I am Mother,Grandmother, Wife, Daughter,Sister,Aunt, Friend.
I am constant and ever changing.
I love and am loved.
I am ME! for what ever and whom ever that is..
I am discovering and rediscovering myself and life .( I am a bad speller and I stink at grammar. Shame on me at my age I know , but I am working on it.) My Family was as diverse in it's traditions as it was in its heritage.My Mother, Dutch-Italian-Irish from the north , My Father, Southern-Scotch -Irish-English. My sister and I were adopted so into that mix you add, Irish - Native American and some German and ... Wham! you have a traditional version of the American melting pot filled with a variety of ingredients, which all blended together to teach us to honor the uniqueness in the ones we love and the strangers who are friends we simply haven't met yet. Welcome new friends. If you leave a comment and i don't respond, it's not that i am rude. I am a bit shy, or i may not know what to say, and sometime a bit bubble headed. But I read them all and love to hear from you All.