Razmišljala sem o ljubezni in o prijateljstvu. Srce ne išče idealnega, najlepšega, najprimernejšega, enakega, ampak začuti energijo in si izbere pravega. Ljubezen in prijateljstvo ni pravo takrat ko smo si popolnoma usklajeni, temveč takrat ko zmoremo skupaj prebroditi prepreke, ki so nastale na naši poti. Vsaka prepreka, ki jo premagamo nas narediti močnejše in premagajmo te prepreke z nekom, ki nam je najbližje. Premagane prepreke nas bodo le še bolj povezale. Predvsem pa poslušajmo sebe in ne ozirajmo se na okolico, kajti naše življenje bo tako kot si ga bomo sami vzeli.
Če z enim stavkom povzamem ilustracijo. Ljubezen (in prijateljstvo) ne pozna meja.
I've been thinking about love and friendship. The heart is not looking for perfect, the most beautiful, the most suitable, the same, but the heart feel the energy and choose the right one. Love and friendship is not the right when we are harmonized with each other, but then when they can together overcome the obstacles that have been in their way. Every obstacle we overcome make us stronger and do it with someone who is closest to us make and connect as more stronger. Above all, listen to yourself and don't mind what the others think, because our lives will be as like we want it.
Love (and friendship) knows no limit. This is what illustration says.