Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brazil. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 09, 2014

World Cup 2014: Brazil Was Die Mannschaft-ed 7-1

You don't have to like soccer to appreciate the historic moment in sports history.  You don't even have to like sports to appreciate the epic quality of the German victory.  The match happened yesterday, but it's taken this long for the results to sink in.  At the time, all that my buddies and I felt was shock and disbelief ... and we were cheering for Germany!  Even the great Beckenbauer tweeted, "What was that? Hard to believe."
I thought the match was going to be a tough fight that Brazil would barely win in the end given the absence of injured Neymar.  I wasn't expecting a brutal 7-1 beatdown that looked as if the Brazilians were a Little League team going up against the New York Yankees.  As the demoralized Brazilians completely collapsed in appalling fashion, the rampant Germans scored 5 times in the first half hour, and there are no words for this:

UPDATE: I had linked to a Vine of the first 5 goals, but that's been taken down since this post went online.  As a consolation prize, let me give you another Vine.  The French sports publication L'Equipe just made this Vine of a LEGO version of the poor Brazilian goalie. Aw, just look at his expressions:

The sports commentary in the aftermath of the match has been wild.  How do you describe such an epic performance?  It's World Cup history being made in front of you.  My crew and I ended up feeling bad for the Brazilians being destroyed on their own turf even as we marveled at the impeccable Germans.  You almost wanted a mercy rule to kick in and put Brazil out of its misery.  How the mighty have fallen indeed.  

Up in the ESPN booth, former German team captain Michael Ballack was over the moon, and who could blame him?  (Lookin' goooooood there, Mike!)
The Netherlands take on Argentina today for the other spot in the final.  I like the Dutch very much, but I think a Germany-Argentina final would be just brilliant ... especially if (when?) the Germans crush the Argentines into dust.

Oh, and the German team is being classy in victory.  Good for them.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Kitchen Notes: Brazilian Coffee Bean Madness

You know I love coffee. It's the Elixir of Life! If you're curious about how coffee travels from the bush into your cup, you can start with a cool glance at one Brazilian coffee plantation.

(CPD and Noli Me Tangere!, this one's for you.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Movie News: Yakuza-Flavored Brazil Nuts

And by Brazil nuts, I don't mean the tasty snacks.

I'm taking about this goofy premise for a new movie project: a Brazilian company wants to make an English-language movie set in Tokyo, with a story about the Yakuza, a Brazilian girl, and an American boy. Confused yet? The kitchen sink makes a cameo appearance.