Bob Ellis says that Thad Wasson says he's out of the running for the GOP nomination for South Dakota's lone Congressional seat. That's too bad. I didn't plan to vote for him, but Wasson at least showed a refreshing honesty and willingness to think outside the parameters of politics as usual. he had the potential to be the blue-collar straw that woul stir the drink at the debates and show people you don't have to be a rich Republican who toes the party line to get involved in South Dakota politics.
Alas, Wasson got little but condescension and outright scorn from fellow Republicans. And now we're left with careful and competent Chris Nelson versus phony rich guy Dr. R. Blake Curd to fight to see who sounds more like Ronald Reagan or Patrick Henry. We'll get more of the same hoary and insincere platitudes about smaller government. With Wasson, I at least had the sense I was hearing a citizen really trying to frame his values and come up with good solutions, not just craft talking points that would press the buttons of the most voters. It's a shame Wasson doesn't have the money to make a hard run and prove that authenticity doesn't have to be a liability in politics.
Getting rid of the crooks, one ‘dirt bag’ at a time (write your own caption)
*“That’s why I left South Dakota, too many dirt bags and they all live in
2 hours ago