Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet portrait. Show all posts

Friday, May 23, 2014

Puppies Pet Portrait

They don't stay puppies for long, and an oil portrait showing how adorable they are when they're small is a good thing!  Look at my pet portrait page for more information: Pet Portraits


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Pet Portrait by Mary Hughes


20" x 16" Oil on Canvas


Buddy's portrait will be an Easter surprise this Sunday to his parents. He's a beloved and missed member of the family. He was a joy to paint. Such a sweet face!! (the giver has given permission for this posting)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pet Portrait

12" x 12" Pet Portrait Commission
Gift certificates are always available for pet portraits or any commission painting. Contact me for details. 

Cat, dogs, birds, ferrets, snakes, horses, your pet chicken..... 

Gift Certificate e-mailed to you or your loved one. 

Contact me for more information

Friday, November 27, 2009

Dog Pet Portrait in Oil

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Commission

Taking Pet Portrait Orders For The Holidays

Gift Certificates available too!!


Thank you for stopping by Art by Mary Hughes

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Pet Portrait Commission

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Commission

Accepting commissions for the holidays.

Thank you for visiting!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Boo Boo and Bat Girl Painting Missing

24" x 36" Oil on Canvas: Commission

If you think you've seen these faces before on my blog and elsewhere you have. Back in February of this year their painting (below) was on it's way to Texas to hang in their home. The large painting mysteriously disappeared between Michigan and Texas and was looked into for 3 long months before given up as just permanently lost. To this date they have not been found. Odd how something so large can be overlooked or just misplaced. So now we have a new rendition of Boo Boo and Bat Girl. It's on it's way via another carrier.

Thanks for visiting Art by Mary Hughes

Friday, August 14, 2009

Scream Rocky Style

16" x 20 " Oil on Canvas: Commission

My friend Mary (not talking in 3rd person here, it's another Mary) is an avid bird lover and rescuer. She and her husband have taken in many birds and work with bird rescue organizations. Her husband has been known to go rescue baby ducks from a city sewer. They deeply care for birds and go to great lengths to help them when they can. I so very much admire them for their diligence and love.

When Mary came to me with this idea for her husband I was excited. Their parrot Rocky had been on a screaming tangent for some time and she thought this would be a fun painting to have. I just completed it and it's in the drying stages. It will be on it's way to their home very soon. I'm so happy she chose me to carry out her creative idea. It was a very enjoyable painting to do.

You can visit Mary and her family on her blog Parrot Musings. It's a fun blog to read and anyone with birds or not will appreciate the stories. You'll be able to see Rocky and his pals and their antics.

For more information or to see more of my work click here.

I'm always available for commissions. Contact me with your request.

Thank you for dropping by Art By Mary Hughes

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good Friends

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Commission

It's been my honor to paint the special friends of my customers. I feel I really get to know their pets and the owners who love them. It's certainly one of the perks of painting pet portraits. I specialize in close up detailed animal paintings on various sized canvas.

For more information on ordering a pet portrait click here.

My Website

My Blog

I'm always available for commissions. Contact me with your request.

Thank you for dropping by Art By Mary Hughes,

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Latest Pet Portrait

"Emma" 12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Commissioned Portrait

What dog lover could say "no" to that face? Cookies please? The royal purple around the edging is her collar color.

Thanks for visiting Art by Mary Hughes

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lizard Love

8" x 8" Oil on Canvas: Commission

Just finished the two lizard paintings. While focusing on them I've at the same time been watching and feeding a swan family. I'll be posting photos and the story on my Michigan blog. I've decided to try and keep this blog all about art, so I've added two blogs to my list. One is on living in Michigan and the other one is written by my dog when I'm not looking. He's a real chatty Cathy.

I'm working on a new still life on an artists' board. I'm liking the process so far. They say the colors are brighter on a panel and it is nice and smooth. Hope to have it finished very soon.

Thanks for visiting Art by Mary Hughes

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The ugly stage

I'm working on a lizard project for a nice friend of mine. The lizards are rather shy and interestingly so is the painting. What I mean by that is I'm having a small challenge getting the painting to reveal itself to me. They are sitting in their ugly stage at the moment drying and giving me some time to think about the next move. They look a bit like hand puppets at the moment. Though it might not look like it, I do have a direction.

I find some comfort I guess in a first layer, or second layer that isn't so refined. It's what I call the ugly stage. I lay down the deepest or near deepest color I think is underneath all the highlighted detail, be it feathers or fur, or scales. Sometimes it takes 4- 5 sessions before I get to the top layer of highlights and dazzle. Sometimes it takes just a few. When I get to the last passes it's surpising how quickly it all comes together. I think it's because painting the ugly layer gives me a sort of confidence. It's all up from there? I can't quite explain it but I find comfort in picking up a dry "ugly layer" and building beauty on top.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dogs and Newborns

Spring has had such a difficult time getting a toe hold here that to realize summer is just weeks away is almost a shock, but our 80 something day today helped bring that idea home!

I've had the pleasure over the past few weeks and months to paint some sweet puppy faces. These are a couple of them.

While out on a stroll around the grounds this evening with my own puppy I spied a Mourning Dove high in our pine tree deep in the shadows. I thought she might have a nest there so I went to get my camera thinking she'd be there when I got back. Her sillouette was so beautiful with the sun slanting behind her. When I returned she had taken off but I found this little egg shell low in the branches and decided it would make an interesing photo.

As I walked along peering into other dense fir trees I spotted a robin sitting with her back to me low in a dense evergreen. She spotted me at the same time and flew off leaving a babe behind. So I took a photo with a zoom and quickly left so mom would return fast. This baby doesn't have much to keep him warm just yet.

As I came up on my front porch, mommy was in a tree nearby letting it be known she was not a happy camper. So I took a photo of her too peering behind the lilacs. I went inside and things got quiet right away and all is well. Last winter I found many abandoned nests in these dense bushes I'd not noticed in the summer. So many little eyes peering out at us as we go out into the yard.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Party Girl

"Party Girl" 16" x 20" Oil on Canvas.

Every so often I get the urge to do something a little whimsicle and it would seem this was one of those times. It was a lot of fun to paint. The most difficult and time consuming part of this painting would be the bubbles.

I have not yet decided in what venue to offer it and since it's still freshly painted and about a week from drying I have a little time to think about it.

Hope everyone is having a fab Friday!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Birds, birds, birds, birds.... watch them, love them, buy their portraits!

Good news day, I'm elated!!! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Puddle of Love

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Bulldog "Gracie" Sold

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Will Spring Bring Good News?

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Sold

Certainly spring itself will feel like good news. The thaw, birds singing, greening of the world will feel like a help and hopefully lift spirits feeling worn and worried. Nature's renewal can bring hope that the tough days are temporary. Can people like trees weather the seasons of bleakness and come back in full bloom? Yes!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Time for Spring Please

12" x 12" Oil on Canvas: Sold

Puppies all over the great northern half of the country are awaiting the coming of spring. They look at us longingly hoping we can do something about the foot of snow in their yard. They're ready to smell the bare ground again, to chase squirrels, roll in the new mown grass, drink from the wading pool, run through the sprinkler, eat bugs..... How are we humans to break it to them, it may be weeks away?

Give your puppy a cookie and a pat on the head. But most of all avoid direct eye contact.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Gabriel Foundation

I'm pleased to be working in conjunction with The Gabriel Foundation of Denver Colorado. To help support this worthy foundation, I'm donating a portion of original bird portrait sales. Please visit my site page dedicated just for this purpose: Gabriel Foundation Catalog Page.

Also if you're ordering a commission portrait mention them and I'll make a donation.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Moving Forward

Bassett Hound: 12" x 12" Sold

The deep freeze is still going strong here. -5 this morning and now it's just 5.

Does it feel like the world is holding it's breath? It does to me. I wish it would just exhale already!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pet Portraits and Gift Certificates

I get asked from time to time if I would be willing to paint any kind of pet and the answer is yes! Lizards, snakes, mice, birds, cats, dogs.... Any pet is welcome. I'll paint it from the front, side, back. Close up, full body, head and shoulders... whatever you like.

I find that lots of people like to give portraits for gifts. Many people know someone who is crazy for their pet and a portrait is just the thing!

People also like to give a gift certificate to have a portrait done saving them the decision making. Those are available too!

I'm extending free shipping anywhere in the continental U.S. for a limited time, so don't wait, order today. (to place an order you can either contact me via the blog or go to my website listed on my sidebar.)