Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Astronomical Paris 2009

Astronomical Paris is a record by photographer Valentin Grigore and writer Andrei Dorian Gheorghe of their visit in January 2009 to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, and the International Astronomical Union for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 under the Sign of Galileo.

Heavenly Bodies Over Paris-Meudon

The Paris Royal Observatory

Of the many photographs, all © 2009, Valentin Grigore, these three are my favourites.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Yves Montand: Les Bicycles

A bicyclette... Uploaded by daniela-lucie

En hommage à Yves Montand... Requiescat in Pace !

Ce que je ne digère pas : Enterré au cimetière du Père Lachaise à Paris auprès de Simone Signoret, sa dépouille sera exhumée en novembre 1997. Aurore Drossart prétendait en effet depuis quelques années être la fille illégitime de l'acteur, et avait demandé que la Cour d'appel de Paris fasse exécuter une expertise comparative de l’ADN, qui se révélera d'ailleurs négative.

I first saw this delightful video on Deslias' Brienne-la-vieille Daily Photo

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Kiesa Kay: Baby Doe's Lullaby


There's a dragon in my coffee cup
so maybe he will help, you see,
the mermaid on the porch is angry
she says her flying monkeys
zoomed to Sumatra without her
I offer her the bathtub
but she prefers the creek
and the otters in the garden
keep singing
the dragon offers his wings
in exchange for her tail
they're still bartering
as I fall asleep
in the rainstorm


Kiesa runs Oleander Cottage, a holiday home and a retreat for writers and artists in France.