Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts

Thursday, June 19, 2014

World Cup: Spain's Out

The defending champions are out.  Is there a World Cup curse? Once is a fluke, twice is a coincidence, and three times is a pattern?  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Blast From the Past (Literally)

Hurricane Sandy is a history-making storm.  Take a look at 6 other tempests that changed history, from the "divine wind" typhoon that saved Japan from a Mongol invasion fleet in 1281 to the storm that wrecked the Spanish Armada and thus saved England in 1588 and more.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Euro Notes: Quote of the Day on the Spain Bailout

Heh (via Samizdata):
Could Brussels have been taken over by saboteurs, a secret army of eurosceptic infiltrators and spies masquerading as officials? 
I only ask because it now almost seems as if Spain’s bailout was deliberately designed not merely to fail but to inflict maximum damage on the Spanish economy and the entire Eurozone. Rarely have I seen such incompetence.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Barcelona's Last Bullfight

The end of a centuries-old tradition as Catalonia bans bullfighting.  The argument continues, of course, about whether this is a good thing or not.

Monday, August 01, 2011

No Room for Dessert: "World's Best Eatery" Closes

Chef Ferran Adria's award-winning El Bulli restaurant in Spain has closed.  Adria specializes in experimental "molecular gastronomy," which is a cool concept, though to me his dishes always resembled abstract art or even performance art (and/or weird science) more than food.  

Monday, December 06, 2010

Monday Therapy: A Tale of Two UVics

First there was this spectacular lip dub by 900 college students of UVic in Spain back in May.  (Need a reminder what a lip dub is?)

Then, thanks in part to the widespread media confusion between UVic in Spain and the other UVic in Canada, the Canadians launched their own playful (and amazing) lip dub in September with 900+ participants.  Well done, everyone!  (To clarify: the first UVic is the Universitat de Vic in Catalonia, and the second is the University of Victoria in British Columbia).

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

World Cup Obsession: Germany vs. Spain in Semifinals

It's going to be EPIC.  It better be EPIC.  My beautiful Germans have been on a roll, and I am ludicrously excited about the semifinal match later today.   After the Netherlands knocked off Uruguay yesterday (what a match that was!), I am over the moon.  Those Dutchmen!  The very same who sent Brazil home.  I'm beginning to love these guys.  Can't wait to see them in finals!

As for today's semifinal match.  My buddies are all backing Spain.  Oh, sure, Spain is good, but I have faith in my Germans.  I remember how folks thought they couldn't win against Argentina, and look how that turned out.  I'm a little concerned, though, that Mueller's not playing this match.  Never mind.  Get Klose on the pitch and turn him loose.  On the other side, I expect great things from Villa.

Ooooh, and read this little writeup that says what everybody's thinking: Germany-Spain sounds like a World Cup FINAL.  It describes the Germans with this delicious phrasing: "
playing with discipline and a seamless chemistry that makes their plays unfold like a symphony."  OH YES.  They're beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.  I love it!

I'll leave you with this awesome graphic of World Cup champions from
Geeks Are Sexy.  Is this the year for German glory?  They came so close in 2006.

UPDATE 1: As Hamlet said, "I defy augury!"  We previously met Paul the soccer-predicting octopus here.

(Note: I am also obsessing, as I do every summer, about the Tour de France -- now in Stage 4!  But there will be Tour blogging later. Oh, and my now-standard caveat remains in effect.)

UPDATE 2:  Thanks to the German side for a thrilling ride in this World Cup!  MM still loves her Germans even as she congratulates the Spaniards on their 1-0 victory.  Spain to the World Cup finals for the first time!  That Spain-vs. Netherlands final is going to be AWESOME.

UPDATE 3: I guess Paul the Octopus was right after all.  Well, dang it.