
08 March 2011

the wish list: fred brouard abstract bronze dining table

m21 had never even heard of french artist, fred brouard, before this incredible abstract gilded bronze dining table base from craig van den brulle popped up on his facebook page yesterday, but now he feels like he might die if he can't own at least ONE of brouard's 1970's limited edition of 8 table bases. two would be better.


06 March 2011

and the winner is...

first, thank you to all who entered our "the irish country house" book giveaway! the last time we had a giveaway on our blog, a couple years ago, we only had a couple dozen entries, so we were positively shocked to get 134 entries for this beautiful book! and we truly wish we had a copy to give to each and every one of you for coming here and to participating in the silliness of our blog! (we also wish we had whole libraries to give to those of you who said the sweetest things along with your entries- you may not have won a book, but you sure won my heart- thank you!)

last time we had a giveaway, we printed out each email address, then cut them into strips and crumpled them into little balls, which we threw in front of richard in the hopes he'd single one out to play with... unfortunately, we just scared the bejesus out of him, so this time we used the random number generator at, which spat out lucky number #3- fellow blogger and dog-lover, nita, from mod vintage life!
congrats nita- your book will be on it's way to you soonish- we love you, truly we do, but we hate the post office, so it will have to wait for a trip in which we can combine mailing a couple of things. ;-)

and again, to the rest of you who played along, and who visit this ridiculous little blog of ours regularly, we sincerely thank you, and invite you to come back for another giveaway soon- this one was so much fun, we've decided we need to do more!

02 March 2011

crack that whip!

my boss is such a slave driver!  he's always spying on me to make sure i'm really working, not goofing off on facebook, playing farmville or sumpthin'.

thanks, jane...

growing up in southern california you learn instinctively at a young age never to gawk at celebrities or ask anyone for an autograph or a picture- after all, they could be your schoolfriend's mom, and your car pool driver, so why bother? celebrities are just like you and me (only sometimes richer), so don't bother them...
miss russell in the eighties
that said, there is only one time in my life have i have ever asked a celebrity for an autograph, and that was miss jane russell...  it was the late eighties and a friend and i spotted her at a restaurant in san francisco. we rudely interrupted her lunch, and asked her to sign our menus, which she graciously did, and then thanked *us* for asking her! "how in the hell do you young kids even know who i am?", she joking asked as we chatted for a few minutes, and gushed over her iconic role in "gentlemen prefer blondes".

RIP jane- you were an underrated musical comedienne, and a lovely woman to take time out of your day to chat with two young starstruck gay boys. you will always be remembered fondly!

01 March 2011

reminder- m21 would like to give you free stuff!

5 more days to enter our "the irish country house" book giveaway- get all the deets here.