Showing posts with label drawing tuesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drawing tuesday. Show all posts

22 February 2022

Drawing Tuesday - "animal magic" or Brunei Gallery

 For those not meeting at Brunei Gallery, the suggested topic is "animal magic". Used to be a tv show of that title, anyone remember it? Here's a classic installment from 1967 -

Anything to do with animals is grist for the mill this week!

From Ann - A magical cat called Casper....still miss him after 5 years.

From Carol - I went to the Brunei and really enjoyed just working in ink for a change. This is ‘The world inside the mountain’ by Dong Jinsheng. 3 crows included (does that pass as animal magic).

From Jo - This is a ceramic animal (deer?), decorated to look like stitched fabric and - this is the magic - if you pull its red, felt tongue you get a self-retracting tape measure! It has FOREIGN stamped on its bottom and is fairly hideous, but I couldn't resist it in some long-forgotten charity shop. Its about 4 inches high.

From Janet K - Inuit sculpture drawn at the Montreal Museum of Fine Art a few years ago.  Spirit carrying a fish by Nick Sikkuark. Bone, fur, antler. Made about 2000.

From Joyce - Here are two Wood ducks and a Mandarin duck at Kelsey Park,  from a photo I took a few weeks ago.

From Judith - Inspired by woodcut ‘Morning Mist’ at Brunei Gallery exhibition of modern Chinese woodblock prints.

From Najlaa -  I just finished this fabric owl panel with wadding and machine stitch.

From Richard - For some reason I'm reluctant to draw from photo's but it seemed the best option this time. We have a low-pitched lean-to shed with a corrugated panel roof. It has become a green roof almost entirely without interference. Three weeks ago we found a fox asleep on it.

From Sue K - l love the starling murmurations - l used a freeze frame found on the internet as reference. 

From me - "The guys" live on the top shelf of Freya's kitchen (that her daddy made for her). The changing population includes bears, rabbits, pigs, dolls (handmade by grannies), and at the bottom of the crowded heap, an emu.

15 February 2022

Drawing Tuesday - umbrellas and/or Maritime Museum


For those not going to the Maritime Museum, the topic is umbrellas. "Let a frown be your umbrella" - who said that?

Bing Crosby sings "Let a smile be your umbrella" here - lots of smiles, a fair amount of rain, and one umbrella.

Umbrellas have been around for 4000 years, first used as parasols. Here's a short history, and this image is from that site

Did you know that there's a National Umbrella Day? February 10th.

From Judith - From the Maritime museum: Aafigure for ship Bulldog and a few Admirals

Ann - My grandson with his umbrella..using colourways of a Japanese print

From Carol - Here are 2 figureheads from the Maritime Museum.

From Janet K - I found these cocktail umbrellas while reorganising a kitchen cupboard.

From Richard - Two watercolours of a big brolly we bought in a downpour panic in Southwold, years ago. I've really enjoyed this.  Still learning to speed through the detail and blend those blues.

From Sue K - Here’s a sketch from a pic l took when we stayed at Essaouira in 2012. A memorable holiday!

From Najlaa - Umbrellas.

From Jo - This is a panel of decoration from a blue-and-white bowl my great-grandmother used to keep her Mint Imperials in. I marvel at the tiny umbrella!

08 February 2022

Drawing Tuesday - tiny things and/or Pangolin Gallery

 The exhibition at the Pangolin (near Kings Cross) is a group show of sculpture, using nature as inspiration and as a source of material. Those who drew at home focused on tiny things.

From Janet B - Vivien Finch and she brought her collection of miniature quilts and miniature beds to a quilting retreat I attended recently -

From Carol -  some tiny things from my treasures for children box

From Janet K - For tiny things I drew aerial roots on my spider plant.

This bronze sculpture [from Pangolin Gallery] is called Dagon by Abigail Fallis. 

From  Joyce - I sketched Porpoise-Evolutions 3 by Steve Dilworth. It’s made of bronze and sterling silver.

From Judith - Tiny things. Artist Tom Friedman piece seen at South London Gallery in 2004 and the feet part of Steve Dilworth sculpture ‘Three Herons’ at the Pangolin Gallery.

From Najlaa - My box of tiny beads.

From Sue K - 
I settled on a brooch, which was my mother’s & held a decorative Chinese lacquer design which got damaged. I felt sad about this & replaced the lacquer with a random pattern of hand beading. 

From Ann - 
This is a collaged piece of tiny tiny shells found on a beautiful beach in Mauritius

From me - my tiny "money plants", rescued from being overshadowed. Brush pen and sumi ink in A4 sketchbook - they're larger than life!

25 January 2022

Drawing Tuesday - "warm"

 From Richard - my feet in my very warm old Afghan hut shoes.

From Ann - A Roses choc against hot orange background. 

From Carol - I revisited an old drawing of fire I did from a couple of years ago and softened it with a rubber

From Janet B - my favourite tea cosy.

From Jo - Mmmm! Warm!

From Joyce - Oh, the Joy of getting into a warm bed!

From Judith - A good old cuppa!

From Sue K - We grew these lemon drop chillies - which certainly are warming! 

From Janet K - A Christmas present from my hubby. Very cosy and a wonderful warm colour.

18 January 2022

Drawing Tuesday - "window of opportunity"

From Ann - A drawing composition waiting to be painted!

From Gill - A burglar at work

From Janet B - Here are two I did in August 2018 from a window in the Royal London hospital. It was my second visit of the week and I was so taken with the view the first time that I took along a sketchbook and one of my favourite 2Bs. It was a long wait before I was seen but drawing was a very good way of calming my nerves. 

From Janet K - The window of opportunity to travel safely seems to be very grey and cloudy to me but maybe there is a bit of light on the horizon. Apologies to Matisse.

From Jo - Window for a grey day!

From Joyce -  we found this friendly, welcoming cafe this drizzly morning, just when we needed a coffee! 

From Judith - Here is my ‘windows of opportunity’

From Mags -  playing around  with strange juxtapositions using ' windows' created when cutting out  bits from my Greek Mythology collage book  and  the back of a camera found on a walk last year, offering different possibilities in framing a view

From Sue B - Windows in a friend’s cottage in Dorset, which beckoned lovely, cosy insides!!…I drew this in 2020 from a photograph sent to me 

From Sue K - The image is a sculpture of window shapes from the Somerset House Millenium exhibition last year - can’t find any info on the artist. Thought this mixed assembly of window parts heralded an escape route for birds which l added in. 

From Richard - I thought about our current news opening wider the window of opportunity to be rid of Boris Johnson and his cronies, and maybe even Trump. Too hard to draw, possibly too much to hope for, so I've settled for consumer fantasies.