Monday, July 24, 2006


Unnecessary Roughness, which released in 2005, has sold 39 copies to date. Lesson learned? Avoid POD publishing and publication offers in the future. Design quality is compromised and getting reviews was tricky. Also, there were no "comp" copies/author/review copies in the case of UR.

Week 5 of the cleanse. This week, in addition to continuing with the ghee, there is a second phase liver flush which involves a concoction of lemon juice, cilantro, and flax seed oil. It is really sour.

Observable results: better attention to language, speaking from a grounded place. Calmer nature. Things slowing down significantly. Disappearance of hives and skin rashes. But fierce liver headaches on the left side of my head.

We had a great class on Saturday - the last that K and I will be able to attend with New Mexico on the horizon. This class was about healthy liver function. The liver is responsible for processing all drugs/antibiotics, producing tears, ridding the body of toxins, and is directly linked to anger, as well as PLANNING. Ninety percent of why people get angry is because their plans are interrupted. Those who are angriest have had their plans interrupted since birth. Hmmmm. I had my Sunday night plans interrupted for instance with a request from my publisher to fill out a 15-part marketing survey by Tuesday. But it worked out in the end - I had gotten the survey a year ago from another writer who publishes with the press, and the survey which originally took many hours over many days to fill out, underwent some small revisions and I zapped it out.

On the homefront, fires and temperatures are raging in Southern California. Riverside hit 115 degrees on Saturday and experienced a thunder storm with black clouds. I am concerned about my family. For all intents and purposes, it has fallen apart. And my father is sick. And I am trying to coordinate his care long-distance over the phone with a friend who is standing in for a son or daughter. When life falls apart...

I have changed my mind about the Total Life Cleanse. I had my one-to-one session with Dr. Gregg on Friday, had some chiropractice adjustments and released a great deal of grief. The TLC is a tool for reaching a greater clarity and for detoxifying. Detoxifying can be a scary thing. But with it, goes some of the fear of everything. I have been contemplating death a lot lately.

My homes editor likes to say of our other freelancer "Well at least he has a pulse." To that I say, "He might as well be dead." That attitudinal shift has made all the difference in getting my sections done and not depending on anyone for paid help. In this life, in this cleanse, in therapy, we all go it alone. We are all ultimately alone, even when we are partnered. And there is something of value to be learned there. That might sound negative, but I think my current meditation is on death.

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