Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thoughts. Show all posts

Crisis As The Adventure Of A Lifetime! - Inspirational Article

Crisis is painful, frightening, and difficult. None of us consciously invite crisis into our lives. We do not look forward to the next life threatening event to come our way. We have never received an invitation to celebrate a crisis in the life of one of our friends.

The news of a crisis brings feelings of sadness, fear, and regret. No one wants to face death, financial ruin, loss of a job, or a divorce. We do not wish these events on others.

Crisis is a two edged sword. It brings the destruction of life as we have known it. It threatens our status quo, creating chaos where there was once stability. It challenges our beliefs and response patterns. It pushes our ability to cope. But crisis always brings opportunity for something new to develop from the ruins of our old way of life. Its pain is like the contractions of labor; almost too much to bear, yet easily forgotten with the joy of a new birth.

Crisis offers many hidden benefits to those who accept the challenge to transform in the face of disaster. It gives you the opportunity to shift directions and make important changes in your life. As people re-evaluate the meaning of life during their crisis, they often discover their life mission, giving them a greater sense of direction and purpose.

Sometimes people in crisis will find an inner strength they never knew existed. Some people learn to tap into their inner guidance for day to day direction. Others find they are given the opportunity to re-evaluate core beliefs that had negatively affected their experiences of life.

Crisis invites you to experience and release old fears. In the face of death or annihilation people have the opportunity to consciously choose life, often for the very first time. Most people find a deeper connection to God or the creative force of the Universe. Many people develop a profound sense of trust, knowing there is someone or something larger than themselves that is watching over them.

Crisis is an opportunity, not a certainty. You can choose to take advantage of the energy in crisis or you can surrender to the feelings of despair and hopelessness. The adventure begins when you choose to accept the challenge and use the circumstances in your life to grow. This painful, sometimes devastating situation is only a stepping stone to something far greater than you ever imagined.

I have heard many stories of people who have accepted the challenge, transforming their lives in the midst of crisis. These people are not special. They are ordinary human beings just like you. If they can transform in the face of crisis, so can you.


This photo was taken two years ago during summer at Hyde Park, London. Tam Tam and Jake are best friends. They enjoy playing in the meadow full of dandelion flowers. As you can see they are picking those wild flowers. After picking they happily gave the flowers to their Mum’s. Tam Tam and Jake are both four years old. At such a young age they are already aware that giving flowers express their love. Seeing each other and playing together build the love and friendship. Anywhere in the world giving flower expresses love.

This is my entry to “Love as I see it". A project of flowers Philippines.

Written and photographed by: Fe Agonia

Who is the best Philosopher?

The 1st one got three and he gave one, the 2nd got two and he gave one, the 3rd got one and he gave one, lastly, the 4th got nothing but wished to give one.

From the above scenario, respondents never anticipated the 1st and 2nd philosophers because they gave something in excess of what they have. The choices remained from the last two philosophers. Respondents almost commented even. Some explained that the 3rd is the best because he gave his all. Others said, the 4th is the best because he has nothing but very kind to give one.

Honestly speaking, the 4th philosopher is just the same of 1st and 2nd philosophers. Why? In spite of nothingness, he wished to give one. Human beings, easily utter something in good fate because the situation never affects him. But once the luck is with him, a single centavo weighs. Therefore, it’s only saying or a word, nothing is sincere.

The best among them is the 3rd philosopher. He never thinks of himself but the needy. No matter what the consequences, the idea is to offer of what he had even though it costs his life. Godly spirit is with him and it gives moral support to anybody that wishes to live his life to the fullest.

Really funny story about the two Nuns!

Why we should need humor in our life? We need humor and inject it into our lives otherwise; we will end up losing our drive and motivation. Without humor our lives would be much more stressful, dull and lacking the luster of a little fun. Our daily lives are stress filled and sometimes mundane. Humor does what no other medicine can do for us. It makes life livable. Life should be like a birthday present that we have anticipated and life is something that we should all be excited about. "Keep your sense of humor. There's enough stress in the rest of your life to let bad shots ruin a game you're supposed to enjoy."

Here's the funny story about the two Nuns

There were two nuns.. One of them was known as Sister Mathematical (SM), and the other one was known as Sister Logical (SL). It is getting dark and they are still far away from the convent.

SM: Have you noticed that a man has been following us for the past thirty-eight and a half minutes? I wonder what he wants.
SL: It's logical. He wants to rape us.
SM: Oh, no! At this rate he will reach us in 15 minutes at the most! What can we do?
SL: The only logical thing to do of course is to walk faster.
SM: It's not working.
SL: Of course it's not working. The man did the only logical thing. He started to walk faster, too.
SM: So, what shall we do? At this rate he will reach us in one minute.
SL: The only logical thing we can do is split. You go that way and I'll go this way. He cannot follow us both.

So the man decided to follow Sister Logical. Sister Mathematical arrives at the convent and is worried about what has happened to Sister Logical. Then Sister Logical arrives.

SM: Sister Logical! Thank God you are here! Tell me what happened!
SL: The only logical thing happened. The man couldn't follow us both, so he followed me
SM: Yes, yes! But what happened then?
SL: The only logical thing happened. I started to run as fast as I could and he started to run as fast as he could.
SM: And?
SL: The only logical thing happened. He reached me.
SM: Oh, dear! What did you do?
SL: The only logical thing to do. I lifted my dress up.
SM: Oh, Sister! What did the man do?
SL: The only logical thing to do. He pulled down his pants.
SM: Oh, no! What happened then?
SL: Isn't it logical, Sister?
SM: ???!!?!?!?
SL: A nun with her dress up can run faster than a man with his pants down.

Laugh, live and move on! "Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine." ~Lord Byron

img src: connect1online

My friend's dreams in life

Have you ever dream of living like a princess or a queen? or how about like winning on sweepstakes or lotto? Dreaming is free so everyone has its own dreams. We have inner thoughts and many ideas in life. It can be possible or easy to achieve or just like the stories in the fairy tales. But, there are also true-to-life stories that they didn't dreamed of something, but it just happened that one day, they became rich or well-known personality.

Fulfillment in life doesn't mean you're not allowed to dream. Let me share to you some of my friend's dreams in life. I often heard this dreams from them and I can say that they have common dreams (to be rich and money… money… money…?) sigh!

• You write your own check every single week!
• You can spend more time with loved ones and friends!
• Pay off your debt!
• Go on vacation whenever you feel like it!
• Quit your job and quit making everyone else rich!
• Work from anywhere and at anytime!
• Spend more time doing what you actually enjoy!
• Invest money into other ventures!
• Get that sports car you always wanted!
• Forget about the recession and not stress about money!

How about you? Why don't you share it with us?

You’re the 1, Goldilocks!


Every time we had a family reunion and get together, sitting in a big and round dining table is the best and the most enjoyable thing for us. Our favorite meals from rice, viand to desserts are well-prepared by our Mom. Each member of the family is ready to munch the food in order to delight our craving. I also remember my little younger brother rushing to consume his rice because he wanted to be the first to eat the Goldilocks cake and salad. Dessert time is also a moment for our laughter and telling our unforgettable stories. I will share to you one of the most romantic story told by our Dad.
"It was early 90s when I experienced heavy rains that flooded Metro Manila. We're riding on a bus that time heading to our province. From bus terminal in Lawton, for only about an hour, we're stranded somewhere in San Andres due to flood. Unexpectedly, we stayed there, hour after hour. Inside the bus, everybody seems so noisy, chatting each other with different stories. To make the time out of boredom. I decided to look for somebody with sense of humor. Of course, I had seen one. But how do I will start to know her? Having a good idea, I started to break the silence.

Miss, you looked-like my cousin, I said to the girl. Really? She replied. Yes, you are, I answered. The girl said, it’s an old style technique. I knew already your next questions. You will ask me about my name, from where I am, my age and the likes, isn't it? Anyway, we’ve been talking smoothly and seemed known each other for quite sometimes.

goldilocks cake

We compromised to see each other the next Saturday afternoon when we return to Manila. The date was set and we’ve waited that date with excitement. Means of communication those days were very hard. The day came and I called her through phone. She was already home waiting for my call. At last, we’ve seen each other again. Smiles with enthusiasm and feeling of trust had been established to both of us. We decided to watch the movies. Inside the movie house, I became the best man for her. I respected her in everyway. I had proven to her, how gentleman I am. After the movies, we walked along the street. Not even holding hands. While walking, here comes something in my mind. It’s the right time to tell her what I feel. Baby, I had something to tell you, I said. Okay, come on and tell me, she said. I replied, I think this is not the proper place to talk about that. Let’s find a better place, okay. Come on.

goldilocks dessert

Only for a distant, we decided to be inside Goldilocks, Pasong Tamo. From that corner table, I started to propose. Frankly speaking, I’m sure about myself that I am beginning to like and love her. And I asked her, do you feel the same? I guess so, she answered. Well, both of us tonight were very happy and the only witness to this vow is the piece of GOLDILOCK’S CAKE place on top of this table. From now on, we will start the history of our love and hopefully it will last forever.

goldilocks dessert cake

YOU ARE THE ONE, GOLDILOCKS because you provide us that CORNER TABLE SPACE, where a wonderful, thoughtful and everlasting LOVE was born."

How to Remember What You Usually Forget

Names – When you meet someone, repeat that person’s name aloud as soon as you can. Say, “Nice to meet you, Jack.” Then look closely at him and repeat his name silently to yourself 10 times.

Numbers – Break long numbers down into meaningful chunks. For instance, a checking account number 1048630, is easier to remember if you think of it as 10:48 (time for midmorning break) and 6:30 (dinnertime).

Shopping lists -Visualize your house with a giant version of each item in various rooms: a huge egg in the kitchen, a big loaf of bread in the bedroom, etc. When shopping, mentally scan your house to recall your list.

Household chores and errands – Don’t try to remember that you must mail a letter. Instead place the letter near the door so you will see it as you leave.
Mnemonics and acronyms – Make up a verse or phrase to remember facts. For example, a well known acronym is ROY G. BIV. They stand for the colors of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

Visualize – A mental image is a picture you make up that includes the information you want to remember. Making up images is a very good way to learn and to recall. For instance, if you park your car in spot 4B, think of four bananas.

Write it down – In a survey of memory experts, their top technique for not forgetting was the simplest-makes notes. Writing forces you to focus your attention and also provides a backup in case your memory fails. Some people recall the appearance of the note, and then they remember the items on it.

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