Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Time for a giveaway!

Today I am celebrating a little social media milestone! I hit 3000 followers on Instagram! I am just blown away by that number, you guys sure know how to make a girl feel special! So as a thank you I am hosting my very first giveaway!

I have been making some new items for the shop and my giveaway is going to be this adorable State map! It comes in a 12" round hoop, you chose the state and fabric colors! 
It is ready to hang right out of the box! These will be added to my ETSY shop very soon! 
But for now, you can win one! Head on over to my instagram page to enter!

The giveaway runs until 6:00 pm CST Friday May 22! 

Good Luck!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Recycled barn wood frame

As I have been working on scrap maps I had an idea for a frame. My parents had a very old barn that my husband resided. So of course I insisted that he keep all the barn wood. It's like pure gold!

This weekend he made a frame from the wood for one of my scrap maps! The map is made with a moda fabric kit quilted onto a burlap background. .
I love the colors and how amazing they look with the wood! 

The layers of chippy paint, the natural weather to the wood! It's just perfect!! I am not sure if I can part with this one! How many maps can I hang in my house?

Happy Monday friends!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fabric mini bolt tutorial

I did a post about this a few years back but I'm still getting some questions! I decided to do an updated post on how to make fabric mini bolts! 
I have become quite the fabric collector over the last few years and when I'm not careful I end up with piles like this: 
So before I let the fabric take over my room I made mini bolts using foam core. 
I bought a bunch of standard size boards all in white. One board will get you 8 mini bolts. I cut them down to 7.5" x 10".
You will also need long quilting pins. The small ones bend really easy. I fold each piece of fabric lengthwise and then into 3rds.
 I can wrap anywhere from 1/2 yard to 3 yards on one bolt. 
Begin by wrapping one end onto the bolt. 
Continue tonwrapmuntil you get the end of your fabric. 
Fold over the end to form a triangle.
 Fold over the edge and insert a pin to hold it into the bolt. 
You may need 2 depending on how wide the triangle is. 
That's it! They are so easy and store your fabric so neatly. 

This is a cubby from target meant for a kids room, it works perfectly and was rather inexpensive. 
I also have a cabinet that my hubby built years ago for me. 
I keep all my fabric organized by color to make it look pretty and it's easy to find! 
Now for the scraps. They all use to be in one large bin. But I have recently bought this great cabinet at wal mart and some great bins from Hobby Lobby to sort all of my scraps by color. It works great and I use more scraps now that they are organized and out in the open! 
I hope that answers all of your questions on the mini bolts! If not feel free to message me and ask! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Scrap map tutorial

I am just in love with the the "scrap maps" I have been seeing recently!!
I decided to try making one myself for my craft room. I have so many pieces of scrap fabric I figured this would be a great way to use them!  I just pulled from the bin, 50 different pieces to use! It was so hard to resist the urge to coordinate it all.
First I downloaded the states from Dream a little bigger  she has each state ready to download and import into the silhouette!! 
You can then cut them out using your silhouette cameo machine! 
I couldn't decide exactly how I wanted to do this so I tried cutting the fabric with the silhouette directly first. 

The only problem with this is it was very tedious to cut each scrap to fit the state and then arrange them all the right way on the mat. 

Next try- cut the states out of heat n bond, iron onto fabric and hand cut! That worked! 
That went much quicker!! Now I will tell you, the states are not all the right size. Most of the east coast is too big, you will need to re size them before you cut! See New Jersey here, way to big! 

Once I had all my shapes sized to fit like a puzzle & cut out, I appliquéd them to the burlap! 
Next up, the sewing. I did not want this to be super perfect. I call it intentionally messy! Zig zags and straight stitch! I used black thread and simply started sewing. 
This took a lot less time than I thought it would! And I just love the result!!
Tonight I'll be mounting it and finishing the edge! I can't decide, scrap edge or fray the burlap?!
I can't wait to hang it in my room!! I do plan to mount it to a painted board and hang on the wall. There are so many ways you could do it!

I will also be adding this to my shop in March after I get back from a much need week in the Dominican!!! Stay tuned!

You can follow The little Green Bean on instagram for updates on the maps, and so much more!

Happy Thursday!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Transformation Tuesday-My workspace

I have posted about my craft room several times over the years. What can I say, I love my space! I also love to share and hope that it inspires even 1 person! I have an amazing room thanks to my hubby, he owns his own construction company and he really can build anything! So 1 1/2 yrs ago when I decided I needed him to remove a wall to join 2 rooms and make my room bigger, he didn't even argue! (yes he is a saint!) When we did that re model the room was primarily gray, and while I love neutral, after some time it was just OK.
Something else I realized was it just wasn't as efficient as it could be. I had items out all the time that I rarely used and things shoved n drawers and cabinets that I forgot I had and bought more of! 
It was time for a change! I was going to add some color, clean, purge & re-organize! And then I did just that! 
Here is what I new for sure; 
I wanted red and aqua accents. 
I wanted clear containers
I wanted more shelves for the walls to hold the clear containers
I needed more fabric storage (a lot was in a cubby)
I wanted more of what I love in this room

So I spent one Saturday afternoon shopping like it was my job. 
Target, Hobby Lobby & TjMAXX received a lot of my money that day! 

After cleaning, painting and a lot of re thinking my placement here is where I landed:

The walls are all the same gray color, but I used a wall stencil & some aqua paint to add the design! 

I am in this room, well a LOT. So I needed it to be functional but pretty & uplifting! 

As you can see, I have a lot of fabric. Now all of it is out right where I can see it. 
Later this week I will post a how to on the mini foam core bolts I made. 

Loving the 6ft long Ironing board!!! 

This room is really 2 room turned into one. The other half is more for paper crafting and has another great work counter that my kids love to use!

Everything now has a place and it works the way I need it to! 

If you have any questions on what I did, where I got specific items or organization in general, post them in the comments. I would be happy to help you out! 
Thanks for looking!