Showing posts with label rice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rice. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bento No. 40 - Polar bear onigiri

I made a simple breakfast for E. Using the bear shape rice mould to make the snowy white polar bear.

Nori for eyes and mouth, a tiny sausage button for nose and dab some tomato sauce for the cheeks.

Fried some mushroom sausage and egg too.

E request for more tomato sauce to complete his bento.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bento No. 27 - Fishes in the sea of love

I have some new tools recently. Last Sunday i tried using the egg mould for the first time.
Made a fish hard boiled egg, some sausages and cutting the omelette using heart shape cutter.
Before I started to make bento, Ethan does not eat hard boiled eggs or sunny side up. Three months later, he loves to eat hard boiled eggs dip with soy sauce and sunny side up with tomato sauce.
I am still trying to introduce more food to him like the raw cucumber.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Bento No. 20 - Sausage and Egg Rice Bento

After a long break of holiday, Ethan has finally back to school. As always, we all bit on lazy mode, so I made a simple bento for him. Just boil some sausage and fried some omelete.

All kids love sausages, although we know processed meat is not healthy. hee.. but think its fine to have some for once in a while. :p