Showing posts with label Hello Kitty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hello Kitty. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hello Wonder!

I'm working on my movie review for Wonder Woman, so here is some related entertainment in the meanwhile: the official Japanese ad campaign for the film includes Hello Kitty. Well, of course it does.  Take a look at the official Japanese website after you click away from the trailer that pops up. Here's a closer look:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Hello Breaking Bad Kitty

From the show's own hilarious reference to fans' mashups, there's plenty of giggles.  The incongruity of a cutesypoo cartoon cat juxtaposed with the grim crime world of Breaking Bad is some kind of sick genius.

First from the show itself, Jesse realizes just what kind of emergency burner phone he's been given.  Poor Jesse.  Hasn't he suffered enough already?

Then some creative fan came up with Heisenberg Kitty who's a dead ringer for Walt's alter ego.  The little bow on the now-iconic porkpie hat is a great touch:

Another fan came up with this image of Hello Kitty in a hazmat suit, and it is just WRONG yet uproariously funny. I am seriously tempted to buy the shirt.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Fun with the Papal Conclave: Alternative Smoke Colors

Previous papal hilarity here and here, and now comes this.  Please note the terrifying meaning of pink smoke.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: 5-Year-Old Girl Criminal

I yield to nobody in my hatred of the mouthless cartoon cat, but this news item is insane.  The monstrosity this time isn't a Hello Kitty-themed object but the behavior of "adults" who should know better.  Headline: "Pennsylvania kindergartener uses Hello Kitty bubble-gun at school, suspended for 'terrorist threat.'"  

A threat? It's a pink plastic toy that makes soap bubbles, for goodness sake!  The little girl's parents are considering a lawsuit.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: The Plane, The Plane!

Finally, something in air transport that's more awful than the TSA!

I think I've mentioned this Hello Kitty madness by EVA Air before, but this recent Wall Street Journal story about it refreshes all the horror.  The image gallery is simply ... unspeakable. I am happy to note, however, that the demented masterminds behind this did see fit to stock the plane with Hello Kitty-themed airsick bags.  You're going to need them, pal.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Hello Kitty Monstrosity of the Day: the Makeup Brush Set

What really gets me, though, is the ad copy:  "This set of quality makeup brushes comes in a large metallic silver Hello Kitty container. To reveal the brushes inside, simply lift Kitty's head."  I don't know if I really want to start every morning with a decapitation.