Pred letom in pol nazaj je tale bela kepa stopila v naše življenje in nam vzela srce. Z Benom preživiva cel dan skupaj. Ko so moji fantje v službi in v šoli je on ob meni. Dela mi družbo med delom, ko tiho leži blizu mene. Spremlja me po opravkih, predvsem pa me pelje na čudovite sprehode. Vsak dan pobegneva v naravo, kjer so oba počutiva najbolj svobodno. Medtem ko Ben raziskuje naokoli, jaz poslušam petje ptic, šelestenje listja in se polnim z energijo. Včasih se usedem na preprogo listja in rišem ideje, ki so priletele k meni.
Odpravite se v naravo. Odprite oči in ujemite trenutek. Obdaja nas lepota, ki ji človeška roka ni kos.
Začnimo uživati v majhnih stvareh, brez nepotrebne krame in vzemimo življenje v svoje roke. V resnici potrebujemo tako malo, da smo lahko srečni.
A year and a half ago is this white furry ball came into our lives and takes ours heart. Ben and me spend the whole day together. When my boys are at work or at school Ben is beside me. He keeps me company while I'm working. Follow me on an errands, and the most importent he takes me to beautiful walks. Every day escaping into the forest, where both feels freedom. While Ben is exploring around, I listen to the singing of birds, the rustle of leaves, and full myself of energy. Sometimes I sit down on a carpet of leaves and sketching ideas that they came to me.
Go to the nature. Open your eyes and capture the moment. We are surrounded by beauty, which no human hand is not able to do.
Let us begin to enjoy the small things, without unnecessary junk, and take control of our lifes. In fact we need so little that we can be happy.