Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apple. Show all posts

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Before my Corn Mother Dolly returns to the Garden,

I though I would share her with you .

( you can click on the photos for a better look)

She is a corn dolly, aka a representation of the Corn Mother, the Harvest Mother, The Corn Maiden, The Old Woman, The Old Grandmother, The Carline, among other names which the spirit of the corn ( grain or cereal) may be called.

Since coming to our home from the last harvest,
she has supervised many plantings for this spring's garden and on the final day of planting she was returned to the garden to watch the sun set and to be tilled into the first garden furrow of the new planting season.

She was made of corn husks and silk, wheat, dried fairy roses and bits of hydrangea blossoms. Her lovely face was that of an apple plucked strait from the tree, carved and then dried on to a dowel.

and tied with green garden jute at the waist

Later a dried Pink Pearl Apple slice was added because it looked so pretty on her.

Though she returns to her garden home this spring, she will return to our home in August/September when the last grains are harvested. Her face will be a bit different. Her dress and ornamentation will be new . But her spirit will be the same.

till then
here's wishing you a bountiful gardening season .
Ma Fey
The Spirit of The Corn Mother Dolly

Don't forget to enter Ma Fey's Groovey Giveaway

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fried Cheese-N-Apples

This is one of my very favorite snacks.
I remember the first time I had this. It was way to many moons to count ago, that one of my gradeschool friend's mother made these for us one Saturday afternoon. I don't remember what she called them, but I know they had a name.
Any way , I have never forgotten how to make them, and they have been a long time favorite of both my family and friends.

The following directions are based on plain cheddar cheese and a green granny smith apple
( the way I had it the first time) , BUT, as my adventurous side has taught me, Pears and provolone or apples or pears and mozzarella with a bit of Italian seasoning on top , or.. well lets just say the combination possibilities are endless. I hope you enjoy this unexpected taste pleasure as much as my family and friends do .

1/2 of a medium sized green apple ( tart and juicy is best) sliced thin

1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese ( sharpness is your choice)

Olive Oil Pan Spray

A good non stick skillet

Spray your skillet with the Olive oil pan spray and heat to not quite smoking .

Lay the apple slices out on to the hot pan and let them sizzle about 10 seconds then flip them.

Cover with the cheese in a circular fashion and let fry till is slides easily around the pan then flip ad fry the other side.

Remove to sturdy paper plate when edges are crisp and slice into wedges and enjoy.

Nutrition facts:

Fried Cheese and Apples Snack

calories 157.5

calories from fat 81.5

saturated fat 5g

Trans fat 0g

Cholesterol 30mg

sodium 181mg

total carbs 13.5g

dietary fiber 2g

sugars 9.5g

Protein 7g

Based on :

1/2 Medium Apple with skin

calories 47.5

calories from fat 1.5

saturated fat 0g

Trans fat 0g

Cholesterol 0mg

sodium 1mg

total carbs 12.5g

dietary fiber 2g

sugars 9.5g

Protein 0g


1/4cup shredded cheddar cheese

calories 110

calories from fat 80

saturated fat 5g

Trans fat 0g

Cholesterol 30mg

sodium 180mg

total carbs 1g

dietary fiber 0g

sugars 0g

Protein 7g