This was one of the many plants that got trampled and broken when we had to replace the broken fence along the south-western side of the yard. Fortunately, clematis 'Ville de Lyon' came back with no problem and it did not even seem like its growth was delayed by cutting back due to the mechanical damage earlier. This variety blooms on the current year's growth therefore flowering was fine as usual.
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' is an outstanding garden vine. It is fast growing and blooms profusely in the spring. For a draw-back, the vine seems to lose its older leaves later in the season exposing its unsightly legs. However, this would not have any negative implication in the presence of low-growing and shallow-rooted perennials around its base. It has long lasting flowers.
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' was named after an historic and enduring city in France.
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon': Rounded petals with dark carmine-red edges.
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon' has medium sized (4-5 inches) flowers. The petals look rounded and velvety. Some gardeners consider the flowers red but I think that they are deep pink with very bright carmine-red edges. The color is hard to capture with my ordinary camera (meaning non-professional). I tried to take pictures many times at different times of the day but the images always came out more pale than the actual shade of the petals. Even my best shots are do not reflect the right color. Some lessons in photography in the future might be helpful. :)
Clematis 'Ville de Lyon': Medium size flowers (4-5") with yellow-tip stamens.