Daddy's Christmas Angel

Showing posts with label making talks to writers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label making talks to writers. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Do You Depend on Your Computer?

Today has been a dismal Friday. I knew I depended on my computer but didn't realize until this morning quite how much.

My major computer is down. It's the one with all my documents, photos, and addresses. It's my life in cyberspace all on one computer.

Tomorrow, I'm making a talk about writing for the Fredericksburg Writers Group in the morning. I also have a book signing scheduled tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 4 at the Griffin Bookshop on Caroline St. With my crowded weekly schedule, today was the day for me to get my talk ready, make new business cards, and create new flyers and other graphic materials. That didn't happen. I was going to send last-minute reminders and information about the book signing. That didn't happen either.

This evening, I also planned to attend a Homecoming Reception for alumni art students at the College of William and Mary. I'd looked forward to that event for quite some time. That also didn't happen because I lost so much time trying to fix the computer problem. Instead, I stayed home and found materials for Plan B tomorrow.

How much do you depend on your computer? Do you live your life in cyberspace?