

#1. Five Things I'm Stoked About for May:



IKR?! Can. Not. WAIT!

Because I'm so excited, I'm going to count the release of NOF as all five, because in my mind, it's five kinds of awesome.:) Don't forget to enter the pre-order contest to win cool stuff!

25 days!!!!!

Now, I'll leave you with this week's NOF teaser...

Happy Friday!


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Throwback Thursday? Flashback Friday? YOU PICK. :)

So NIL came out two year ago. March 2014, to be exact. And I still love this books and my characters....SO MUCH.:)

There are so many quotes from NIL that I love, and today, I'd thought I'd share a few, especially those that play into NIL ON FIRE!


Here's a little Throwback Thursday, or maybe it's an early Flashback Friday. OR MAYBE I JUST LIKE THAD. ;)

Yasssss... all the feels!


Ready for this week's NIL ON FIRE teaser?:)

Here you go! 
AHHHH!!!! I'm feeling it! You?:)

Are you ready for the fiyah?:)


Monday, April 18, 2016

The NIL ON FIRE pre-order giveaway is here!



*freaks out in excitement*

But, I know waiting for a book you want can feel a lot like this:

So, to ease the pain of waiting, I'm holding a pre-order giveaway for NIL ON FIRE!

Official Rules:

How to enter:

Email me a copy of your receipt (a picture will do!) from Amazon, B&N, Books-A-Million or your favorite independent bookseller showing me that you've pre-ordered NIL ON FIRE, and you're entered! Be sure to put "NOF Pre-Order Giveaway" in the subject line.

Email address to enter:

Deadline to enter: Midnight on May 30, 2016

Contest is open internationally!


All entries: Will win a signed bookplate for NIL ON FIRE, signed bookmarks (NIL ON FIRE + NIL series bookmark), and a "No Regrets" button!

**First 25 entries: Will win a #NILtribe tote bag, a signed bookplate for NIL ON FIRE, signed bookmarks (NIL ON FIRE + NIL series bookmark), and a "No Regrets" button!

Grand Prize: (to be picked at random): Will win a #NILtribe tote bag, a #NILtribe t-shirt, signed copies of both NIL and NIL UNLOCKED, a signed bookplate for NIL ON FIRE, signed bookmarks (NIL ON FIRE + NIL series bookmark), and a "No Regrets" button!



Potentially helpful pre-order links for NIL ON FIRE:


Barnes& Noble



Book Depository

Good luck! :) Contest is open now...and if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below!

***JUNE 2016 UPDATE: The NOF pre-order contest is closed...and the winner is Taylor Hamann!!! Congrats Taylor! Thank you again to all who entered and supported both me and this final Nil book. I love you all, and am so grateful for the support!:) The #NIL tribe is THE BEST. *hugs you all* ***


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hello 2016

Yes, it's February. And I haven't posted since December.

I blame ARROW.

It's my newest obsession. :) I'm watching it with my 13 year old, and it's addictive! Oh, in case you need a visual:

*piercing stare*

Need another?

I got you.

No words.

I think I've made my case.

Anyway, I LOVE ARROW. Seriously, not just Stephen Amell, but the whole cast. Felicity, Dig, etc. And I LOVE THE STORYLINE. It's so my thing.

But what else am I up to this spring?


I'm all about the school visits, because NIL is a Florida Teen Reads Nominee, so I'm visiting as many students as I can...hoping to inspire readers and writers alike. I have at least one visit a week until May, and any weeks are packed! But what else am I doing?


Tick tock...the island lives. Only three months until NIL ON FIRE.




WOOHOO! I've got so many fun things planned for the #NILtribe! A pre-order contest, pre-order goodies, and short characters stories on Wattpad.:)

Stay tuned!:)


Always writing, right?:)

But writing what? You know I've finished NIL ON FIRE. (Sometimes I have to pinch myself--to remind myself this is true.) I've finished a trilogy. 3 books, 6 years of work.

I honesty can't believe it.

I started my Nil journey in February of 2010--that's when I first put word one on paper. And now it's going to end in May of 2016. A surreal feeling. Bittersweet, too. But also, weirdly liberating and exciting. I've had my head in the Nil world for six years, and now I'm done, at least writing the last books. I'm not really done--I have so much Nil goodness in the works as we gear up for NOF! Plus, it will forever be a part of me, and I love it and am SO proud of the Nil series. I can't wait for y'all to read NIL ON FIRE.


But now? Now I can write anything.:) I'm currently working on character sketches for NIL ON FIRE that will go up on Wattpad... plus I'm working on an old project, and two new sekrit projects. I'm so full of inspiration and shiny new ideas!

It's super fun to spread my writing wings, so to speak. To try new things, to push myself. And I'm loving what I'm writing right now.:)


Recent reads: Big Magic, Rook, Illuminae, and Zeroes.

My TBR list:

The Winner's Kiss, Ice Like Fire, Passenger, Truthwitch, Riders, Titans, This Fractured Light, and A Court of Mist and Fury top my list. So many books! ALL THE BOOKS. I want to read them ALL in 2016!:)

Next up on the very top of my TBR list?

A Darker Shade of Magic.

What about you? What are you reading? What are you into?


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

#NILtribe giveaways this month

Hey sweet readers--

Just a heads up-- Three Big #NILtribe Giveaways are happening this month!!!

(1) Facebook: Starting today, a giveaway is happening on Facebook! To say thank you to my readers, I 'm offering 10 signed copies of NIL on FB! Click for the link!:) And good luck!

(2) Twitter: Tomorrow is a #WinNIL Wednesday!!!  Woohoo!!! I'll be giving away a signed copy of NIL UNLOCKED + a copy of Placid Girl by Brenna Ehrlich + a copy of Sara Raasch's ICE LIKE FIRE. Awesome, right? Go to my Twitter account for all the scoop!


(3) Coming to Instagram this month? A 12 Days Books of Christmas Giveaway!!! You can win 12 books by 12 YA authors.... Contest will run on IG only, for (you guessed it) 12 days. Stay tuned!!!

So what do you think??/


I totally agree. (I also adore Supernatural...see above pic for all you need to know.:D)

Happy first day of December!!!!!


Monday, November 30, 2015

Thankful...for the #NILtribe, macaroons, and ALL THE BOOKISH THINGS


November is almost over. CRAZY!

This fall has flown by. I've toured with the YA Chicks (Christy Farley, Vivi Barnes, and Amy Christine Parker), visited dozens of schools,  & participated in the Southern Festival of Books, all of which was AMAZING!!!

Proof of #YAChicks Tour awesomeness:

Streetside in Nashville:)

Official Tour Poster--WE WERE SO OFFICIAL

#YAChicks after an incredible school visit in Savannah!

...and we ate macaroons. YES WE DID. ALL OF THEM.

And I went to FAME, which was beyond awesome.:) Evidence of FAME awesomeness:

Bookish goodness happening on schedule :)

Yes, we are hanging out with National Book Award Winner
and all around super nice & talented Neal Shusterman.
Mind. Blown.

The NIL Series!!! In this group!!! *dies of happiness*

Coolest Media Specialists EVER :)

Dinner partners! <3 them!:)

Last night at dinner--so much bookish fun!

And this note from a reader made me teary:

And that my sweet friends, is why I write.:)

FAME was so cool. Inspiring, and amazing.

Like these cool students at Creekside High School, one of my recent school visits:

These readers? LOVE THEM! Amazing kids at Creekside!!!!

I'm constantly blown away by the love of the #NILtribe.:)

And this month... the #NILtribe went international!!! NIL is now out in Turkey (where it's titled ADA), and the Turkish #NILtribe is AWESOME!

Here are just a few of the breathtaking snapshots of #ADA my Turkish readers posted on IG:

THANK YOU TURKEY!!! *all the hugs*

And the original #NILtribe? Still as wonderful and enthusiastic and AWESOME as ever! Books sell one book at a time... through word of mouth. And I'm so grateful for all the Nil love and support. The #NILtribe is AMAZING --you have made NIL UNLOCKED and NIL ON FIRE possible!!!!

So this November, I'm sending the biggest, most heartfelt THANK YOU to all my readers who have shared their love for NIL with a friend or with the world


Like this cool video.:) Here's Ashley, one of my favorite Booktubers and original #NILtribe members, sharing her love for NIL:

Thank you Ashley!!!

I'm so blessed to have the readers I do, and to say thanks? Next month (which starts in one day!) I'll be hosting a special 12 Days Books of Christmas book prize on Instagram, plus a #WinNIL Wednesday in two days!!!!

Stay tuned, and THANK YOU FOR ALL THE NIL LOVE!!!!:)

Oh, and guess what? NIL ON FIRE is only 6 months away!!! #ticktock


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

#YASH STARTS TOMORROW! (+ bonus scene)

The YA Scavenger Hunt is TOMORROW!
I'm #TeamGreen!

Cool, right? I LOVE GREEN.

Tomorrow I'm hiding an exclusive interview with Rives...somewhere along the hunt. Last Spring I hid an exclusive scene. Just to whet your #YASH appetite, here's that scene! It's one of the last scenes of NIL, seen through Rives's eyes.

Enjoy, and come back tomorrow! I'll have a giveaway too!:)

**originally posted as part of last Spring's #YASH*

As y’all may know, NIL UNLOCKED is both a sequel and a companion novel to NIL. NIL UNLOCKED picks up on the island of Nil where NIL leaves off, but NIL UNLOCKED is told from a new character’s point of view: Rives, who was Thad’s Second in Command on the island. (NIL UNLOCKED is actually a dual POV like NIL—the other POV in NIL UNLOCKED is Skye, another new character you’ll meet soon. :D) Below is a bonus scene I wrote just for the #YASH—it’s Thad’s last moments on Nil, as seen through Rives’s eyes. **Spoiler Alert** The following scene contains spoilers about the ending of NIL…so if you haven’t read NIL yet, be warned!:)

Bonus Scene
Day 241, Nearly Noon

I was the definition of a third wheel.
Not that we had a Dictionary here on Nil. Hell, we were lucky to have food. Grammer paled in light of survival. But, if things worked out, I’d be catching back up on my English lessons sometime in the next 124 days.
That was a big if.
If I caught a gate, if I didn’t die first. If I got seriously lucky.
Right now, I just hoped Thad got lucky, but the odds weren’t good. He had exactly one noon left.
Based on the sun’s position, he actually had less than an hour.
I’d spent the last few hours hanging back, alternating between watching Thad’s back and trying not to watch at all. Watching Thad and Charley this morning ranked up there with getting my finger stitched without anesthesia as a good time. Thad’s expression was a potent mix of hurt and anger and raw desperation that I couldn’t fix, no matter how badly I wanted to. Charley wasn’t much better, but to give the girl credit, she had the tough act down. She didn’t show her desperation like Thad; instead Charley strode forward with fierce hope, chin set, shoulders back, every step showing off the Nil badass that she was. Then again, she still had time.
It’s easy to be tough when time is still on your side.
Time is never on our side, I thought. Not here.
Pay attention, I told myself.
It was Nil rule number one.
I glanced back at Thad. He’d stopped, and the pain scarring his face broke something inside me. I’d almost been there, once. Not again. Never again, definitely not here.
Charley stopped beside him and taking his hand, she smiled.
Like their shadow, I braked too. Keeping my distance, I looked away. Looked around.
No gate, yet.
Wrapped in themselves, the pair barely acknowledged me, which brought strange relief. Thad and I were cool; so were Charley and I. I’d said my goodbyes last night. At this point, I had no interest in being drawn into a conversation where I had nothing to say—as if I’d be able to talk with the weight of Nil on my chest. In minutes I’d lose the best friend I had here, one way or another, and I’d had enough Nil funerals to last a lifetime.
Dammit, Nil. I looked around, again. Please send a gate. Please give Thad a ticket home.
Beneath my feet, the ground shifted, then stilled. A small jerk, more like a wake-up call. Around me, the air went slack.
A gate.
Exhaling the breath I’d been holding all day, I looked back at Thad. Charley was shaking him like a rag doll and pointing over his shoulder. Sure enough, a gate shimmered a few meters out from the two, but Thad didn’t see it; he stood frozen, staring at Charley like a man about to jump off a sinking ship. Then the gate winked out.
Time rushed back in, filling the vacuum the gate left behind.
The three of us stared at the spot where the gate vanished, like if we all stared hard enough, it would come back, like a bad April Fool’s joke.
To my complete shock, it actually worked. Either that, or Nil was having too much fun to quit now. A second gate flashed a few meters past the first. Charley spotted the second gate at the same time I did. Her face lit up like a holiday tree.
Charley shook Thad again, and then he woke up. Or gave up. Given the next few ridiculous minutes, it was a toss-up.
“NO!” Charley’s agonized scream hung in the still air.
I froze, shocked by the whisper in my head. I knew that voice; I’d ached for that voice. I’d let that voice go—or at least tried to.
Out on the rocks, Thad laughed. He threw his fist in the air like he’d won. His laughter echoed across the open black rock, like Nil thought is was a joke too.
The scene slowed, a weird warp of Nil ghosts, past and future.
Charley was gone.
Thad’s time was up.
Rives! Talla whispered again. On your left.
Stunned, I whipped around, half-expecting to see her, knowing I wouldn’t because I buried her. Six feet under in Nil dirt.
No Talla, but I couldn’t miss the massive grizzly barreling our way—or the gate rising from the ground.
Thad wasn’t looking. He was shouting now, screaming at the Nil sky, faced raised to the heavens even as he chewed out Nil. Nil answered, shaking the ground with a vengeance.
“Thad!” I shouted. “On your left!”
He spun, saw the gate, and took off, sprinting all out.
That day was the first time I heard Talla’s voice, but not the last. 
How had I let Nil in my head?

--end of bonus scene--

Yay! Come back tomorrow for this Fall's #YASH!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

#NILtribe t-shirt flash giveaway on Instagram!

Just a quick heads up to let y'all know that over on my Instagram account...I'm running a flash giveaway until 9/30. up for grabs? Two #NILtribe t-shirts!

One for for a friend.:)


Sweet, right?:)

Go forth & enter! Here's the link just in case you need it... click here.:) Good luck!


Friday, August 14, 2015

What's New with You?

Happy Friday! It's been FOREVER since I've posted!

How are you? What's new?

For me, summer is over. *sniff* The boys are back in school, and while I'm sooooooo sad to say goodbye to summer, I'm super stoked about what's coming up!

First, a little summer wrap. Ready?:)


June was all about the Southeast Summer Book Bash with Lindsay Cummings, Paula Stokes, Jaye Robin Brown, Robin Constantine, and Anne Blankman. THESE WOMEN ARE LOVELY, and their books will rock your socks. Getting to spend time with them was a treat for me.:)

Here's proof of all of the above:

Look how happy we are! This stop was AMAZING! But WHERE IS PAULA???
Happy authors in the house!

Found her! And she's rocking her skull kitty top. <3
Super sweet banner!:) Thank you Booksellers at Laurelwood!

Road tripping into Asheville at pretty!

Lindsay rode shotgun with me and I love her just a little bit. She was my roomie too and is pretty much awesome. :)

A sweet set up in Asheville at the lovely Malaprops! Jaye Robin Brown was out moderator, and she did an incredible job!

Charleston was both deeply moving and incredibly sad. It was out last tour stop, and we wrestled with whether it was the right thing to do--to go talk about our books, when the city was suffering. But the lovely staff at Blue Bicycle Books assured us that to not come would be a loss all its own, because the city was banding together so tightly that it was inspiring. So we went. We arrived days after the terrible fatal shooting, and to our surprise, our hotel happened to be just across the street. We could see it from our window--the church, the support, the ministers gathering everyone together in prayer, the flowers and moments, and later, the protestors. I took this picture because this particular note spoke to me...this church was where MLK preached and worshipped. MLK was so wise; hopefully we will not only remember his legacy and his words, but start living them too.


Last day of the #SSBB tour....

A panel and signing at Blue Bicycle Books! SO. MUCH. FUN.:)

A great crowd, a great city.:)

A few #SSBB tour thanks: Thanks to all the booksellers who hosted us and made us feel so welcome! And thanks to all the moderators who helped us (Cliff Redwine! Nicole Castroman! JRo! We love y'all!) and thank to the READERS for coming out to support us!

After the #SSBB, I went to Orlando for the Orlando LibCon and IT WAS AWESOME.
Lori and Christy--amazing authors & super sweet to boot!:)

Then after ALL THE TOURING (Fierce Reads! WOOHOO! #SSBB! YIPPEE!) it was time to chill.

Which meant...


How gorgeous is this?!
So much inspiration here...I refilled my writer well. :) Lots of ideas to flesh out the end of NIL ON FIRE...

and lots of just chillaxin.

Me & my the Abacos on Tahiti Beach

The rest of the summer? With my boys and my sweetheart and puppy Charley on the beach...
like this:

Charley...stalking fish on Crescent Beach:)
Charley ). Fish, one million. lol

So what's next?

I'll be doing school visits in September, going on tour with the YA Chicks in October...we're heading to Gainesville, Jax, Savannah, Atlanta & Nashville! Details to come, but you can definitely find us at the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville!

To wrap up today?

A quick Friday Five!

5. Last book I read: A re-read of THE THRONE OF GLASS
4. Top of My TBR List: The WRATH AND THE DAWN
3. Favorite Pizza right now: Hawaiian from Mellow Mushroom
2. Movie I'm dying to see: Antman
1. What I'm doing today: writing.:)

So what's new with you?:) What's topping your TBR?


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

NIL 3 has a title!!!!!!!

Book three in the Nil trilogy has a title!!! And it's PERFECT.


*drum roll*

The title of the third and final book in the Nil series is . . .


So what do you think?:)


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

2 WEEKS!!!!!!

2 weeks until NIL UNLOCKED hits the wild!!!!!

I feel like this every day.:)

And you what makes the two week mark even cooler?

The day of NIL UNLOCKED's release, I go on tour with the awesomes team at Fierce Reads. First stop, Menlo Park!!! Ahhhhh!

2 WEEKS!!!!!!! 


So get ready.

The clock is ticking:)


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

#YASH is over...

Hi everyone!

The Spring 2015 YA Scavenger Hunt is now officially closed! I hope everyone had fun -- it was cool, right? And now WE HAVE WINNERS! 
The winners of the #YASH grand prizes will be posted here.
The winner of my mini-giveaway for a signed copy of NIL is:
Jaime Heller! 
Congrats Jaime! Welcome to the #NILtribe!
Last but not least, the clock is ticking! Only 5 weeks until NIL UNLOCKED is released!!!! Woohoo!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Behind the Scenes Nil Scoop

Happy Tribal Tuesday!

On today's NIL UNLOCKED website, I'm talking about The Top Ten Places You Don't Want to Wake Up On Nil.

Um, that's pretty much everywhere, right?:)

As you'll see from that post, there are lots of pictures, all taken in Hawaii when I went on a trip with him. Hawaii is where the inspiration for NIL and the Nil world struck. You can read all about where I got the idea for Nil in my guest post on John Scalzi's The Big Idea last year.

But I also did a fun post for Jenna's Does Books last year, for her Bookapalooza. I thought I'd share it here too, because it explains the story behind first scrub brush picture in today's Top Ten Places You Don't Want to Wake Up On Nil post.

Here you go!:)

--posted originally on Jenna Does Books book blog--

Today I thought I’d give some behind-the-scene scoop about NIL. A slightly embarrassing and funny and totally true impromptu adventure that crept into Charley’s story.

I’ve talked before about how NIL was born on the island of Hawaii.  The big island, specifically. My husband had won a trip with his company, and as we flew in, we could see the full breadth of the island from the air. It was gorgeous: lush and green in parts, on fire in others, barren in stretches, all with a coastline dotted with cliffs and sandy beaches.  And I’ve talked before about leaving the airport after landing, and driving through miles of ancient lava fields and being awed by the broken red rock stretching endlessly on each side. There were no roads, no buildings, no people–just the sound of wind blowing over the barren rocks. I remember thinking how scary it would be to wake up in that lava field by yourself, not having a clue where you were or how you how got there, and what if–because isn’t this every person’s worst nightmare?!–what if you woke up naked? NIL was born in that moment.  Every experience I had over the next week added fuel to my NIL fire . . . like what happened the next afternoon.

The next day started strong, with my husband surfing, me watching him and chilling out on the shore…and taking heaps of notes for the book (NIL) exploding in my head. After surfing, we tooled around the coastline in a rented Jeep. Being the total tourists that we were, we had a guidebook:

Best guidebook EVER. For real.

This book was AWESOME. Packed with glorious pictures and insider tidbits, we thought we had ALL THE ISLAND SEKRITS. (If only…:D lol)

As we drove north along the Queen K highway, I read a blurb about Kiholo Bay and as promised, the view from the highway was GORGEOUS. Black sand beaches, clear water. Unbelievably cool. And when I spotted mile marker 81, I screamed, “Stop!” Because according to the handy guidebook, there was a trail just south of mile marker 81. A trail that--and I quote--“from the highway to Kiholo Bay takes 15-20 minutes.” Supposedly when the trail turned into a gravel road, it would curve to the left and we’d pop out at the Bay.

Easy peasy, right?


My sweet husband pulled over, and we found what appeared to be the start of not one but TWO trail heads about ten feet apart. And by “trailhead” I mean an unmarked gap in the scrub brush. We stood there staring, wondering which was THE trail, when an elderly couple in Bermuda shorts and sun hats joined us.

“Which one is the trail?” the fellow asked curiously, as if we had a clue.

Waving my handy guidebook, I replied, “No idea.”

The women nodded. Smiling, she pulled her sunhat tight.

“Let’s go this way dear,” she said, pulling her husband’s gnarled hand. To this day I wonder what she saw that we didn’t.

They disappeared into the scrub brush to the left. Meanwhile, a twenty-something dude with a North Face t-shirt and sling pack appeared beside us.

“Hey.” He smiled, and without hesitation, headed into the brush on the right.

I looked at my husband (who happens to have a kick-butt sense of direction unlike me) and he nodded. “Right,” he said.

(In hindsight, very wrong.)

We went right.

An hour later, we were trekking through a back lava flow that was totally hot and unforgiving.

This rock. Gorgeous. AND HARD. And really, really hot.

Occasionally the rocks slipped, not often, but enough that we had to step carefully. Plus, there were small cracks and deep crevasses that hid in plain sight, black on black, and so not only did we have to watch our step, we often had to go wayyyyyyy around a crack, stretching out the short twenty-minute hike *laughs hysterically* into an hour in no time. Meanwhile, we were sweating like pigs and were SO THIRSTY because the few water bottles we had didn’t last long. Soon the twenty-minute hike had turned into a two-hour ordeal, with us alternatively laughing and groaning and wondering where-the-heck we went wrong. And did I mention that I was wearing Reef flips flops (my standard uniform) and a bathing suit and cover up?  Yup, totally NOT dressed for this impromptu hike.

Here’s proof:

See? Reef flip flops. WHAT??!

But eventually…as twilight fell, we made it to the Bay--and it was SO worth it.

This photo inspired Black Bay in NIL. :)

The sand was as black as coal, the water as clear as glass. And the funniest part? The elderly couple sat on the rocks, sharing a picnic and clearly hadn’t broken a sweat. By the looks of their food, they’d been there awhile.

“How long did it take ya’ll to get down here?” I asked.

The man rubbed his silver goatee. “About twenty minutes,” he said. “Give or take a few.”

As we groaned, he pointed to a gravel road. “There’s the trail end right there. Easy walk up,” he added.

“We took the long way,” I said.

“And he took longer,” the woman said, her eyes twinkling as she pointed.  Off in the distance north of us, there was the twenty-something North Face dude, still fighting his way through the black rocks and scrub, a good fifteen minutes behind us.

It turns out that the route we took sent us into into the Mauna Loa Flow of 1859. Totally unplanned, ridiculously out of the way, and yet it turned into one of the best experiences of the trip. Parts of our adventure shaped Charley’s Day One, and I’m SO glad we pulled over--and that we took a wrong turn. Sometimes the wrong turns are the best.:)

Proof of post-hike happiness:

"We made it! And the sweet couple gave us water! Yay! WE SURVIVED!" lol 

And just for fun, here's a picture of my husband surfing in Hawaii that day so you can see just how gorgeous the island is:

Big waves. Gorgeous water. Spiky red rock.
Yup. Looks like Nil.;)

SOOO gorgeous, right?:) Perfect inspiration for the world of NIL & NIL UNLOCKED!

So . . . are you ready to jump back into the world of Nil?!

If so, go check out the NIL UNLOCKED website!:)


Monday, March 2, 2015

Early Buzz for NIL UNLOCKED! + NU website scoop

Hey y'all!

So, I'm a *little* stoked about the early buzz for NIL UNLOCKED.

From Kirkus Review:

"A fast, tense gift for readers wanting to return to Nil.”
From Scholastic Library Journal:

VERDICT: A must-have for fans of the first installment.” 
And you know what else makes me happy? 

The awesome website that super blogger Eli Madison made for NIL UNLOCKED. (THANK YOU ELI!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!) Each Tuesday --hello Tribal Tuesday!!!-- on the NIL UNLOCKED website we'll be revealing new NU content, like character interviews, guest bloggers, bonus material and more. Check it out! Right now Eli did an interview with me about how NU came to be!

Also, over at Eli's blog you can enter to win a hardback copy of pop over to his new blog,  The Silver Words asap!

Last but not least, next week is March's #WinNIL Wednesday contest. The Prize? An ARC of NIL UNLOCKED!

To all my readers, thank you. For reading NIL, for stopping by, and for embracing the Nil world! Y'all are the best!!!! *hugs all the #NILtribe*


P.S. I'm going to leave you with this...:)

I'm stoked! Are you?:)

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Fierce Reads #SpringFling Tour Announcement!!!

Hey everyone!!!!

Today Fierce Reads revealed the tour stops for Leg 1 of the Fierce Reads #SpringFling Tour . . . 
and I'm SOOOOO excited to share that I'm a part of it! 

So . . . 

Ready for THE FULL SCOOP?!!!!

I thought so.:)

Here you go! The Fierce Reads Spring Fling Tour!!!!!

I'm SOOOO excited to be part of this AMAZING tour!!!!!!

Thank you Macmillan for including me and for helping the #NILtribe go national! 

SO COME SEE ME AND THESE OTHER AMAZING AUTHORS! Cool authors! Amazing books! Fantastic Readers! It's going to be an awesome week!!!! It's going to be FIERCE!!!!

More details soon, but in the meantime, go to Fierce Reads to find out more about each of these authors and these incredible Fierce Reads...including NIL UNLOCKED!:)

I can't wait to meet the #NILtribe on the road!
