for those of you who don't follow me on instagram, i haven't been around much of late because the start of 2015 brought pneumonia with it, and i've pretty much been stuck inside for 2 months. ugh. and for those that do follow along on IG and FB, thank you for all the support and well wishes! i'm getting my strength back every day!
being stuck inside the house also made me appreciate the importance of having a pretty place to live. when your view is confined to four walls, they'd better be pretty ones! i also realized that i need to get hot and get some home projects done... we need to do some sprucing up and some major cleaning out around here! now that my strength is coming back, once i get caught up on work, i need to make my home a priority. it is time. funny how i perfectly decorate my place in my head, but in real life that energy tends to be directed for my clients and my personal interior design projects never happen. yeah, my living room takes a pretty picture but i need to paint, declutter and update a bit. nothing major, more like a really thorough spring cleaning. which will probably happen in the fall as i'm so behind on work!
there are lots of other exciting things in the works, so stay tuned!
ps- anybody wanna come over for a painting party? i'll provide pizza and beer. ;-)