Showing posts with label fruit bowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit bowl. Show all posts

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Sunny Fruit Bowl II

Oil on 3/4 inch canvas (10 x 10 inches)

This is a re-working of a painting I had done a while back - I always wondered if the background was a bit too dark for the overall composition. So I worked on the lights on the fruit as well as adding in some lighter green/blue into the background.  I feel like the changes allow the painting to live up to it's title - "Sunny" Fruit Bowl.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Orange Sunrise

Oil on canvas (18 x 24 inches)

Here is a painting of some clementines in a crystal bowl.  I decided to go a little abstract with the reflected light on the crystal facets and it ended up reminding me of sunrays, which inspired the title.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sunshine Clementine

Oil on Canvas (9x12 in)

I was passing through my kitchen one cold January day and was stopped in my tracks by the winter sun bathing these clementine beauties in an orange-golden glow and sending the crystal reflections dancing across the island counter.  The challenge of capturing the crystal and the reflected oranges made this a particularly fun painting to do.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sunny Fruit Bowl

Sunny Fruit Bowl  (10x10 in)  

This bowl of fruit just called out to be painted as it seemed to be lazily basking in the afternoon sunlight.